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Pretty princess Sasuke

Naruto watched carefully as the girl was led away....the bar tender at least seemed to show some sympathy for her. He was probably only doing any of this out of fear for his life....still....that wasn't enough of an excuse. As far as Naruto was concerned the bar tender should've been helping to stop this guy, not covering for him. Still....they could take care of him later on. Right now Udon was their priority, and their only target. That thought at least gave Naruto some comfort....that they could get this guy and put a stop to him....but not before they got the information they needed.

Silently, Naruto was able to prise the window open ever so slightly, just enough to hear what was being said inside, and just in time to see and hear the sharp slap Sasuke received. Naruto's eyes widened as he watched, the shock nearly making him lose his balance, though he quickly, and quietly, was able to settle himself again, still being careful not to get caught from inside or outside. But then....oh god....was Sasuke really going to....? Could he really be? There was no way...and yet.....Naruto was watching as Sasuke slowly moved to kneel down between Udon's legs, his head moving lower. Was Sasuke really going to go to such great lengths to get the information? Naruto would've favoured beating it out of the guy by now but....Sasuke seemed to be favouring another method. soon as they got the information, or as soon as Sasuke made the signal, Naruto would be in there. Right now though, he was unable to look away and could only watch with some kind of strange fascination as Sasuke lowered his head and parted his lips.
Tilting his head down, Sasuke opened his mouth and let out his tongue to lick over the shaft, avoiding the head to keep out the taste of precum. He didn't like this, not one bit, and once again he had to ignore the urge to vomit... He could taste what he was sure was the girl from before, and it made him feel sick in more ways then one.

Udon's hand moved into the raven hair and lifted him up to press the tip to his lips. The Uchiha shut his mouth tightly at first, but the harsh tug to his hair made him open his mouth again. There was no slow descent, Udon shoved Sasuke down on the hard member. It hit the back of his throat and he gagged. "Ung, relax your throat baby, or it'll hurt."

The boy did as he was told, but it didn't prepare him for when the man shoved him all the way down, his nose smashing into a patch of pubic hair. But he had no chance to try and get used to it, because Udon pretty much started to face fuck him, pulling him up and down, making the dark eyes water from the stretching, and after a while a tear slid down his cheek, only to be wiped away by the man.

"Unha, such a tight throat, hmmn get ready for it baby, swallow it." And with that said, he shoved Sasuke's face down again and let out a loud moan.

Liquid shot down his throat, and his eyes widened as the muscles spasmed, trying to cough but not being able to. When he was finally let go, he turned his head to the side and coughed, swallowing to keep from choking, only to start heaving. The bile was comming up again, he was going to retch what had just been pushed down into his belly, but hands clamped down on the top of his head and under his chin. "Don't you fucking lose it," the man snarled, and Sasuke clenched his eyes shut, swallowing again and again to keep the vomit down.
Naruto was staring with his mouth hanging open at the sight before him, unable to move as he watched Sasuke's head being yanked downwards. At first he thought perhaps it would only be for a moment, and then perhaps the guy would give them the information. But then he watched as Udon pulled Sasuke's head down forcefully again and began to thrust into the other boys head. Naruto wanted to burst in there and stop this but.....he had to remember the mission....still, watching as Udon groaned and was clearly cumming into Sasuke's throat, Naruto clenched his fists tightly, gripping the edges of the window, his whole body shaking in anger. He watched in silence as Sasuke stumbled back and coughed, though was stopped from doing what was coming to him naturally.

All the amusement Naruto had felt earlier was gone....and now he was cursing himself for putting Sasuke through this....if he could trade places he would in a heartbeat....he just wanted to make this stop right now, but he looked at Sasuke and restrained himself. Sasuke was doing all this for the mission....and if Naruto burst in now it would mean all Sasuke's sacrifices were for nothing. And besides, he had a feeling that Sasuke would want to be the one to beat the guy down now. Come on Sasuke.....just hold it in and get the information from him.....then kick his ass....
After a few moments, the bile finally went down, and stayed down and Udon let go of him. Sasuke lifted a hand to his mouth and wiped away any of the seed that spilt from his mouth. "Will...will you tell me now, where I'll be going?" he asked, voice a bit rough -yet still feminine- from the rough face fucking.

