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  1. Enigma

    Mx Female Wanders and Wanderlust.

    Greetings, one and all. I am Enigma, I know such a name, how clever, and perhaps a bit self indulging. This is the place however, to indulge is it not, a mindscape and vast region of fantasy, pleasure, intrigue and depth, should you know where to look. I am looking for someone to weave a story...
  2. Ocean Eyes

    Mx Male đźŚŠ Roleplay Search Thread (Looking For; Genshin Impact Roleplays!)

    Hello all, As always I am in search of new roleplay partners! Short-term or long-termed, it doesn’t matter to me, we can just go with the flow of things and see wherever that takes our characters and roleplays. This is a new thread for some roles/plots that I currently have a craving for. Short...
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