Light Yagami_KIRA
- Joined
- Jan 17, 2009

(Closest I could get to matching his description)
The Diclonius are a species of evolved humans. It is unknown just how they came to be or when they were first discovered. For all we know they could of been secretly walking the Earth for years. There is only a few differences between the two. The Diclonius have two cat-ear like horns and vectors which are transparent telekinetically controlled arms that have the power to manipulate and cut objects within their reach, of course these vectors are invisible to the eyes making this ability all the more deadly. Some Diclonius have been known to have a different color or hair then a normal human. This ranges from dark pink to light pink.
However, the Diclonius weren't the only evolved humans. There was also a Diclonion, but unlike the Diclonius who are female, the Diclonion is a male and the only one of his kind making him the one in charge, the king of the Diclonius or rather the father being as he was the one who created each one of them. The Diclonius propensity towards violence. Many have a vendetta against humans, and have ambitions to wipe out the human race and populate the world with their own species. Diclonius DNA is transferred to normal humans if the vectors of the Diclonius penetrate them. When this happens that human female will have a Diclonius baby or if the DNA is passed to a male, once the male has intercourse with another female, she instantly becomes infected. The Diclonion is the only one of the species who can impregnate a human female by having sexual intercourse with her. He is the main worry of the humans because of this.
In order to keep these mutated beings away from humans. They have to keep them locked away in a highly secured laboratory so that the infection doesn't get out. The Diclonius are being held in a facility off the coast of Kamakura in Kanagawa, south of the city of Yokohama, by the scientist Kurama. He makes sure these species are detained and kept far away from reach. Half of them don't even know where they are. They just go on with their lives as an experiment. But some didn't like to be used as a test subject. There was at least two who loathed it the most. The first female the Diclonion created, and himself. However, the scientists have been able to keep the male under control and un-rebellious because they have made sure to fully ratify his needs. Being as he was born to impregnate human females he has a higher lust then any other creature and must be taken care of repeatably. But how long should that last? Would they be able to make him happy until he dies, or would he just get tired of the same old thing?..
In the lowest part of the lab was two double doors that had security guards on both sides along with high tech security system showing that they didn't want whatever was behind that door to escape. On the other side of the door was the one male Diclonion, he was so rare they gave him a different name of species. He was also the last of his kind which made him more valuable then any of the female Diclonius they had locked away. But this one was not to be messed with. The male could look innocent on the outside but ever person in that lab knew what he was capable of.
The Diclonion I am referring to goes by the name Light or on occasion ,Kira, his split personality. Unlike the females his hair is not pink but a blood red along with his eyes. He does have the horns and vectors just like any other Diclonion but he has more vectors and they can go farther then some of the others. Light has around fifty vectors in total that ranged up to one hundred meters in distance, they are fast and very effective.
Though he was a evolved being he still had good human looks. He had a perfectly toned, slim body with a chiseled yet angelic face. He was 23 but still looked no older then 18. His height was 5'8" and he weighed 119 pounds. If he didn't have the horns or red eyes you would think he was just a normal human being except for the unnatural colored hair. But this brings up another subject, unlike the Diclonius he could change his features to look more human. That means getting rid of his horns and making them ears. His hair and eyes would also turn a brown color, but to do this he needed his full strength otherwise he'd just turn back into his original form.
Behind the door Light was in the air a machine held him up by his wrists and ankles so that he couldn't move from that spot, or so they thought. Sure, he couldn't use his hands but he still had his vectors which was way more effective. However, the machine he was held by also had buttons to it that was controlled by a computer. The computer was in the same room only it was behind bullet proof glass. Whenever someone visited him two people were supposed to be present for safety. One was allowed to go up to Light and take care of him while the other was behind the glass and watching. That way if the Diclonion started getting out of control the person behind the glass could stop him by sending shock waves threw his body, all they had to do was push a button, they could turn up the level of electricity also.
Light at the time had his head lowered and his eyes closed, though you couldn't really tell because the hair covered his eyes. He wasn't wearing much clothing, just a simple black pair of pants with no belt, it was better then being nude like the Diclonius females. He was asleep right now but he knew it would be time for him to wake up soon for his three times a day treatment, the last one was very unsatisfying though, so hopefully he would get better this time. Otherwise, he might decide to rebel against them and find his own satisfaction whether they allow him to or not.