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Pretty princess Sasuke

Feb 8, 2009
A low groan came from the boy sitting on one of the beds in an Inn located in the grass country. Sasuke sat on the edge of the mattress, his elbows on his knees and his fingers rubbing at his temples, trying to sooth away the forming head ache. A scroll laid innocently next to him.

A messanger hawk had sent him and Naruto this message in the middle of the mission. The Uchiha was supposed to flirt a bit with a perverted old man to keep him busy while Naruto went in to grab some documents. The only problem was, that they had been given the wrong information at the beginning of the mission. The man didn't like young boys as had been told to he and the blond, no, that man liked girls. And worse, was that Udon [the pervert] would be leaving in a few days, so there wasn't enough time to send a new pair of ninjas... No... Sasuke would have to flirt as a girl.

A pale hand moved from his head to reach down and grab the scroll, and idly handed it out to his partner. He waited in termoil for the teasing and or laughter he was sure would come once Naruto read the scroll.
Naruto blinked as he took the scroll, opening it up and starting to read it silently, his grin widening with every line. "Oh man.....oh this is just...." He snickered, then burst out laughing, falling backover off the bed and to the floor, curling up and clutching at his stomach, laughing loudly as he rolled around. "Oh man, we're gonna have to go shopping! Get you a nice dress! Some nice underwear! Oh we can get you the perfect shade of lipstick!" He looked up at Sasuke, then just began to point and laugh. "Oh I'm sure you'll be oh so pretty as a girl! The guy wont be able to keep his hands off you!" The blonde buy returned to laughing, unable to speak once again from his laughter.

It was a good 5 minutes before Naruto was finally able to stop laughing, slowly sitting up and wiping his eyes. "Alright....alright....I guess....I guess it's time we went....went shopping..." He snickered slightly, getting to his feet. "Well come on, let's go shall we?"
A slim eyebrow twitched as the blond read over the scroll, and when Naruto started laughing he let out a low groan, his headache getting worse. Lifting his hand back to his temple, he rubbed little circles over it, trying to sooth the pain away.

As Naruto continued to laugh, Sasuke grit his teeth to keep himself from killing the other boy and instead thought of ways to murder him when they got back to the village. Because he couldn't do it now, that would compromise the mission.

At the mention of a dress, underwear, and lipstick, the Uchiha started to flush slightly, a light pink starting to cross over the bridge of his nose. And Naruto was still laughing. So he moved his thumb and forefinger to rub at the bridge of his nose. When the whiskered male finally stopped laughing, Sasuke got up of the bed. "Fine, let's go," he grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets and sulking out of the hotel room. Stopping to turn and glare at Naruto, he added, "if you tell anyone about this. I'll kill you."
Even as they left the hotel, Naruto was still snickering occasionally, covering his mouth as he did so. He figured Sasuke would get revenge later anyway, so he might aswell enjoy it whilst he could. "Well I'm sure we'll go and find a nice clothes shop, get you a nice frilly dress....maybe some nice pink underwear..." He snickered again. "Though I think we're gonna need to pad out your bra to make it convincing...." He glanced over at Sasuke and smirked, looking him up and down. "We're probly gonna need to shave your legs too of course...." Naruto stuck his tongue out at the other boy, then laughed and hurried off, down towards a womens clothing store down the road.
Mission be damned... He was going to wring the blond's neck if this continued. Each word Naruto said made Sasuke's eyebrow twitch just a bit more, and by the time the other boy got to 'pad out your bra' the Uchiha's face had gone red against his will.

Oh the pain he'd inflict once this was over... It was the only thing keeping him from turning around and walking home. He could take whatever punishment he was given for abandoning the mission.

