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Looking for Writing Buddies or a Writing Group


Biblically Accurate Bitch
Sep 28, 2013
The Lost City of Clitlantis
I miss having writing buddies, people I can shoot ideas back and forth with, or get quick critiques on pieces. And what I really need a is a group of writers who don't mind the occasional smutty or violent piece. I have even found that reading and critiquing others works helps to inspire my own writing, and definitely improves it. So I am looking for a handful of people who would be interested in this sort fo back and forth critiquing and brainstorming. I prefer to use discord for this sort of thing, but it's not necessary.

Send me a PM or post here if interested.
I miss having writing buddies, people I can shoot ideas back and forth with, or get quick critiques on pieces. And what I really need a is a group of writers who don't mind the occasional smutty or violent piece. I have even found that reading and critiquing others works helps to inspire my own writing, and definitely improves it. So I am looking for a handful of people who would be interested in this sort fo back and forth critiquing and brainstorming. I prefer to use discord for this sort of thing, but it's not necessary.

Send me a PM or post here if interested.

Hello there, can't quite DM just yet as I just signed up for the site and am waiting on the 24 hour limit to be lifted, but I would definitely adore a group to brainstorm with if you're still looking for people. I am a very big fan of darker things and smut as well. I tend to blend sexuality with story, so for me the two are rather inseparable depending on the characters of course. Even if we don't end up rping though I am always quite glad to make friends and bounce ideas back and forth.

Look forwards to hearing back from you!

I love reviewing and reading, and would appreciate if somebody helped me with edits of my own crap writing! Sign me up if still interested! Maximus#0207
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