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Mx F or NB Diomedes Fandom Cravings! (All pictures NSFW!)


Feb 11, 2021

Hello there dear reader! In a not so shocking twist after you (hopefully) read the title, I am looking for Fandom based roleplays in this thread. This thread is a rather selfish one though, please be warned. I am ONLY looking for a partner who is willing to play cannon characters against my OC. Selfish I know, but hey you never get anything if you don’t ask! I do plan to do everything in my power to make sure we are both enjoying this roleplay though and that’s a promise.

If I haven’t scared you away yet I hope one of my ideas hook you but if you don’t see anything you like please feel free to bring up your own fandoms or characters! I know way too many fandoms to list here.

I’m do my best to keep this short and sweet, I do have a longer and more detailed post here so if you’d like some of the basics about me feel free to read it or just message me!

What You Can Expect From Me

This will be very brief as the link above will have a more in depth version, I know how much of a hassle it is to go between threads so I figured I’d include basic info here.

My replies are usually between 3-4 paragraphs on the lower end and can go much higher with a good partner and story.

I can usually get in a reply every day or every other day though post length plays a big factor in that, typically though there will be more than one reply a week on my side. I understand this may not be the case for all mg partners and I’d like to think I’m understanding and relaxed when it comes to this side of things.

I’ll always contribute to our roleplay, you may be playing a canon character for me here but I’ll still pull my own weight with the world building and whatnot.


Current fandom cravings: Stardew Valley, Encanto (will literally sell my soul for either of these!)

Any of these female characters you’d play as are more than welcome to be futa! I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I figured I’d add it here just in case! It is a huge craving of mine and it hardly gets itched, if you aren’t open to playing a futa though I’d still happily play against any female character!

I’ll state it again here in case you skipped over the beginning portion, (I don’t blame you we all do it from time to time.) If you are interested you’ll be playing the cannon characters and I’ll be the OC in the scenarios. Since this is focused on a lot of what I want, feel free to suggest any kinks or ideas you’d like to include to make this more pleasurable and enjoyable for you!


Stardew Valley

HaleyXOC- Despite having more hours in this game than I would like to admit, I have found myself sucked back into the world of Stardew. I am actually going for an ambitious 100% completion as you read this so this game is something I’m heavily invested in. I have yet to find a partner for this fandom though, and by the Gods I would absolutely LOVE for someone to play Haley for me! I was thinking we could go the classic heart event route where we play out the heart events as well as a host of other amazing scenes. My character would still be the new farmer in town and so there are a bunch of ways this can go! Stardew Valley is an amazing place full of things to do an explore so I’m sure we could come up with a ton of fun scenes! Definitely would love to have romance be a huge part of this roleplay, and either completely smut or a mix of smut and story is what I’m looking for! If you are interested in this idea let me know! I do have a ton of ideas for plot points here, or we can stick to a more smutty roleplay so let me know what you are wanting!

Girls of StardewXOC- This is for those of you who may not be interested in playing Haley but still want to play a girl in the stardew world. You can pick and choose one or more of the bachelorettes to play or even the taken ladies are on the table. While of course I would never say no to multiple girls, I’m more than happy to play against just one. If you want to go down this route please let me know which girl or girls you are open to playing and we can go from there!

I want to preface this fandom by saying I’m willing to do just about ANYTHING for a partner willing to write one or multiple of these girls! If this is something you’re open to PLEASE message me! I have a few ideas for this fandom depending on if you want to play one girl or a few!

Isabela, Mirabel, and Louisa
Julieta and Pepa

Just choose any one or all of your favorites and I’ll work something out for us!

Animal Crossing
AnkhaXOC- I’ve been on and off playing ACNH ever since it came out and ever since then I’ve been craving to play against the lovey Ankha! Since the game is so open we could take this any way we want to really. I was thinking something along the lines of the island setting, maybe Ankha decides to get away from it all and move to my characters new island? We could be the only residents or the island can already be established, up for debate! Ideally a ton of smut and romance would also be included here, I don’t really see a whole lot of opportunities for story here so this will be a more smut centered roleplay!

IsabelleXOC-So more or less the same as the last plot except with Isabelle! Who wouldn’t want to plow that lovely dog lady?! Also a side note, if you were willing to play both Ankha and Isabelle in the same I would love you forever! Though if not one of them is fine too!

Elden Ring
Now this I anticipate to be a rather niche idea or at least I’m not sure how easy it’ll be to find a partner for this so I won’t list all my ideas here. IF you are interested please please let me know! I do have some basic fleshed out ideas for any pairing below and am craving hard to play against these girls!


Okay so this thread is a work in progress! I’m going to stop listing out basic ideas we can work off of and just start throwing down parings and pictures. If you are interested in playing any of these girls please tell me! I do still have ideas for them I just haven’t gotten around to writing them!


Your choiceXOC

Sword Art Online


Black Clover






Misc. Fandoms

Lady Dimitriscu(RE:Village)XOC
Edi(Mass Effect)XOC
Aloy(Horizon Zero Dawn)XOC
Lara Croft(Tomb Raider)XOC

Alright I’m gonna cut it off here for now! If you are curious if I’m into a fandom or not try me! I’ll be updating this slowly so if you see it bumped feel free to check back! Like I said I do have a few basic ideas for every pairing I listed but feel free to suggest your own as well!

I hope to hear from you all soon!
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Bump! Will be doing a total revamp soon, just looking for new partners! Come to me with any ideas you have or if anything catches your eye!
Revamp way long overdue but here!

All links work now!

Looking for any and all roleplays!

Craving Elden Ring or Stardew but will happily take any and open to suggestions.
Because of the holiday season, I have a few creative Christmas twists to add to any canon lady if you’re interested!
Back after a personal break, would love some new partners!

Will be updating this post when I have time.
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