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Fx Male Cass's Post of Dark Romance and other Things (MxF)(Update 9/14/24 )

Oct 17, 2012
Do Not Ask me to Choose another Faceclaim, The Faceclaim is the reason I had the idea in the first place. SO PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT.

Please see Short Term Ideas Here

Keeping it simple right now, you can see my other Threads with my rules and Kinks in my Signature. Also if you are not hearing from me, check my A&A which is also in my Signature.


Idea: She had been sweet and innocent before she went off to college, she had been his little girl. Then she came back for summer vacation, and her father couldn’t put a finger on it but something had changed in his daughter.

He didn’t have a lot of time to think about it though, as things were busy for the wedding coming up for him and his new bride. His daughter and fiance had gotten along fine they thought. But again, even his soon to be wife said there was something off about her.

Sure he noticed that she was wearing more revealing clothing, and yes he has gotten too familiar with some of the panties she chose to wear under short shirts she chose to sleep in. And yes he happened to see her one night when he got up to get a drink of water, she had a light on in her room with the door just cracked enough. And it looked like she was masterbating with some kind of vibrator. So he got hard, and found it hard to pull away. He swore he would never look again.

Then came the night before the wedding, his soon to be wife off with her friends for the night. Him home alone, with also his daughter there supposedly supporting him. It started with a movie they decided to watch together, her eventually snuggling with him like they used to do when she was younger. Her laying across his lap, with her barely covered ass perfectly placed in his crotch. And the way she chose to adjust her body on him, making sure her ass rubbed right over his cock. Even the way she ended up moving his hands up her leg, or her side getting so close to certain areas a father shouldn’t think about. Of course he got hard, but he tried to ignore her he really did.

As soon as the movie was over, he practically shoved her to the floor telling her he needed to go to bed had to get up early for the wedding. If it only ended then…

There he laid in his bed, his cock in hand because the damn thing would not go down. He was rock hard due to his daughter, and all he could think about was that night he watched her in her room. Before he knew what happened, he felt another hand slide along his cock.

If only he could have said no, if only he could have shoved her away like before. But as soon as her hand touched his cock, he was lost and he wasn’t sure he would ever be able to find himself again.

The general idea is the daughter has suddenly has found a need for her father, and has become obsessed with fucking him. The father I am looking for, is to be a good man who does not normally have any want for his daughter's body. In fact he has finally found a woman he loves, years after his wife's death. He is loyal to her, and had also been to his wife. I am also not looking for him to be weak either.

But he is a man, and a man can only take so much teasing before he succumbs to his daughter's advances.

Figure there will be cheating, hiding from the new wife. MC will do evil things trying to get him into trouble. There will be something going through her head causing her to do this, that is something that I still need to figure out. But it will be more of her feeling the need to manipulate her father, and no her falling in love with him.

Can be Short or Long Term

Please PM with any Ideas!


Idea: Background below gives you some of it. But looking for this to be back in the 1950-60's. When women can't just do things like opening up a business, especially a business making and selling risque lingerie. So of course she has to get into business with some bad men, nothing she can do about it. We can start in the beginning where she is meeting up with her benefactor, or can start after she has the shop open. I have plenty of ideas for these.

Either way, especially as a woman like herself it won't be just paying money back. There will be favors, and expectations. Her body will not be off the table when it comes to business, if she likes it or not.

Depending on how far we get, her past can always come back to find her also.

Looking for partner to write the main man she deals with, and who is also open to writing maybe a few other men. Also if we get to her past, someone not scared to write an abusive ex-husband.

Looking to have quite an Adventure with Marla, as she struggles to get her business off the ground and keep it going.

PM with Interest and ideas!!

