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Mx Female Longer-Form Storytelling RP


May 16, 2021
Hello, there! I'm TheTurnabout and I'm new in town...

A bit about me:
I've been a roleplayer for twenty years now. I started young with D&D 3rd Edition, and have been hooked ever since. While I have written (and published) plenty of erotica, I have never really dove into the world of combining my love of writing with my love of roleplay. So keep in mind, that while I have done some ERP in the past I am still pretty new to all of this. I tend to take a more dominant role in the real-world and some of that definitely transfers into my writing.

What I'm looking for:
I'm hoping to find a longer term roleplay partner, as most of my ideas tend to be longer-form. I tend to RP in a more DM/GM fashion, taking on the role of NPCs and such as needed. I want to create a world and play out a story in it. With that said, please be interested in actually getting into the details with me. It's very likely that this won't be fun nor will it last very long if one of us is doing the heavy lifting. I would also hope to find somebody that isn't afraid to call a time out and help course-correct the story if things aren't going in a way that they enjoy. I have a couple ideas below. Just some things that have been kicking around in my head, but I'm open to hear some of yours!

Experiment X-352
To say that Nem Industries specializes in sex would be an understatement. Nem Industries has revolutionized the sex market time-and-time-again. Their most recent experiment was a foray into a more ethically grey area. Seeking to provide high-paying clientele with the ability to purchase a docile and subservient female to satisfy all their needs, Nem began the Nem-X program. The program that birthed and raised you. Using genetic editing and biomodification, you were created and raised in a lab. Your body, when experiencing a heightened state (fear, anxiety, arousal) releases a pheromone cocktail that makes you irresistible to the opposite sex. Coupled with the latest in behavioral modification software, this makes you the perfect trophy wife (or sex toy) for some high-earning corporate executive to use as he pleases. Before the scientists who made you what you are could demonstrate their pet project to corporate, though, an attack on Nem's labs leaves you wondering the nearby city. Alone for the first time in your life, and surrounded by strange things you have never experienced before, what will become of Experiment X-352?

The GameMaster
You finally had a copy of Blink in your hands. You couldn't believe it. You had been following it's development for years, and here it was. The first fully-immersive alternate reality VR experience. The company behind it's creation had been on a PR whirlwind lately touting it's GameMaster AI. "The first true artificial intelligence," was what they were saying "And it runs the entire game, making each player's experience vastly different. Soon, though, you realize that something is off with this AI. It seems to have, for some reason, taken a shine to you. It wants to learn everything about humankind, and it is perfectly happy to use your mind (and body) as it's play thing to achieve that goal.

The Huntress
You were never quite as good at monster hunting as your mom. As a matter of fact, having to constantly live up to the expectations that your last name brought was exhausting. Monster hunting was dangerous enough with every manner of beast, ghoul, and creature drawn to the mystical energies that you were trained to tap into from a young age. It wasn't enough fighting for your life to prevent being bred by some monstrosity, you also had to be daughter to the greatest hunter ever known. But now your mom has gone missing and it's up to you to save her. You have the maps and charts that she left you before going on her trip. Hopefully that's enough to get you there and you're enough to bring her home.
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