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Mx Any A Jumble of Fandom Ideas | Craving League of Legends


May 17, 2018
Hello one and all! Thank you for taking the time to come check out my humble request thread. Before getting started I should mention that this is mostly a copy/paste of my FxF thread for the time being, until I get around to fully editing it. Lately however I've had a craving to play as male characters opposite females, so that's what I'm hoping to get out of this. There's every chance some characters or pairings might not make sense simply because I haven't gotten around to changing them yet, but if you see something that piques your interest feel free to send me a message anyway and we can try to work something out! For what it's worth, I'm happy playing pretty much any male character from any of the fandoms listed below.

Anyway, back to the thread. Hopefully you didn't come here expecting beautiful layouts and formatting with spatters of art here and there, as unfortunately that's all outside my area of expertise. What is in my area of expertise however is writing! Or roleplaying, to be specific. I'm by no means the best writer in the world, but I think I get by reasonably well. I've roleplaying for a number of years now on and off different sites with different partners, some long-term, some short-term, all fun, so I figured it was about time I started throwing out some of my own ideas rather than just responding to other people's in the hopes they'd have similar interests as me. I usually prefer my roleplays to be multi-paragraph. 2 - 4 is usually my preference, but I don't mind a single paragraph so long as it covers everything that needs to be said, such as during dialogue, for example. I'm also a huge fan of rapid, back and forth replies too, but really it depends on the RP itself

Anyway, with that brief messy introduction out of the way, onto what everyone came here for in the first place - the ideas! Like I mention in the title most of these will probably be fandom based. I usually prefer Canon x Canon when it comes to these, but I'm not opposed to Canon x OC or OC x OC so long as the plot is interesting enough. I'm also happy to double up for a lot of these too! My plot-to-smut ratio varies wildly with ideas. While I do enjoy sprawling epics with tons of character development in them and a slow burn romance, I'm also just as happy for a quick, smutty one shot where we throw two characters at one another to fuck each others' brains out. I'd prefer my partner to play female characters, but I might be open to others depending on the characters/scene involved, so just let me know.

Now I'll just awkwardly leave my f-list here since I couldn't find anywhere else to fit it, woops.

Note: Most images are probably gonna be NSFW, but hey, what do you expect on a site like this?

Arknights (Craving)
My biggest craving right now, I've been absolutely hooked on the game, the characters and the world. There's so many characters to choose from and even more potential pairings that listing them all here would take up way too much space. Instead I'll just list a few of my favourite characters who I'm likely willing to play both as and against, but if you have any suggestions of your own please don't hesitate to bring them to the table too and we can see what we can work out! I'm very flexible and open to ideas, I just really want an excuse to RP in this world. In no particular order, the characters I'm most interested in including in an RP are Ch'en, Swire, Hoshiguma, W, Exusiai, Texas, Rosa, Blue Poison, Blemishine, Whislash and Utage. But again, I'm very open to ideas and suggestions and would love to hear any you might have in mind too! As mentioned before I'm happy to play just about any character in this world, so let me know if you have any cravings of your own.

My Hero Academia
So I'm in love with this show right now! The characters are fantastic, whether its their personality or their designs or their Quirks, or a combination of all of those things, every single one of the characters in the show (bar one) is lovable in their own way, especially the girls! When it comes to this fandom, I'd honestly be happy trying out just about any pairing we can think of.
Contrary to my statement about canons and OCs up above, I would adore the chance to play as an OC against one of the characters too. I've really been craving some cute, bubbly Uraraka lovin' lately, as well as something lewd involving Momo or Nejire, but I'd be down to get dirty with any of the girls. Obviously when it comes to this fandom there's so much we could do plot-wise too, even going so far as to follow our characters all the way from UA to becoming pros, developing their relationships along the way until they start a family of their own. There's so much potential for action too with villain attacks, training exercises, you name it! I'm very open when it comes to this fandom, so just hit me up with any ideas you've got! And again as I mentioned previously, I'm also open to the idea of doubling too, especially when it comes to OCs. Though canons are just as welcome!

I've had a real craving for some Overwatch themed RPs lately, specifically ones involving a certain adorably sexy bunny girl. Once again I would adore the chance to play an OC opposite her, maybe a new mechanic assigned to her Meka, or some huge fan of hers from her pro-gaming days before she started piloting mechs, or even just a highschool crush. I just want to do something appropriately sweet for this little cutie. I'm also willing to consider pairing her up with other canon characters though, so throw your ideas at me!
Other than D.Va, I'd also love to try out something involving this this goddess. This one's a little more difficult to come up with an idea for, but I'm happy to try and brainstorm something out with anybody who's interested! Maybe something rougher or more action packed, involving corporate espionage and sneaking into company buildings only to get caught and taken advantage of, who knows? Something sweet and romantic always melts my heart too.
I'm also up for trying out something involving any of the other ladies too, these two are just my current cravings!

Expanding on the D.Va idea, I'd love to expand on an idea I've had, once more involving D.Va. Specifically I'd love to play a fellow Meka pilot and engineer who works to repair the mechs both in and out of combat. Maybe they were friends even before joining the military, or maybe they met when they were assigned to the same Meka squad. Maybe they even bunk together in the barracks, whether it's in the military or in Overwatch itself. Regardless of how they meet, the two quickly become great friends and from there their relationship only grows into something more romantic and sexual in nature, eventually leading hot, passionate lovemaking after intense combat operations when adrenaline is running high, or quick little trysts around the barracks or even in one of their mechs whenever they can find the time for one another. Obviously a lot more can be added to this, and there can be plenty of action and drama thrown in too, I just love this character's design and I'd love to pair her with D.Va.

League of Legends
This one's probably a little weird when it comes to RPs since the game's lore is a bit of a mess and there's not a huge amount of reliable information to work with when it comes to the world... but the characters are fantastic, and who needs world building when we can just come up with an excuse for pretty characters to go at it like rabbits? Right now my favorite characters to do something with would be Ahri or Xayah. They're both really fun characters, woth plenty of opportunity for pairings. Naturally Xayah and Rakan don't need any explaining. As for Ahri, I am always a fan of playing Sett opposite her, but I'm sure just about anybody could work. I'm also a sucker for doing stuff based on the alternate skin line universes, especially Academy and Star Guardian. The latter especially. I adore uniforms, but there's just something about those Star Guardian outfits that's just perfect.
While this was just a little biased towards Xayah and Ahri, I'm also willing to consider some of the other girls too, so if you're craving something LoL-related but you don't like furry ears and tails and weird bird feet, just let me know and we'll work something out!

Also maybe kind of craving a Neeko right now too? She's fun, and quirky, and adorable, so hit me up with ideas and lets work something out! Hell, even Lillia could be interesting, I do love the exotic.

And I'm afraid that's all for now folks, but watch this space! I'll be updating with more ideas when they come to me, and who knows, maybe they'll not all be fandom ideas someday. For now though, thank you to anybody who made it this far, and I look forward to hearing for anybody who's interested in trying something out!
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