Name: Marla Rose
Age: 26 (can be adjusted if needed)
Personality: Tough, and can be a bit touchy at times. Once you get to know her she can be kind and funny, though she has a hard exterior to cover it not letting many in. Can be flirty when she wants to be.
Physical Description: Red wavy hair down past her shoulders, likes to keep it down framing her face. Light green eyes that hold the window to all of her. She stands about 5'5" thin with curves in all the right places. Has a tattoo of a rose on her right breast, her right upper arm is covered with a mix of hearts, native American style feather and beads, and butterflies. She wears make up to create a boldness out of her looks, as a change from the meek woman she used to be. Her clothing fall into the same category, wearing things to accentuate her body and show herself off though still slightly tasteful.
Biography: It had been a hard road which brought her to where she is today, she didn't exactly grow up with the best family. Things were tough in that parents fighting and barely any money coming in dad drinking, and as soon as she graduated high school she married her High School Sweetheart mainly to get out of there and that is just how things happened at that time. She became the lovely house wife, keeping home and such for her working husband. It was happy for a little bit until things had gotten harder at work for him, which meant things got harder at home for her.

There was one time when she dropped a piece of paper on the kitchen floor and forgot to pick it up, a phone call or something distracted her and it just happened. Her husband had come home not long after to find it, he had such a hard day at work he was furious that she couldn't at least keep the house straight. So for the first time since they married he raised a hand to her, after that it happened more often getting harsher. The last straw was one night where she ended up tripping over her own feet, just to get his food to him as fast as she could being the best wife she could be. With the food going everywhere and to waste, he beat her nearly to death. It was then she finally decided she had enough.

When her husband went to pick her up from the hospital from her "bad fall" she was gone, she had contacted some friends to help her leave and she ran off. She was too scared to file for divorce or anything like that, so she just disappeared changing her name in the end. Things didn't get better at first, she left New Jersey taking a bus as far as she could go. She ended up in Las Vegas and never ended up leaving. For a while she did some things she wasn't proud of, stripping and some of the perks that came with that. She hated it, but it was a way to get a lot of money fast if you were good.

She was ok, but what made her end up standing out a bit were her costumes. She had taken to making her own lingerie, having found a cheap sewing machine and going to work. She would pick up materials at second hand stores at first, and came up with some different and interesting things. She had fun with it, and it relieved the stress of her hellish life. Some of the other girls began asking about them, and in turn became willing to pay her to make something for them. Quickly it turned into a business, which she ended up running out of her home. In time it grew by word of mouth, even to the points that some of the house wives would come to find her to ask for something to be made.

She knew she needed to make the business better, but that took money which is something that wasn't easy for her to get. She tried with the banks, but a lingerie shop as she spoke of just wasn't something of their interest. Besides who would want stuff like she made anyways? So with that unfortunately she had to go to the next best thing, or worst depending on who you look at. The mob loved putting money into things, and this should be right up their Alley. So she went and asked and it was eventually agreed, with some convincing. It was Las Vegas after all Sin City. But she eventually got the money, and is paying it off as she can at least making the minimum payments on time so far. Of course it doesn't keep them from breathing down her neck, but she deals with that in stride.

What I am looking to do as an opening, is we will decide where they meet up together to hash things out. From there YC will want to see samples of what she makes, which makes sense. So she agrees to take him to her home, to give him a tour of what she makes. She brings him into her sewing room, which she has a lot of things made and stocked up so far. She pulls a few things, showing and explaining them. All that fun stuff. Then of course things get uncomfortable in the room for her, as he says that he wants to see them modeled for him. So being a woman in the 1950's even if she is tough one. She knows better then to say no, especially to someone possibly loaning money to her. So she changes in front of him because, of course. And she lets him look it over on her. He will give a few caresses, and touches on her then he will move her over to the sewing table and bend her over and fuck her. And then they move on with the contract from that.

Going forward, I see him also helping out with finding a location for her store. That is because I want to make this as difficult for her as possible. She is seeing a shop in a good area, and the only shop he can find for her is this run down strip mall on the bad side of town. Where there is a sex shop next door to her shop, an X-rated theater on the corner, and some crappy convince store which is also probably selling drugs out of it. She has these big plans on how she is going to be bringing the housewives into her shop, and how it would be for every kind of woman. And she ends up in the place no good woman would go to. Which works against her, as she can still get the strippers and hooker in but not the housewives who would be the ones getting this store off the ground.

And here is the big one, I am not looking for them to fall in love. Best can be would be a mutual respect eventually, after a long time of working together. Probably a bit of falling in lust also. As very much seeing them fucking plenty, and also him taking things out on her as needed.