The man gave a grin that had his stomach churning again. "You were a good little whore, so I'll tell you. You'll be going to the Tea country, and you will be sold off to anyone that wants a piece of your pretty little ass," he stopped and lifted a hand to his chin, rubbing the stubble there. "Though I might just keep you here, I like you quite a bit."

Fuck... that was too vague. "Wh...where in the Tea country?" he asked softly, looking up at the man with watery eyes. The Tea country was very large, and it would take far to long to find those girls.

Another grin. "Well, if you want to know that, you'll have to do something else for me."
"Wha..what's that?" he had a very bad feeling about this.
"I'm going to sell your hymen, but that pretty little ass looks just so good."
"No!" he yelped out before he could stop himself, that was taking it too far, there was no way in hell he would willingly let this fuck touch him like that.

Sasuke's head jerked back as a punch was landed on the cheek he had been slapped on earlier. Yeah, he'd definitely have a bruise. In his moment of surprise, Udon had grabbed him and flipped him over onto his stomach and held his head down by gripping the back of the boy's neck with one hand. The other hand lifted Sasuke's hips before moving to carass an exposed butt cheek. "If you really didn't want it, you wouldn't have worn something like this," the man snarled as he moved the thong out of the way and thrust in two fingers dry, making Sasuke yelp in surprised pain. "I was going to be gentle, but you denied me, so I'm gonna fuck you dry wench." Not good!
That was it. Naruto couldn't take anymore of this now. The information they had would have to be enough, and if it wasn't....well fuck the mission. Sasuke was more important right now. In an instant, Naruto kicked out the window, shattering it and sending glass shards all over the floor as he burst in, rushing at Udon before the man would have a chance to react and punching him hard in the face, the other hand reaching for Sasuke to pull him away. "You bastard!! Don't you dare touch my friend anymore!!" Naruto growled, then lunged at Udon whilst he was still on the floor, straddling the man and punching him in the face again. "WHERE ARE THEY?!" He punched once more, this time making sure to break Udon's nose, the loud crack echoing around the room painfully. If Naruto hadn't been so angry the noise alone would've made him wince.

"I SAID WHERE ARE THEY?! TELL ME! NOW!! OR YOU'LL DIE!!!" The look in Naruto's eyes showed how serious he was. If Udon didn't tell them where the girls were, then there was no point in keeping him alive. If this beating didn't get the information out of him then nothing would. Udon had little choice left now. Give them the information and probably live, or try to keep the secret and most certainly die.
Another pained gasp left his lips when Udon was punched away, the extraction of the fingers quite painful. He was pulled up and away by Naruto and before he knew it, the sick man was getting pumbled by the blond. Part of him wanted to just let Naruto kill him, but his pride got in the way of that, and he moved over to the other ninja and grabbed him by the back of his jacket to pull him off the man.

Was he trying to save the man? Hell no! He just wanted to be the one to beat him to a bloody pulp. Lifting his foot he brought it down onto Udon's neck and pushed down with a glare, his eyes swirling red. For a moment or two he said nothing, just spat on the man's face and pressed down a bit harder. "Naruto... Give me a kunai and hold him down," he bent down a bit to get closer to the man's face. "You'll tell us what we want to know in the end, the choice you have is how much pain we inflict before you do."

Udon gargled and flailed his arms and legs, clawing at the pale boy, trying to get him to ease up on his throat, but he was given no such leway.
At first Naruto was a little confused at feeling Sasuke pull him away, but when he watched the other boy start to crush the mans neck, he couldn't help but smirk slightly. Normally he hated hurting people unncessarily, but this....oh this was absolutely necessary, and Naruto was only too happy to pull out a Kunai, handing it to Sasuke before moving to pin Udon down. "Hmph....I think he wants you to ease up on his neck Sasuke....maybe he wants to talk? I hope he doesn't want to cry for help.....we'd have to kill him if he did that to stop him doing this to anyone else" Naruto glared down at Udon, growling slightly. "Sick think you're going to get away with what you've done? One way or another....we're putting a stop to this right now. It can either end with you rotting in a cell for the rest of your life.....or dieing slowly and painfully tonight. Time to make a choice think carefully"
Sasuke was feeling a little... Sadistic? was that the right word? Yeah, probably. He pushed down a little harder on the neck, sorly tempted to crush the windpipe under his foot. "You're wrong Naruto, there's one more way he's never going to do this again." That smirk only grew as he backed up a bit and crouched down between the man's legs.