With a gruff grunt, Sasuke followed Naruto into the clothing store, and grimaced at all the clothing. Couldn't he just... Act like a tomboy? Apparently not. He winced at a frilly pink dress and hurriedly walked away from it. If he was going to do this, the dress would not be pink. "Apparently you know what to buy, so go pick something out so we can get out of here already," he grumbled at Naruto, trying to hide the blush still on his cheeks at all the looks the two were getting from the women in the stir.
"Oh? You want me to pick for you hm? Well I guess I'll be kind enough to not get something let's see...." Naruto started to go through the various dresses, then finally picked out a short pale-blue one. It didn't show off much in the way of cleavage, which would be idea for disguising a male as a female, but the dress was very short, barely covering the waist, leaving most of the thighs visible. "Here we go, this should be perfect to help you get that old man talking right?" He walked over to Sasuke and held the dress infront of him, smirking slightly. "Oh and this will be perfect!" He reached down besides Sasuke, picking up a red thong. "Oh yeah, you bend over in this once or twice and he'll be eating outta your hands"
Well... At least Naruto was taking this seriously... For the most part anyway.

Sasuke watched as the blond looked over the dresses, and was thankful he didn't pink out something pink and frilly. And it really did look like he was being serious, or at the very least practical in picking out a dress.

It was a pale-blue dress that didn't cut low, but made up for it in how short it was. The Uchiha didn't like it, not one bit but he knew he'd have to deal with it, though he could almost feel the air on his thighs now, and it sent a shiver down his spine.

When Naruto moved next to him and grabbed something behind him, the raven took a step away in order to turn around, and what he saw in his teammate's hands broke what resolve he had, and the dark blush he'd been trying to keep hidden came into full view. Sasuke was about to yell at the other boy, but at the last moment was able to lower it into a harsh whisper. Unfortunately though, it also made his voice just a tad squeaky. "I am not! wearing that!"
"Oh come on Sasuke" Naruto couldn't help but smirk at the boys reaction, the colour on his face....he'd never seen Sasuke come close to blushing until today.....oh if Sakura could see this she'd probably go insane. "Think about it, if you wear this then the whole thing will be over more quickly right? That old pervert sees you wearing this and he'll tell you whatever you wanna know right away I'm sure. Then after that you can beat him up and change back to your regular outfit. Besides, it'll still be under the dress, nobody else is gonna see" The blonde just grinned, then picked up the matching bra from the shelf besides Sasuke, holding it against the others boys chest. "Hm, we'll need to pad it out with something too......need to be something that feels real just incase he tries to get in a feel or two...."
He hated to admit it, he really did, but Naruto was right. The skimpier the clothing, the faster this will be over. "This better work dope," he snapped in a low voice.

Sasuke jumped a bit when the blond put the bra to his chest, and he was glad his blush couldn't get darker. "You dumbass!" he growled and pushed the other male's hands, and the bra away from him. The store clerks were looking at the pair oddly, and Sasuke was not happy about that one bit.

"Like you even know what they really feel like. Idiot," the Uchiha grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest to keep away the red bra.
"Hmph, who says I don't know what they feel like? I'll have you know I'm an expert" Naruto folded his arms and nodded almost proudly. It was no secret that Naruto had run into Tsunade 'by accident' more than a few times now, then again Naruto certainly wasn't the only one to have done so either. "So we'll just need to figure out something to pad it out with, maybe we can find something in the store.....stuff that girls pad themselves with to look bigger or something. But for now....." Naruto grinned, thrusting the dress, thong and bra into Sasuke's hands. "Why don't you go pay for these and I'll go outside to see if I can find something to pad out your bra with!" It was more than likely on purpose that Naruto wasn't making any attempt to keep his voice down, and the pair were getting more than just a few odd looks by this point.
Naruto was boasting about his knoladge of boobs as if it was something to be proud of. He was sure the blond wasn't given permission to find out this information, so there was nothing to brag about.

