Mx Female A Myriad Of Mom/Son Ideas

May 28, 2021

First of all, thank you for your interest! Hopefully you see something here that you like and will eventually lead to a long term RP for us both.

I've been roleplaying for about 16 years now. I tend to prefer long term roleplays as it allows us to build up characters, explore ideas, and have a lot of fun and kinky adventures. I like to have a connection with the characters and people I play with and as such, short term RPs just don't do it for me.

  • I prefer long term RP.
  • I prefer to play in third person, but I can do first if it works better for you.
  • While I can generally reply pretty quickly, life does happen and unfortunately it isn't always something I can give notice about. I will always reply at least once per day, even if it's just a quick note about being busy. I'd like for my partner to have roughly the same response time.
  • The plots listed below are relatively simple/basic. But that's because I'd prefer to use them as a jumping off point and build the scene a bit together before starting. You're an active part of this RP too, so it's only fair that you also get to contribute to it.

My kinks can be found here.

On to the ideas:



This one is pretty straight forward. We live in suburbia and have a relatively comfortable, typical, upper middle class life. You're married to my dad and happy, and I think I would have a sibling or two as well. But dad and my siblings would be ther for story purposes only. Maybe the marriage is a bit cold or distant, or maybe it's just boredom. But one way or the other, we end up in a sexual relationship that we can't stop. Or just don't want to. I'd like to involve a lot of sneaking around, risky sex, and I'd also be open to including things like falling in love, running away, and maybe even marriage and pregnancy, if you want to go that far?

Dad is a bit of an abusive prick. But what can you do when he's the sole income provider, and a cop on top of it. The fear of what wI'll happen if we run is so great that it keeps us both in his grasp for a long time. Until one night it's just too much. We snap, knock him out, and flee, taking nothing but the clothes on our backs and running off into the night. We need to stay off the radar, find somewhere we can be safe, and start all over again.

Not a necessity, but I had an idea where he was unable to get it up, and he vented it by making us have sex while he watched. Now that we are free of him, we need to reassess what our relationship actually is. Or what we want it to be.

You're a single mom, making it on her own as best she can. We live not too bad, but with not a lot of extra income or time to explore anything like dating or a social life.
  1. I could see that you don't do anything for yourself and decide that I want to treat you to a romantic-type home cooked meal, followed by a bubble bath and a massage. Maybe we end up crossing a line in the heat of the moment?
  2. We could have/come up with an agreement. You're a woman with needs, I'm a horny teen with urges. Maybe we decide that we can help each other out from time to time?

What could the business be? Well that's up to us. Maybe we own a little diner on the side of the highway, the kind of place that barely sees any customers and has a small trailer out back that we live in?

Or maybe it's a bar that we own, a small beach side place? Or it could be a small bakery or business you run and I help at?

The business itself would factor into the RP, and function almost as a getaway for the illicit lovers.



This has a lot of room for input on this one. You're a sorceress and I'm your son. Maybe we work for an evil warlord? Maybe we're on our own and live outside a kingdom. I'm thinking this would involve a lot of dark magic and that we most likely wouldn't be "good" people. However, I'm open to any input you might have.


What if Lara Croft had a son at some point in her adventuring career? That's what I would like to explore here. I'd be more of an accomplice/partner, getting my education from ancient texts and temples instead of from a classroom. Growing up, I was learning dead languages and weapons training while most kids were learning civics and gaming in their rooms. We could be hunting a specific fabled treasure, or we could be going from temple to temple and just explore the ongoing life of these two.

We could also do something like they are exploring a fertility temple and require an act to progress, forcing them to initially get together, which only leads to more intimate acts.

I'm open to you potentially playing a version of Trinity, but you may want to play as an original character for this.

Maybe we have our own isolated training program, or maybe we go into the Matrix. I'm thinking we could be a part of a ship crew (or it could be just family) and over the course of a mission, we grow closer. Since the Matrix isn't "real", anything we do in it isn't technically wrong, right?

I've got a few potential ideas here:

  1. You're a Star Destroyer captain. After the fall of the Emperor at Endor, we've joined an Imperial Remnant and are trying to recapture the glory of the Empire, even as we start to become disillusioned with it. Maybe with rank breaking we just give in to our urges, or maybe it's our love of the Empire that brings us together? I'm picturing you as sort of an icy personality, at least at the start, who gradually warms up at least to me once we start getting intimate.
  2. Jedi on the run. After Order 66, we managed to flee to safety. But everything we know is gone. All our friends are dead. And we're being hunted. The stress and strain would eventually cause a lapse in judgement, and two pure Jedi would get up to no good.
  3. Bounty Hunters. We're quickly making a name for ourselves as a formidable mother/son duo. In a lawless galaxy, why would we bother adhering to any rules regarding our relationship?
  4. A part of the rebellion. After the Empire killed my father, you dragged me off to join the rebellion with you. It's less than ideal for me, stuck along on a backwater world with not much to do. Maybe it's partially out of guilt, or maybe loneliness, but we end up taking out relationship to the next level.
I don't have a scene so much as a list of different potential celebrities. For this, I was thinking:

  • Angelina Jolie
  • Ali Larter
  • Jaime Pressly
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Lena Headey
  • Kate Hudson
SCI-FI *coming soon*

POST-APOCALYPTIC *coming soon*
HISTORICAL *coming soon*
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