I also see him using her not just for himself, but for others also. He has a deal going, and need something extra to make it go his way he brings MC in. He can get a good discount on supplies for her, Marla ends up being the cherry on top to get it. They happen to get pulled over, bend over Marla so we can get out of this. Basically using her other specialties to his advantage.

Also as we go I will look into bringing other things in, like her abusive husband. Maybe even some other guys from her past, in this life or the one before. So I need someone willing to pick up on those characters and such.

I have a lot of stuff and ideas for this story, so I need to make sure I have someone that I can work with that can go along for the ride, plus add in some of his own stuff as we write. While I have a lot figured out for this, I am still looking for someone that can add something too it as we go along also.


Vacation Affair/GF Sister

Idea: YC is happy, just got engaged to a wonderful girl ready to settle down and live a wonderful life with her. YC friends do a yearly guys vacation, and you have to leave your girl behind just like the rest of them.

We can discuss where they go, Island or cruse whatever. Either way YC ends up meeting this girl, they hit it off way more then YC would have expected to. She was the opposite of your Fiancé, while your girl is sweet and generous and would do anything for anyone. MC is daring, fun loving, and nothing like your girl. That is what attracts you to her, and you end up having a fling with her there.

At the end, you two part ways. And of course you feel guilty coming home, knowing you cheated on your girl. But you make yourself a promise that you would never do anything like that again, hell even more so you don’t go on vacations without your girl again. You make yourself feel better, and when you get home everything is good.

And then the Wedding plans start, and a year goes by fast and a couple weeks out of your wedding date your girls sister comes to stay with you to help her sister out. This is your first time meeting the sister, and when you open the door your stomach drops.

On the other side of that door, you see MC your fun loving vacation fling. All of a sudden that vacation comes back to haunt you.

What happens? Does she tell her sister? Do you have another fling with her? Does the wedding get called off?

PM me with your ideas!!


Idea: Looking for this to be a dark romance type. Looking for my Partner to play the not so nice boyfriend, and the old friend that comes back into town after many years due to a death in the family. We can discuss where we go with it from there.

Please PM me with ideas.

Name: Kendra Fisher


Description: Long blond hair, blue eyes, stands about 5’4”, thin with some curves in the right places. Tends to wear clothing on the skimpier side, likes to show off her body.

Personality: Party girl, likes to laugh. Can be tough when needed, and assertive. Though she doesn’t tend to know what is good for her, and stays in the same old town, with the same old guy, in which she struggles to be her tougher self sometimes.

History: Kendra comes from a family of, well, losers. Her father works at the local plant where a lot of the people in town work, her mother is a waitress at the local diner. Her home wasn’t the best home to live in, parents always screaming at each other basically hating one another but never did anything about it. Because of that Kendra ended up in a very similar relationship in high school. Her boyfriend was part of the group she hung out in, always getting into trouble smoking and doing drugs. Drinking, petty stealing, destruction of property, breaking and entering. You know the types. Her boyfriend Rick was the most attractive in her group, partially because he didn’t really care about anything. They started dating in her sophomore year, and have been on and off ever since.

Right now they are back on, mostly because they live in the same shithole house. When they are off, they sleep in different rooms. But usually it doesn’t last long, as he pushes his way back into her bed to fuck. They are technically engaged, but he has never bought her a ring. Rick says he doesn’t believe in them.

Kendra has changed quite a bit over the years, mainly her cup size would be the most noticeable. Which she got pushed into by her Rick, who said she was hot but would be so much hotter if she just got her tits enlarged. In the end that ended up being why she ended up becoming a stripper, as of course Rick couldn’t pay for them himself even if he was the one who wanted them. Though he convinced her that she could just work a little bit at the strip club to get the money, and just quit after she paid them off. And yeah, she is still at the strip club at 28, because she makes more money there then Rick does. And what would they do, how would they pay for anything if she quit. Which includes his nice new Truck, and the many toys he has bought for himself on her credit. Yet she still drives the old jeep that she has had since highschool. There are also the many tattoos, which some cover some scars which she does not talk about to anyone.

It is what it is, as it is a small town where nothing much happens. She wanted to leave, but she never had managed to do it. Basically getting stuck here like her parents did, at least thankfully not so far has she been knocked up by Rick. That is the one good thing that has happened to her so far, and she could be very happy with that.