Sasuke looked down with wide eyes as the clothing was shoved into his arms, and the bright blush on his cheeks came back again at the words, and how loud they were. Oh.... He was going to do more then kill Naruto. Then, he got an idea, and he looked up at the other boy with a confused look. "What are you talking about dope? You're going to wear these things, not me, so you pay for them." And with that said, he pushed the embarassing clothing into the blond's hands and hurried out of the store before Naruto could retort.
"Eh? Wha? HEY!" Naruto twitched as Sasuke ran off, then grumbled as he walked towards the checkouts, grabbing some padded bra inserts as he passed them. "Thinks he can make me wear them. Just wait until-" He blinked, then grinned slightly as something clicked in his mind. Oh he had the perfect bit of information....something Sasuke couldn't argue with even if he tried. He'd just use the boys own devotion to the mission against him. "Yeah....I'll get him...." The blonde snickered as he paid for the clothes, glaring at the odd look the cashier was giving him, then practically snatched the bag as he turned to leave quickly, immediately setting off in chase after Sasuke. The town wasn't big, and even Naruto had enough tracking skill to follow Sasuke, especially when he wasn't really trying to hide himself.

"Aha! Found you!" Then again Sasuke wasn't really hiding out on the open street like this, though as far as Naruto was concerned he had won some kind of competition. "You forgot your clothes" He held the bag out to Sasuke. "And they are your clothes after all....didn't you finish reading the mission scroll after it said the old guy liked girls? It went on to say he only likes girls with short, dark hair. Not spiky blonde's...." Naruto pointed at his own spiked, blonde hair, which was so lightly it would probably never dye black in time. "And lets face it, between the two of us, your face is way more girly than mine"
A slow smirk formed on his lips when he heard the blond yell at him, and he just stood across the street from the shop, hands buried into his pockets.

He watched Naruto look around with a raised eyebrow. "Great job, you looked across the street," he said in a patronising tone. When the bag was handed to him, he took it without complaint. No one could see what was in said bag, so it was okay.

When Naruto started to spout on about the mission, Sasuke smacked his hand across the boy's mouth to keep him quiet. "Yes, I read the whole scroll. I know I'll be playing the slutty girl, and I know I'm a bit more slender then you and maybe even a bit feminine, but if you're going to try and piss me off by using mission information try to do it when people can't over hear," he hissed lowly. "I'd rather not have the mission compromised because someone under Udon over heard you." Really, he had only said that Naruto was going to wear them to get out of the embarrassment of paying for the clothing.

Naruto blinked as he stood there with Sasuke's hand over his mouth, just waiting for the boy to finish before he shrugged and nodded, then pulled himself away. "Fine fine whatever, let's just get back to the hotel alright? You can get changed, and when it starts getting dark you can hit the town looking for this guy" He grinned slightly, turning to go. "We don't know exactly where he'll be after you'll probably need to try a few places before we find him" The blonde couldn't help but burst out laughing as he started to walk away, heading back in the direction of the hotel. Oh he was going to enjoy tonight....perhaps he'd stop off somewhere to buy a disposable camera and take some good photos to remember this occasion....and of course holding such photos over Sasuke's head would be oh so much fun in the coming weeks.
Sasuke grumbled words of hate under his breath. He'd get his revenge on the dope some day, and it would be long, drawnout, and ungodly painful, he was sure of it. "Fine," he snapped, shoving his hand back into his pocket, the other holding the bag of 'goodies.'

"You're laughing when I'm going to get molested by perverted old men," he huffed angrely. "And you call me heartless."

They reached the hotel soone enough, and the raven pulled the key from his pocket, shoved it into the lock, and turned it. He attempted to slam the door in Naruto's face out of spite before stalking into the bathroom, flipping on the light, and closing the door. There was a 'click' that signified the door was locked. "I'm not shaving!" He added with a shout before the water to the shower was turned on.
"You've gotta shave your legs!! The guy wont come on to you if you don't!" Naruto smirked as he called back, folding his arms. "Oh come on, you're not gonna get molested. You just gotta let him get a little touchy so he tells you what we need to know, then you can whack him across the head with something with the excuse you wanted him to stop!" Though the thought of the old man trying to get all touchy with Sasuke made Naruto snicker, the boy quickly covering his mouth to prevent Sasuke from hearing. "And....and besides, I'll be keeping an eye on you from a distance to make sure you're ok....though I'm sure a nice tough girl like you can take care of yourself...." This time Naruto burst out laughing once more. He just couldn't help it, the whole situation was just so hilarious to him.
"You can't even see the hair on my legs anyway!" he retorted as he pulled off his clothes. The thought of the old man getting touchy made him want to barf, and he swallowed to keep any bile that tried to rise up down.

