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...Sea...kittens? Do they mean catfish? Because I'm seriously confused and really disturbed by that. On top of that, I've seen some big ass cat-fish that make be worried. And renaming them sea-kittens won't frickin' help, not in my mind.
Seraph said:
...Sea...kittens? Do they mean catfish? Because I'm seriously confused and really disturbed by that. On top of that, I've seen some big ass cat-fish that make be worried. And renaming them sea-kittens won't frickin' help, not in my mind.

While Catfish are, no doubt, included in PETA's attempt to rebrand fish as sea kittens, it's not just catfish, but all fish. I can really understand why it's hard to understand... PETA's idea is so far beyond the realm of the normal that it boggles the damn mind. They want to remove the term "fish" from use and instead call them all "Sea kittens" in order to make them more of a friendly idea to the mind. Because the term "kitten" brings to mind fuzzy cuteness, like displayed at Kittenwar or The Daily Kitten, while "fish" brings to mind scaly, slimy creatures which are completely unlike us.

In PETA's mind, by renaming them, people would be more willing to help out "Sea-kittens" which are a group of animals that generally get less ecological assistance than say... mammals, since many baby mammals are super cute (think of a baby bear cub or a baby tiger... awwwww), but fis... I mean, Sea Kittens generally are not.

The obvious (to apparently everyone except PETA) flaw in this plan can best be illustrated by a Shakespear quote: "A rose, by any other name, would still smell so sweet." While what was said doesn't apply here, the meaning does. The idea that a name is merely something we use to define something. What it is will not change if you name it something else. Call them fish, sea kittens, a bouquet of roses, or a pile of shit, won't change them from what they are: Scaly, slimy creatures which are completely unlike us.

Addendum: I have a few vegan and vegetarian friends. Some do this for the health reasons, but many do it for the ecological reasons (I live in a town full of hippies, kinda a given...), and these guys think PETA's lost their damned minds. I don't know what the heads of PETA are smoking, but I want some. It's obviously some good fucking stuff.
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