Mx Any Ramen at Midnight


Jun 5, 2021
*My RQT is a lot like an Ohio construction site, never finished and no one is ever working on it. Honestly, I just move the orange cones around every now and then.*

I think my problem is that I have really fantastic bad ideas
500 words / No Limits
When contacting me on a plot, if you could put everything together in one message, that'd be great.
As much as I enjoy chatting with people on the internet, I don't have all day to play 50 questions.
Feel free to post replies at your leisure. Ghost, and come back three months later, it's all good. I work on what I have in front of me.
I'm like an old yellow taxi. Tell me where you want to go, and I'll try to get you there.​

Night Terrors
Inspiration: Catherine
The RP has two sides, the waking side, and the dream side. The two sides have some overlap as they bleed into one another. I wanted it to be a playground.
Take the Slice RP of YC's waking side and then twist it up on the dream side into a mini sexy adventure.
The antagonist would be a Succubus/incubus type character that would torment the protagonist in his/her/they dreams by twisting or exploiting the anxieties and inhibitions of the slice-based RP.
I wanted the two halves to contrast in that the waking world would be mundane and then have the dream world supercharged and over the top. Slice- High-sex-fantasy- Slice with highs and lows recycling


Virus D
Inspiration: Rick Potion #9 (S:1 E:6)
It's like a survival horror game along the lines of resident Evil. There's a laboratory leak and the infection starts to spread turning people into sex-crazed zombies. At first, it's like an aphrodisiac, the longer a person is infected the more the virus changes them until they become weird fuck monsters. low brow crass and twisted I know. K.I.S.S.


Extinction Earth
Alien invasion
I know monsters again. My favorite part of survival movies is when the shit first hits the fan and everything goes to hell. Whether you dream about fighting a desperate guerilla war against alien invaders or dream of being taken captive for an alien sex slave breeding program or just experimented on.


Cute tiny creatures with vapid meaningless lives. It was meant to be carefree and funny bouncing between uninhibited fuckfest and hijinx. All the characters are fairies in a fantasy forest. There's a dryad hedge-witch that eats lost children. The magic is emotion-based, like curses, high emotion=stronger magic. Honey is an aphrodisiac.


I haven't played D&D since the 2nd edition, but I still think about it. I'm probably going to get around to posting a complete dungeon crawl module at some point.

At some point, I would like to do a Mad Max-style post-apocalypse. Never seem to be able to get one off the ground.

The monster under the bed.

Red riding hood.

Jumanji of sex.

Lewd kingdoms online.

Divorce/pool boy

student/teacher or tutor

summer camp/ councilors

cabin in the woods

snowed in

I've been doing modern fantasy for a couple months now and I'm looking for an old school dungeon crawl.

The other thing I've been thinking about is some kind of war trophy rp. Besieged city, post battle field, kind of thing.
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There's alot of stuff that isn't worth putting on a rqt because like 10 other people already have that. It's just meh.
I believe every story has to be tailor made for the participating players, so what I'm about to write is due to sheer idiocy and over caffeination on my part. Today I have three starters to write for my Fallen Gods plot. In the past some hypersexualized fantasy worlds just felt fun, and left me with a longing to go back and do it again. So, after a night of cruising Star Wars canon, and discovering just how big it was, I've decided to bring it all together under one roof in one Gobi gangbang compendium. That's the over ambitious idiotic part, because with every word I write, I'm giving every prospective partner a reason to say "No, not for me". While writing starters and sifting through the cutting room floor for characters will be immensely easier, I fully expect more and more partners to reject all my dirty old man ideas. How do I fix that problem? I have no fucking idea.🤪
I put a glossary to Fallen Gods in the World Building section. It's a work in progress that I'm writing as other Roleplays play out in order to bring the world together across different RPs and to fill in the gaps of my own writing. The idea that I have the time to even consider such a project is a miracle in and of its self. So, please🙏 don't hate me if it doesn't fill up as fast as you may wish.
Always looking for wild and interesting stories, if you have an idea let me know.
Let me bump this.

I got one plot out, as soon as that gets rejected I'll toss it on the dumpster fire over here.
This is starting to feel more like a mental illness rather than a hobby
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