"Right, you'll be watching, I feel so much better," he spat back, acid dripping from each word. The last comment made his eyebrow twitch as he stepped into the shower. "Go fuck yourself!" was his retort this time.

Sasuke angrily scrubbed at his hair with the strawberry scented shampoo the inn provided, cursing as he did so. It wasn't long until he was completely clean and smelled of freshly picked strawberries, and he turned off the water and stepped out of the stall. The Uchiha hurriedly dried himself and combed his hair down to keep the spikes from popping up.

He looked at the bag with a mixture of hatred and disgust, but he opened it anyway. With a definitely unhappy sound, he pulled out the undergarments, and started to pull the red thong up his legs. It was beyond uncomfortable to have a strap there but he dealt with it. The red bra followed soon after, and he stuffed it with a dark flush. "This had better fucking work," he mumbled under his breath as he pulled the dress on.

The door to the bathroom was opened and a very feminine looking Sasuke came out of the room. His hands were at the bottom of the dress, desperately trying to pull it down a bit more with no luck. "Couldn't we have at least gotten a longer one?" he complained, trying hard not to let the uncomfortable whine show in his voice.
"Maybe you can't see them but I bet he'll be squeezing your thighs hard enough to feel the hairs!" Naruto snickered, then burst into laughter again at the though, rolling around on the bed from laughing so hard. By the time he stopped he had to start wiping his tears away and gasp for breath, though a few moments later when Sasuke came out of the bathroom, he blinked and raised an eyebrow, then smirked lightly. "Looking good Sasuke-chan" He snickered again, then shook his head. "All the longer dresses had a low-cut, which would've showed off your lack of cleavage, so it had to be short so there'd be something to show off"

Naruto hopped off the bed and stretched, then headed for the door. "Well come on, we'd better get going. You can practice your girl voice on the way too, you sound too whiney at the moment, he'll never go for that" The blonde snickered once more as he left the hotel quickly before Sasuke could attack him. "Come on Sasuke-chan! You don't wanna be late for your date!"
Sasuke glared at the blond, silently willing the daggers he was sending through his eyes would somehow become real and pierce the idiot... nope... damn. And though he hated to admit it, Naruto was right about the dress, but that didn't make wearing it any easier. "I'm going to gut you," he snarled low under his breath, but the threat seemed much less threatening when he was in a dress, blushing, and pulling the fabric of the dress down to cover more of his legs.

The Uchiha groaned in inner agony at Naruto's teasing. That dope wasn't making this any easier either. With promises of death on his lips, Sasuke followed the shorter ninja out of the hotel, keeping his head down to hide his face with his hair. "We should try an open bar... or something," he grumbled to his teammate as they left the Inn. Without waiting for an answer, Sasuke started walking in the direction of a bar he had seen on the way to the hotel.

He tried desperately to ignore the guys ogling his ass, and the few who even whistled in his direction. He really did make one hell of a hot babe.
Naruto was staying well back so that nobody would even consider he was with Sasuke. The 'girl' had to be out by herself for their target to approach her, so Naruto made sure to stay well back in the crowd, though he couldn't help but snicker as he heard guys whistling, one guy even sneaking up behind Sasuke and pinching his ass, though Sasuke would have to restrain himself from doing anything to the guy. After all, right now he was just a weak, helpless girl. "Oh man.....I really wish I had a camera right now..." Naruto snickered again as he followed, though as he watched Sasuke walk....he couldn't help but catch himself staring occasionally....though after a few moments he quickly shook his head. "Geez...come's Sasuke....not a girl. Sasuke not a girl....." He nodded as he muttered to himself, following Sasuke into the bar and going to take a seat as far away as possible, though somewhere he could still watch. Oh this was going to be so much fun....
Sasuke made an indignified squeek as some guy pinched his rump, and he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from beating the living hell out af the guy. Instead he just walked away, and into the bar.

