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Fx Male Leia's Forbidden Slice of Life Requests - Craving Brother's Best Friend


May 7, 2021
Hi there

I'm Rae, very excited to find some roleplay partners. I'm looking for detailed males or females (more on that later) for some slice of life roleplays. I enjoy RPs that involve a forbidden element (not illegal, just a situation that would be complicated). While I enjoy smut, I do like details, characters arcs and plot development. I will say that good spelling and grammar is a must for me. I get too distracted otherwise.

I will probably be able to post every other day though there will be exceptions due to personal commitments, obviously. If you've gone several days without hearing from me, feel free to reach out.

I love pairings with age gaps but I want to be younger. Preferably early twenties and nothing under the age of twenty. In fact, no matter the pairing or age gap, I prefer to be younger, even if it's just by a couple of months.

Character sheets/descriptions involving face grabs, age, personality etc. are a must for me. I understand exploring your character in the RP but I like a starting point.

No plots involving rape or force. No incest. No characters under 21. No plots involving bribery/blackmail/cheating. No exceptions.

To be clear, I only play characters younger than my partner's (if that makes sense?) I don't know why but I don't like playing the older character.

My pairings / plots are suggestions. I'm willing to discuss edits/alternatives :)

Option 1
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6
Option 7 (version 2)
Option 8
Option 9
Option 10
Option 11
Option 12
Option 13
However, if you don't like any of those, feel free to suggest one and hopefully, we can find one that works for the both of us.

These are just suggestions, not mandatory in any way. They're just face claims I would love to play opposite :)
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6
Option 7
Option 8 (Version2)
Option 9
Option 10
Option 11
Option 12
Option 13
Option 14

A Rock 'n' Roll Love: YC is a retired rockstar, maybe had been part of a huge band back in the day. I'm thinking YC is a more of an actor these days. MC is in college or maybe just graduated and takes a job as YC's assistant. Alternatively, maybe she's studying music and YC is a guest teacher and they meet that way? Or maybe a combination of the two? YC is a guest teacher in her music class, she takes up a job as his assistant. Maybe he even sees talent in her and offers some private tuition? I haven't thought much further with it.

Royals: One of my favourite movies is 'The Prince And Me' and I would love to roleplay a similar plot. Essentially, we attend the same university and Muse A doesn't get along with Muse B because they're a bit entitled or snobby. However, they work on a project or event and grow closer and start dating. Muse A is completely unaware of Muse B's royal status which will be revealed later.

Celebrities in love: Both of our characters are famous (we can decide what work they do later) and one or both of them have ended up with a less than stellar reputation. (It doesn't have to be anything wild - maybe based on a misunderstanding). PR recommends they set up a fake relationship, going to concerts and premieres and publicity events together. Eventually, they develop real feelings for one another.

The Writer And The Actor: I've always wanted to write something about MC, the writer, and YC, the lead actor. I kind of imagine it something like this: set on a TV show, the director isn't satisfied with YC's performance in love scenes as the character's relationship develops so he instructs YC (actor) to consult with MC (the head writer) in order to make his character more believable. As they spend more time together, they start to develop feelings for each other. Something like that.

Exes Reunited: I don't really have specific details for this but I was thinking about this idea and think it might be cool. YC and MC used to date in college or maybe high school but split up when one of us was moving away for work. We bump into each other later (perhaps something involving work? Or a friend's wedding?) The spark/attraction is still there but we can't bring ourselves to admit it. I also wondered if it could be similar to Celebrities In Love so far as we pretend to get back together (not sure why) and eventually admit we have feelings. I'm not sure. But that aside, I'd like a plot revolving around exes meeting after a long time apart.

Exes, I do: A plot I have considered is that when we're in college, we get married (I'm thinking eloping) but eventually, we break up (maybe work related or the pressure of college gets to us and we break up?) But we don't get a divorce. A few years later, we reconnect but both of us have partners. However, as soon as we see each other, the spark is still there.***