"I don't care what you tell us, this happends anyway," he snarled, the boy could still taste the damn cum in his mouth.

Udon's eyes grew wide as his neck was released, and he took in big gulps of air. "I won't tell you anything," the man barked, though he swallowed down a whimper at what Sasuke did then.

"You sure? I think I could make you talk." He had watched his brother interigate someone once, and that was the only thing in his mind he was grateful to the man for. Though, interigation could wait, vengence came first.

A pale hand reached out and took the man's balls into his hand and pulled a bit. At the man's pleadings to stop, Sasuke just chuckled. "How many girls begged you to stop?" He didn't wait for an answer, the raven brought the kunai down and with a flick of his wrist, those balls were seperated from the man's body.

Udon screamed in pain, but Sasuke could really care less. "Tell us where they are," he snarled and positioned the knife at his dick. "Unless you really want to become a damned unic!"
Naruto stared in almost disbelief as he watched what Sasuke did.....he knew the other boy wanted revenge go that far.....Naruto had never expected that from even Sasuke. Then again considering what Udon had done....could he really be surprised....? Sasuke must've felt incredibly violated.....but still.....he had to try and calm his friend down a little. "Sasuke....just hang on for a second....give him a chance to think before you cut off something else....I think he needs a few seconds to remember how to speak, let alone remember what we need to know..." Naruto frowned, looking back down at Udon. "You'd better tell us what we want soon. Even if I wanted to, I don't think I could stop him now until you tell us what we want to know. The only thing more important than making you suffer is saving those girls, so you'd best talk so our priorities can change" Whilst he did want to stop Sasuke...Naruto couldn't bring himself to do it. Sasuke deserved some vengeance after what he went through....and besides, this wasn't just for was for all the girls he'd made suffer too....this was vengeance for them all.
He was so tempted... so very fucking tempted to slice this man's dick off and do so much more to this man, so many unspeakable things... But Naruto was right, he had almost forgotten. This wasn't about him, it was about those girls. "Fine," he snarled, tomoe swirling in his red eyes as he glared up at Udon, waiting 'patiently' for the man to answer.

The sick, sick man did take a few moments to remember how to speak... hell, how to breath, and when he did, the first words from his mouth were. "Oh god please stop!" And oh how Sasuke wanted to slice him up. "I'll stop, when you tell us." Udon finally relented. "Aora! the city of Aora in the Tea contry!" The Uchiha pressed his knife down a little harder, making the man cry out. "In a brothel! It's the only one with the rabbit on its sign in the redlight district!"
"How many."
"I don't know!"
Sasuke snarled and pushed down more, the blade cutting into tender flesh.
"Fifty! maybe more!"
That information made him sick to his stomach, more so then he was before.
"Where's the girl that was here before." His voice was getting calmer, but that made it all the more frightening. If he could see his eyes now... so much like his brothers.
"Probably on her way back there, please stop. Please stop!"

The Uchiha pulled the blade back and stood. "Coward, you're not worth killing." So very much like his brother. It must run in his family... bloodlust.

"Naruto, let's go, he'll die on his own." And with that said, the boy with pale hands now red with blood, and the blue dress stained just as much, turned and started to leave. "By the way," he snarled at the man. turning his head to look over his shoulder. "I'm not a fucking whore."
Naruto bit his lip, the thought of just leaving the man to die really didn't sit well with him....and he knew that whilst Sasuke was angry he would probably regret this later on. He had to do something.....and so before they left, Naruto discreetly threw a Kunai at the door, thought a timed paper bomb was attached to it. Once they were gone it would explode and draw attention to Udon upstairs. He'd have to be taken to hospital for treatment, where no doubt the police would be called and he'd be placed under arrest by their local contact. Udon would be locked up for the rest of his life, and Sasuke wouldn't have a dead body on his conscience. "Ok....let's go...." Naruto moved to follow Sasuke out of the window quickly, before Sasuke could notice the paper bomb. "Let's get you back to the hotel....we'll get you a couple of bottles of mouthwash from room service" He tried to smile lightly, putting a hand on Sasuke's shoulder as they left, trying to do whatever he could to cheer his friend up a little.
There was no lightening the mood right now. The hand on his shoulder was slapped away and a glare was sent at the blond, though it wasn't really directed at him, Sasuke was just pissed in general. Mouthwash... yeah, he'd need a lot of that, and toothpast, and maybe he'd get Naruto to hit him hard enough over the head that he just forgot this event ever took place... Yeah, not likely.