He noticed Naruto taking a seat and moved to sit at the counter. The Uchiha couldn't help but tug at his dress once he sat on the stool, it kept trying to ride up! And imagine his embarassment when he found some more guys practically drooling over him.

"Excuse me miss," was what drew his attention away from his dress up to the bar tender who las leaning over the bar just a little too close. "What's a pretty little thing like you doing here?" the man said as he leaned closer and touched the tip of his finger under the 'girl's' chin and giving it a gentle stroke.

Sasuke tilted his head up with the movement. Oh god... this guy was trying to pick him up! He had to try hard not to throw up. "I..actually, I'm looking for someone," he said in a very good female voice, and even pulled off a shy blush.
"And who might that be?"
"A..A man named... Udon."
The man sat back a bit at that, keeping his distance from the boy. "Oh, uh, he's in the back with someone at the moment, but when he's done I'll come get you," it seemed the guy went from being all gushy to buisness fairly quick. "Care for a drink while you wait?" Ok, back to the flirting. " thank you."
Naruto leaned forwards slightly as he watched a guy speaking with Sasuke, snickering at the boys reaction. Oh even from a distance it was hilarious to watch, and Naruto had to cover his mouth to keep himself from bursting into laughter once again. But he managed to restrain himself, for the sake of the mission he couldn't blow either his own or Sasuke's cover. "Oh man...." He leaned in a little more to listen in on the conversation, though it was difficult over the chatter in the bar. Still, he picked up enough to hear that the guy would be out soon, that he was 'nearly finished' with someone out the back. Naruto quickly got the idea of just what that meant.....and it made his blood boil.

He really wanted to just burst in there and try to grab the guy right now....but they had to keep their cool for the mission. Besides, it would be easier, and less messy, for the guy to come to them rather than for them to have to chase after him. Sasuke could just let the guy lead him somewhere secluded, then both Sasuke and Naruto would be able to pounce and take him quickly and quietly. "Just a little longer and we'll have the guy.....then I suppose Sasuke can get out of those clothes...." Once again though, Naruto found himself staring a little more than he should've been. His eyes drifted down to Sasuke's exposed ass, the thong barely covering anything, and the short skirt nowhere near enough to cover up when Sasuke was sat on the stool. Naruto quickly shook his head though, then rubbed his face to clear it.
After a few more failed attempts to pick him up, the bar tender begrudgingly left the Uchiha alone. Sasuke would have sighed in relief if it wasn't for the fact that other men started to take his place one by one. He had been offered a drink 4 times, been told shitty pick up lines at least 7 times and had been flat out asked for sex twice! He was almost thankful when the bar tender came back.

"Hey sweetheart," the man cooed, "Udon's ready for you." The tender reached out and cupped Sasuke's cheek, and it took all the boy had not to smack it away. "Don't fight back too much, it would be a shame to see such a pretty face covered in bruises," the man warned before pulling back. "Come on, come with me."
"Ca..can't he come out here?" Sasuke asked, and at the glare from the once overly nice man, he faked a jump and a flinch, and got up off the stool.

After pulling down his dress a bit more to cover himself up a bit, he followed the man behind the counter. Naruto was given a slightly nervous look... this wasn't part of the plan! But still, he followed through a back door, and up a stair case to another door, and couldn't suppress the feeling that this was a very bad situation. The door was closed and he was thankful he could see a window... Naruto could watch and listen that way.

The Uchiha felt himself wanting to cringe his face in disgust at what else he saw. The room was actually quite fancy, looked almost like a living room to tell the truth, fire place and everything. It seemed the upper level of this bar was actually a home, but what disgusted him, was the man situation back on a leather chair, looking quite proud of himself. The man was kind of large, not fat per say, but definitely not skinny. His pants were down to his thighs, and on his lap was a girl no older then 11, barely awake.

Udon turned to look at the two who entered, and a sickening grin grew on his face. "What do we have here?" the man said in a deep voice that sent unpleasant chills running down Sasuke's spine.
"New merchandise," the tender answered.
"Ah, then take this girl back with the others."

Sasuke wasn't sure what to make of this... did he just get called merchandise? And what did Udon mean by others? Oh shit...