Name: Ruby Chambers


Description: Her normal hair is brown but a bit darker than her sisters, though she normally dyes it black. Her eyes are normally brown like her sisters, but again she uses contacts to make them a darker grayish blue. She stands about 5’4”, but wears heels to always make her taller. Wears heavy makeup always on the darker side, and likes to wear tight, dark, and revealing clothing. Her body is thing but very curvy, probably had some work done in the breast area,

Personality: She is a woman of vices, doesn’t matter what she had either tried it or does it regularly. She could be smart, but she tends to let herself get into trouble more often than not even though she knows better. Tends to think more about herself, and her own opinions. Is a very sexual person, and has learned to use it to get what she needs.

History: Ruby and Evelyn both grew up in the same happy home, or it depends on how you look at it. Ruby always felt confined there, was always in trouble and getting punished. Did everything the opposite of what her parents wanted, as she just wanted her freedom.

She could have graduated Highschool if she tried, but in the last year on the day she turned 18 she dropped out and left with her then boyfriend. The boyfriend wasn’t someone you brought home to your family, her parents hated him but they couldn’t do anything once she turned 18. She kept in touch with her sister for a while, swearing her to secrecy to not tell anything to their parents. But the one time that Evelyn really got worried about her sisters situation, she told her parents where Ruby was. After the situation that happened because of that, Ruby cut off contact with her sister for quite some time. Until recently, when she decided to come back upon hearing about her sisters engagement and to who. She knew then, she needed to be the big sister for once and protect Evelyn.


Name: Evelyn Chambers


Description: Light brown long hair, and warm brown Eyes. Stands about 5’2”, slim with curves all natural. Tends to wear light makeup if any at all, her clothing sides on the more conservative side. Except in the bedroom with her fiance, where she will wear some things he likes but she is always shy about it.

Personality: Sht and sweet, always cares and worries about others before herself. In the bedroom, she can be passionate but tends to have many boundaries that cannot be crossed. Though always tried to make her man happy.

History: For Evelyn it was a happy home, though her sister was always getting into trouble she did her best to protect her even if she was the younger sister. She was sad when Ruby left, and devastated when Ruby stopped communicating with her. But she did her best to keep moving forward.

She went to college for accounting, and met her fiance there. She graduated with Honors, and now works for a large company on their accounting team. She could have been head of the accounting team by now, but for her that would take to much time out of home life.

She was traditional when it came to the woman of the house, as she made sure she was home every evening before her fiance to cook a meal to be ready when he gets home. She also keeps the house clean, and anything else which is a woman's place to do. That is including making less money then her fiance, she could be making as much if not more then him by now but she couldn’t do that to him.

Both of them lived in a smaller starter house just big enough for their needs right now, she decorated it in a comfy homey feel. There is 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, the second bedroom used as a guest room for now until they get married and have their first kid which then they will turn into a nursery.

Evelyn moved on from losing her sister, and was comfortable now in her new life. She had so many plans for the future, she couldn’t wait to get the wedding done and get started on her family.

Of course she didn’t see the black cloud heading her way, to block out the sunshine shining down on her.

Idea: Ruby and Evelyn were sisters, they were born a year apart and couldn’t be more different then one another. Ruby loved to party, drink, skip school, and do everything the bad girls do. She couldn’t tell you how many times her parents had to bail her out of Jail. Evelyn, was the complete opposite, she was a good girl, did well in school, fell in love, and would never ever do anything bad.

The sisters loved each other though, and would generally do what they could for one another. Unfortunately, they lost touch after High School. Ruby riding off on the back of some guys motorcycle, and Evelyn heading off to college. Evelyn would get a postcard or two from her sister every so often, but it didn’t say much other then she was great.

Eventually the postcards stopped all together, and Evelyn hadn’t heard anything from Ruby and in about four years. Now at 26, Evelyn had just moved into a big house with her fiance. They had a big wedding planned soon, and everything was super great. That was until Ruby popped back into her life one night.
Things were about to unravel in Evelyn’s life, but how could she say no to her sister?

Looking for a Partner willing to write the Fiancé, and some other male characters like some unsavory sorts for Ruby. Also looking for a small non-con element for one scene with Evelyn

Please PM me with Ideas!
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