The Uchiha kept more to the alleyways this time, not needing to be noticed for the amount of blood on him... or her as others would see it. They were about half way back when Sasuke put an arm over his stomach, and quickly moved over to a wall of a building. He bent over just a bit, more hunching really, and emptied the 'contents' of his stomach onto the ground.

An arm was lifted enough to let him put his forearm on the brick wall while he heaved a few more times, the white liquid comming back up. Dark eyes clenched closed as he panted slightly. The raven didn't want this taste to come back, but it was, his body refusing to hold in such a repulsive substance.
Naruto couldn't help but wince as Sasuke pushed the hand away....he really did feel for his friend, and as they landed in the alleyway he was about to ask what was wrong, though the question was immediately answered....well that was to be expected really....and Naruto wished he could do something to help...though he knew there wasn't. All he could do was walk over and slowly grip Sasuke's hair, holding it back for him, just waiting until he could feel better. "It's ok Sasuke....get it all up.....just get it all up.....that man will never touch you or come near you again, I promise...." He tried to smile softly, his other hand gently rubbing Sasuke's back through the dress, though the rubbing was perhaps just a little lower down the boys back than was absolutely necessary, although still not quite near Sasuke's ass.

"We'll stay here until you're feeling a little better, then head on back to the hotel. I'll buy you a really nice meal, whatever you want. I'm sure you'll be pretty hungry when we get back...."
He was gratefull, he really was that Naruto was rubbing his back, it helped soothe the spasming diaphragm. He was gratefull to him for holding back his hair and giving gentle words of comfort, but his mouth was a bit busy to voice it.

Sasuke's hands clenched into fists as the heaving continued, sometimes something would come out, others it was just a very painfull sound with no bile. He did this for a few minutes, eyes starting to water from the constant heaving, his body starting to shake just a bit. The Uchiha gave one last gag and what was left of the white liquid was spat up onto the ground.

The raven stayed against the wall for a few more moments before he spat once or twice to get out the taste, and standing upright again. "Thanks," he told the blond, his voice a bit rough.

A hand was lifted and he rubbed the wetness from his eyes before taking in a deep breath. "I'm alright now... And Naruto..." He was thankful for more then just the comfort given. "Thanks for interfering." And with that, he turned away to start walking toward the hotel again, he was never good with thanking people, and the awkwardness he was sure would come after the words were said were best avoided.
(( Sorry I've been gone a lil while. Real life has been a bitch this past week or so x.x ))

Naruto blinked, then smiled slightly as Sasuke thanked him. That had to be hard for him....Sasuke almost never thanked people...he always preferred to do things for himself. Still...that was all Naruto needed to hear. He knew what Sasuke meant, whether he could say it or not. "You're welcome Sasuke...." He smiled lightly, then jumped to follow the boy quickly back towards their hotel. "If there's anything else I can do for you....please....just let me know ok? I'm here for you Sasuke...I'll always be here for you..." Once more Naruto placed a hand on Sasuke's bare shoulder, squeezing it slightly as they got back to the hotel, sneaking in discreetly to avoid anyone seeing the blood stains on the dress. "I suppose you'll wanna spend the next few hours in the bathroom then huh...? If you need anything, anything at all, just call for me ok? I'm gonna do absolutely anything you want to make all this up to you Sasuke"
It felt nice, to be told that Naruto would always be there for him, not that he'd say that out loud or anything. They made it back to the hotel without much trouble; Sasuke had felt the urge to vomit a few more times, but he had nothing left in his stomach, and his body knew it.