The realization hit him in the gut like a tone of bricks... The mission scroll had said Udon was a drug dealer, but it had been wrong, or at the very least left out a very important detail... This man was in the business of human trafficking. Or at the very least, owned a forced brothel, because that girl did NOT look like she was willingly doing this.
Naruto frowned as Sasuke was made to stand and walk away, but when Sasuke looked over at him, Naruto just gave him a reassuring nod to let him know he wouldn't be alone. After all, this guy was still potentially dangerous, so once Sasuke was out of sight, Naruto left quickly, moving around the side of the building, then discreetly scaling one of the walls. The alleyways all around the bar were guarded at either end, and whilst taking out the guards wouldn't pose too much of a problem, it would likely draw a lot of unnecessary attention, and possibly leave Sasuke alone and in trouble. So instead, Naruto decided to opt for a more stealthy approach, edging around the side of the building until he got to a window, looking inside just as Sasuke was being led into the room, though it wasn't Sasuke that Naruto was focused on right now.

He was watching the girl ontop of the man's lap, and once more Naruto was feeling his blood boil with rage. This man was even worse than they had been led to was taking every bit of restraint he had to stop himself bursting in there and strangling the guy...but he couldn't....not yet. They needed more information before they could arrest him....they needed him to explain the operation he was running to Sasuke before they captured Udon and turned him over to their contact in the town. Still, if things got bad then Naruto was more than ready to screw the mission and burst in to help Sasuke....they'd just beat the information out of the guy if they had to. "Come on Sasuke.....get him talking....." Naruto was careful to be discreet outside the window, making sure he was shrouded in darkness so he wouldn't be noticed.
The bar tender gave the girl a pitying look as he stepped forward. "Come on kid," he said gently and wrapped his arms around the nude girl, pulling her off Udon, the man's soft member slipping out from inside her, making the girl wince. She was put on her feet n the ground, and the man let her lean on him for balance.

Sasuke had to try hard not to just slaughter the man in the chair, and to hide the more then shocked face, because the girl was looking at him with pity. 'Don't scream,' the girl mouthed to him, making him swallow slightly.

When the two left and Sasuke was left alone with Udon, the man grinned at him. "Hey there sweet heart, come over here, I won't bite." The boy shivered but did as was told. ", could you tell me... who the others are? And where he's taking her?" he asked, motioning to the door.
"oh? why would you want to know that?"
"we..well I can only assume I'm... going to end up there too.. a-and I'd like to know where I'm going."

Udon laughed and leaned back in his chair a bit, pushing out his hips to show off his regrowing erection. Sasuke had to force down the urge to gag. "Well... how about this," the man started, "you show me what a good little whore you can be, and if you're good enough, I'll answer all your questions." The Uchiha by this time had gotten close enough for the man to grab his hips and pull him a bit closer.

The boy paniced internally, if Udon kept groping around he would find something a girl shouldn't have. Thinking quickly, he did something he thought a female would do, and slapped the hands away from his body... and regretted it afterwords. A loud slap echoed in the room, and Sasuke found his head thrown to the side... Udon had just... slapped him. He had been hit before, kicked, punched, but never slapped, it was pretty degrading to tell the truth. Plus, the slap was hard enough to leave a red, hand shaped mark on his face, and would probably bruise later on.

"Don't you dare push me away again," the man growled dangerously. "Or the punishment will be much worse."

The Uchiha turned back to face the man, and tilted his head down. "Yes sir," he said softly, shoving his pride away.

"Good girl, now, if you don't want to be touched, you can touch me." Sasuke swallowed thickly as the man continued. "Get on your knees sweetheart, use that pretty little mouth of yours on this," Udon moved a hand to stroke his member, "then I'll tell you what you want to know.

Bile rose up in his throat, and the Uchiha swallowed to keep from retching at the simple thought. He should stab the man in the throat right now but... If he didn't find out where those girls were... Closing his eyes to keep out the sight, he lowered himself to his knees before the man and tried not to flinch when the man caressed his cheek.
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