Light Yagami_KIRA
- Joined
- Jan 17, 2009

They called him a murderer, criminal, serial killer. They thought he was crazy, insane for doing what he did. Insane huh? Insane was an understatement, but you could never go right up and say that to his face. Unless you wanted to die of course, and depending on his mood or how bad he took the insult, the death would either be quick and painless or slowly and painfully..He wasn't one you would mess with, anyone who crossed him always got the worse end of it, and if they didn't at first, he would devote his time in making sure they paid sooner or later.
Light Yagami was the name of this man but only a few people know who is was in secret. Kira, the so called New God of the world. The one who killed criminals day after day because he thought he was upholding justice. It was his goal to eliminate the wicked, to create an new world free of crime. He was entrusted, no, he found an unknown power that gave him the ability to kill anyone as long as he had a face, a name, a pen, and a special note book. Death Note it was called, a power known only to a shinigami, a god of death. The Note Book even came with instructions for the one who first picks it up, stating specific rules and how to kill. Anyone would think it was a prank at first, but there is just something about the note book that makes a human want to try it at least once. Though after the first time of revealing its power the user gets rid of it. That wasn't the way for Light, no, he used it to complete a goal and dream he's had for so long. The dream of rebuilding the world into a utopia where he rules over as God.
This man devoted his life, his own soul to achieve his goal, but many obstacles laid ahead in his creation. There were those out there who didn't believe what he was doing was justice. They thought it was evil, inhumane, and so they devoted their own life to stop him at all costs. He was so close, already eliminating one of the major problems that kept him from being God, all he had was one more game to play, one more puzzle to solve. But it ended in failure! No! It wasn't his fault, everything on his end was perfect, he just misunderstood his own proxy. He didn't think the male would go against his orders and do things on his own without his consent! That is why he failed, because he had to rely on others at the time, and all they did was prove to be worthless, pathetic. It was obvious now he couldn't have others help him, he had to do it on his own, but would be get a second chance or was it all over for him?
On January 28th Kira was caught and apprehended but instead of sending him to death or a prison, the task force talked it over and decided on sending him where he truly belongs, an insane asylum. Kira wasn't just a murderer, he was crazy, mad with power and it just kept getting worse, festering inside of him to the point of insanity. It could of been all the stress, or he just couldn't handle the power he was given, maybe both. Either way he was stripped of his powers and sent to be locked up under high security in a insane asylum where he would live the rest of his life like a caged animal..Or would he?..
Light was located in the back part of the asylum, where the most dangerous people go. He was behind a big metal door with the numbers 666 embedded on it. They chose this number as a joke and also because they thought it that went along with his personality. On the side of the door was a small screen along with keys under it so that one had to type in a password just to open the door. They didn't know Light was Kira because the task force kept that secret all they warned was he was dangerous and should be locked up. He was labeled as insane, yes, but he could also appear calm and collected, even normal, but he was a manic depressant, one second completely normal, the next a psycho path, that is why he needed to be under high security at all times.
The room he was in was like a normal bedroom in a way but plain. He had a toilet, sink and a bed, but nothing else. At shower time he went in alone with the guards outside until he finished. Light had to wear a band on his ankle that beeped if his temper reached a certain point. He was constantly given a pill to keep him calm but of course he never took it it. He was able to keep himself normal, but there were times he just snapped. He had to be monitored whenever he was allowed to be with the other patients but he wasn't monitored in his room, that was the only place he had full privacy to himself. Light was treated no different then a prisoner, his treatment was different from the rest, but still, better to know you were safe then being surrounded by the ones you've been killing for years, how ironic would that be.
Light was sitting on the bed wearing a simple long sleeved black shirt and black lose pants, no shoes, no socks, nothing else. He didn't even have his watch, that was one of his prized possession and it was taken away as well. His eyes looked forward thew his bangs because his head was lowered. It would appear he was sulking in his failure but he was also trying to come up with a plan. He's been in this place for about a month now but so far hasn't come up with one idea of how to escape.
"Uh..This is boring, there's nothing to do here.." Light's fingers fiddled with the chain on his left wrist that connected him to the wall. The chain was long so it gave him moving room but he could go no further then the line on the floor that left about 5 feet of room by the door encase someone entered and he decided to attack, but once they crossed the line he could reach them, that might come in handy later. "Shut up Ryuk..This is your fault also.." Light said turning his head to look at the creature that was only visible to his own eyes. "How is it my fault?" Ryuk asked looking confused. "If you would of let me use your Note Book then I wouldn't be in this damn place!! I have to suffer, and so do you.." Light crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "Just be patient..I'll think of something, and when I do, I'm going to exact my revenge on everyone involved!" Ryuk laughed. "I hope your right about that."