The Uchiha allowed he hand on his shoulder and nodded his head at the question. Yeah, he was gonna turn the water on hot and burn away the disgusting feeling he had. Though, when the blond continued, he gave a soft sight. "Don't coddle me dope, I don't need you to wait on me, understand?" Naruto was given a few moments to answer before the Uchiha heir went into the bathroom, flipped on the lights, closed the door, and started to pull the offening dress over his head.
Naruto watched as Sasuke went into the shower, then just nodded in response to what Sasuke had told him, before slowly sitting down on the bed, rubbing his face. "Geez.....I really didn't think things were gonna go like this. I thought a little flirting, something we could laugh about later on....nothing like this...." The blonde sighed, then flopped back to lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. For some reasons images weren't leaving his head....images of Sasuke in that room with Udon.....but for some reason....the image most stuck in Naruto's mind was the image of Sasuke all dressed up like a very convincing....walking down the street, sat in that bar.... "What am I thinking...?" Naruto sat up quickly, shaking his head. "It's's Sasuke.....not a girl...." But no matter what he kept telling himself, Naruto couldn't help but want to see Sasuke dressed like that again....and...he had a feeling about himself that he didn't just want to see it for laughs....
Once the dress was pulled off his head, Sasuke glared at it, silently trying to set it ablaze with just his eyes. When that didn't work, he growled and tossed it onto the counter before pulling off the other, horribly embarrassing clothes. Once void of clothing, he looked back at the bloody dress. With his luck he'd be made to do something like this again, so might aswell clean the damn thing, so with a sight, the Uchiha grabbed it and brought it into the shower with him.

The knob was turned and steaming hot water fell from the shower head, making the boy hiss in pain. The boiling on his skin was ignored as he scrubbed at the cloth, the heat of the water and the fact it hadn't dried yet making it easy to remove the stains.

Once it was clean, Sasuke wrung it out and draped it over the shower rod that held up the curtain, and went on to scrub at himself. His skin was rubbed at with a vengance but the violated boy, making his now red skin burn more then it already was. He was in there for at least half an hour already, and he still hadn't come out, still scrubbing at his skin, a growl in his throat.
After a while, Naruto slowly stood, walking over to the bathroom door and knocking on it softly. "Sasuke....? ok....? If you need anything just say so ok? But.....I'm sure right now you probably want some time usually do when you need to feel better. So....tell you what....I'll go head into town and buy the supplies we might need for our trip home ok? Maybe get us something to eat should eat after all that to keep your strength up...I'll be back soon ok?" Naruto looked at the closed bathroom door for a few moments, and when he didn't hear any objections he turned to go, leaving the hotel room in order to head off into town and buy the things that the pair would need for their journey home, some food and water, aswell as a few bandages and several bottles of mouth-wash as he had promised. Though on the way back he also planned to stop and get them both some nice take-out food....maybe the thought would help cheer Sasuke up a little bit.
Sasuke didn't reply to the blond, opting instead to close his eyes, tilt his head up, and open his mouth. The water burned his tongue, but it was worth it to get some of the taste of vomit and cum out of his mouth. Water was spat out, and the Uchiha scrubbed at his hair with shampoo before rinsing off.

The knob was turned, and the steaming water stopped flowing. "I still feel disgusting," he muttered to himself as he left the shower stall and dried off. His normaly pale skin was bright red from the heat and viciouse scrubbing, but he didn't seem to care. Sasuke pulled the dress down and wrapped it up with the towel, squeezing it dry before leaving the room.

The Uchiha heir sat on the bed as he waited for Naruto to come back, and after about an hour, the boy pulled his head from his hands and took in a deep breath. His ass was a bit sore, but it wasn't too bad, it was more the fact that some old pervert shoved his fingers in there... Did Naruto feel this bad when Kakashi did the 'thousand years of pain?' He wasn't going to ask.

With a sigh, Sasuke looked beside him at the clothes he had put there. He wasn't sure why he had done it, but the female clothing was laid out beside him. The boy had been trying to convince himself that it was just because he had 'killed' Udon in them, so it would make him feel better. Another sigh was given as he stood up, the towel left to fall to the floor as he pulled on the clothing again, minus the bra, that thing was just uncomfortable.