Hating Co-stars: We are both actors on a TV show (this could also apply to costars in a play/musical?) and our characters have had a slow burn relationship but the fans absolutely love them. However, we absolutely detest each other. We can barely get through readings and rehearsals without arguing about something, even petty things. However, the production company is keen to keep our hostile relationship quiet. This particular plot could go in one of three directions.
  1. As our characters are finally going to get together, the production company encourages us to fake a relationship to drive up publicity for the upcoming season. (This is my favourite angle)
  2. We kind of develop a friends with benefits relationship which leads to something more emotional and real
  3. Nothing specific - we just realise our feelings/attraction on our own after long rehearsals and kissing on set etc.
Misc Forbidden Plot: I could see this working for student/teacher or maybe Dad's boss? Either way, MC and YC meet (maybe on a dating app or even at a concert or in a bar?) and we really hit it off and we start dating for a few weeks until we realise who the other is? IE: A new semester starts and we realise YC is MC's teacher? Or for the Dad's boss, YC invites me to a work party and I realise it's my dad's company

Fame Isn't Everything: So essentially, one of us is famous (I don't think it really matters who) but the person who isn't famous doesn't like the celebrity. Perhaps the celeb is too mainstream/popular, maybe they think the celeb is too selfish/conceited (based on no real facts). We meet somehow (I'm not sure how - perhaps there's a premiere or concert in town or something. Maybe the non famous person is a chef/baker and caters for an event?) Anyway, we meet and do not get along but the more time we spent together, we develop feelings for each other.

Finding Fame: So this is kind of the opposite of Fame Isn't Everything. One of us is famous and the other is a fan (but not a crazy obsessed fan). We meet somehow (perhaps at a mutual friend's wedding or something like that? And we immediately hit it off. There's an instant spark and attraction. Perhaps they even have sex that very night? But the celebrity insists on keeping everything quiet so that the non-famous person isn't hounded by the press. So there's a lot of sneaking around and secrecy but eventually, the relationship gets out.

Back to My Hometown: So our characters grew up together. Not necessarily their entire lives but maybe they met when they were ten or eleven. In my head, YC is best friends with MC's older brother but this isn't a necessary detail. One of us becomes famous (I'm not sure it matters which one - we can discuss this) and has kind of been distant, moving around, touring etc. I don't mean the celebrity never returns but it's not a common thing either. However, they come back home for Christmas and they essentailly fall in love as they spend more time together. Now that I think about it, there are a few different angles we could take here. Perhaps MC's father is YC's manager for example?

Met You On Vacation: So for this one, I'm kind of channelling Grease and High School Musical. It's also very similar to Misc Forbidden Plot. Essentially, our characters meet on vacation. The vacations could be a girls trip, maybe a bachelor party, maybe our characters are just travelling alone. However, I think it'll work better if it's not a family vacation. And our characters are adults. They meet on vacation and instant sparks/connection/attraction. They spend time together and they exchange numbers but obviously part ways. But then they realise that they're in each other's lives. An example of how this could work could be MC is a college student and YC is a new professor. Alternatively, MC moves to a new state and YC is her boss. Or YC moves to a new city to start a job at her dad's company. Something along those lines.

Mixed Doubles: So this is inspired by a story I read from the Olympics. Two tennis players were dating but they broke up to focus on training. They played together in the mixed doubles and when they won, they kissed. I would love to recreate this.

I Hate To Love You: MC is a detective who goes undercover to arrest YC who is a top mafia boss. I have to admit I haven't written this kind of RP before but I was inspired by a drama short I saw on tiktok of all places. As such, I'd really like to do this with a partner who is willing to spend time planning this out. (It's also possible for YC to be an undercover cop and MC to be someone involved in the mafia.)

  • Teacher/student - I kind of imagine this as more of a college professor, rather than high school teacher (I'm also interested in exploring some king of private tutor eg. music lessons, private sports coach etc.) - I'm also interested in discussing plots relating to other school staff/student (eg. guidance counsellor) which could be interesting. Again, I would be playing the student.
  • Employee/boss's daughter OR boss/employee's daughter
  • Daughter/dad's best friend OR best friend/best friend's dad
  • President's (or prime minister) daughter/security guard
  • Brother's best friend
  • Roommates
  • Best Friends
  • Dancer partners in a dancing competition (eg. Strictly Come Dancing or Dancing With The Stars)
  • Olympic Athletes
  • Athlete/coach

I'd say I typically write 2-3 paragraphs per post but it's very dependent on context. While I enjoy detail, I don't want my partner to write five paragraphs about a chair just to fill paragraphs.

If we get on well, I'm willing to move our RP to Discord or google docs or another platform but only after establishing that things are going well.

Please send me a pm if you're interested and hopefully we can work something out. I do prefer to RP through PM.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Please review my f-list for kinks/limits
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