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Fx Male “Supernatural Rising” - Storyteller Wanted - Apply Within!


“Ours is the Magic. Ours is the Power.”
Jun 1, 2019
Hell with Love
Edited to Add: No cannon characters, unless they are secondary or mostly NPC’d characters. I don’t need the whole “fandom” feel to the story. I just want the basic outline, so to speak.

Ok, so this is the basics of what I’m hoping for!

Firstly, let me start by disclosing that by ”Storyteller Wanted”, I don’t mean that you would in fact be carrying ALL of the weight of telling the tale(s), unless you absolutely want to of course BUT I am willing to toss ideas into the hat as well as we go along. As well as contributing to the story with whatever antics and shenanigans my girl gets up to along the way. *winkwink*


Supernatural! Or something similar to it. I think it would be fun and interesting and always changing and keeping us on our toes and steeped in adventure and the occasional giggle fest even while we are wrapped up in something serious! And running the horror genre gamut, instead of just a singular point on the horror map.

Instead of brother hunters however, it would be a male and female. Friends. Lovers (eventually for sure!). How they came to be working together, we can discuss. Them hunting supernatural creatures together could be something new or something that’s been standard for a while, again, we can discuss.

We can pluck stories from the series itself and play it out in our own fashion, as well as creating our own if we so choose to do so. We have 15 seasons and a ton of lore to choose from!

Be sure to stop by
My Main Thread for all of my preferences and yays and nays first please.

Then bring it on because.....

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