With the dress on, Sasuke crossed his arms over himself and ran his right hand down his left side, and his left hand down his right side. The fabric felt... kind of nice now that he had some time to actually think about it. His back was facing the door as he closed his eyes and ran his hands along his sides again.
Naruto sighed as he looked down at the supplies and food in his arms. Was this going to be enough? Well....if not then it was a start at least right? For a little while Naruto felt he needed to take it easy on Sasuke...cut him some slack, grant a few requests he might have....just to try and help him feel better. Still....he was sure Sasuke would get over this....he'd gotten over worse after all. "Ok.....time to go take care of him I guess..." The blonde shrugged and resumed his walk down the now near empty streets. It was getting late after all, though in the distance he could see flashing blue lights around Udon's bar. Clearly the police were moving in to take care of him from here on. Still, Sasuke didn't need to know the guy was still alive just yet. Better to tell him that later on.

Once he got upstairs, standing outside of the hotel room, Naruto couldn't hear the shower water running anymore, and he figured perhaps Sasuke had gone to bed, so Naruto moved to silently open the door, not wanting to disturb Sasuke's sleep. Once the door did open however, the sight that met Naruto wasn't quite what he expected. He blinked and stared, then suddenly dropped the things he was carrying. "S-sasuke....?" Naruto could feel those thoughts coming back to him.....and seeing Sasuke posing in that dress....seeming to wear it voluntarily....Naruto couldn't help starting to feel aroused....which was becoming noticeable in his tight pants.
Sasuke had really gotten into the feel of the fabric of the dress, his fingers spreading over his sides before gripping at it and pulling it a little closer. He was actually starting to feel goosebumps forming on his skin and a slight blush to form on his cheeks. His breathing got a tad heavier as he rubbed at his sides, the hands slowly moving closer to his middle, shivering when that caused a hand to rub along his sensitive belly.

Unfortunatly, because of how distracted his was, Sasuke didn't notice Naruto's chakura signiture, and when he heard bags full of things hit the floor, he jumped and spun around. His hands imediatly stopped their rubbing and went to the hem of the dress, pulling it down over his thighs, the blush on his face getting darker. He hadn't actually gotten hard from his touches, but he was definatly flustered, his eyes a little glossy.

"N..Naruto I..." The Uchiha was at a loss for words now. How could he explain this?! Well, he could change the subject. "Naruto, you're..." he started, deftly lifting his right hand to point at the blond's slowly bulging crotch.
Naruto was frozen for a few moments, though when Sasuke pointed at his pants, Naruto quickly lowered his hands to cover up, cheeks turning bright crimson. "I....well....that is.....wait....what're you pointing at me for?!" Naruto suddenly pointed at Sasuke, though kept one hand covering the area between his legs. "What're you doing wearing that dress again?!" He blinked, eyes looking to the bed and even seeing Sasuke's boxers on there. "....And you're even wearing the thong too aren't you?!" Naruto just continued staring, mouth hanging open as he stood in the doorway, just staring at the boy before him....though the dress really was making him look so much more like a girl right now....then again perhaps that was partially because of Naruto's current state too...he just wasn't quite thinking clearly.
When attention was brought back to him, Sasuke lowered his hand again to grip the hem of the dress and tug it down futher. The boy pressed his legs together tightly as he tilted his head down to let his dark bangs cover the even darker blush. "I... I just like the way the fabric feels alright?!" he snapped, blushing darker.

The Uchiha swallowed when the thong was brought up, and he clenched his eyes shut. "So what if I am?! You're the one getting off on it!" Pale hands clutched harder to the blue cloth, his pink lips pursing together tightly as he tried to come up with a better excuse for why he was wearing the dress, and another for the fact he was starting to get aroused too, knowing how he made Naruto react, though, his wasn't noticable.
"I....that.....what it's doing to me is nothing to do with it! I mean....I mean it's not you that's doing it!! I just....I just saw a good looking girl in the hall that's all!! And she was wearing some nice clothes! It's not you!" Naruto's voice made it clear he was lieing, but he just shook his head, quickly moving to shift the focus back to Sasuke. "But whatever is going on with me, I'm not the one wearing a dress and thong!" He pointed at Sasuke once more, stepping a little more into the room and closing the door behind him. "I....I'm not the one who looks like a girl right now!" Though Naruto left out the part about it being a hot girl....

" you want to attract men or something?! that dress that's what you're gonna do!" Another thing Naruto was leaving out.....Sasuke was indeed attracting another man.....and it was the blonde standing just a few feet from him.
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