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Favorite Movie?


A monster movie with a more slick, efficient, and fun script you will have to look for a very long time.
All time favorite is Ingenious Bastards. I have enjoyed Quentin Tarantino movies. He is an amazing storyteller.
I never got tired of it.

Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva.

Something i love about this movie is E V E R Y T H I N G!

The plot, voice-acting, characters, visuals.. ETC.

But it’s the only movie from the franchise.

It Follows. It's a pretty creepy horror film that doesn't rely heavily on jump scares.
A friend recommended that for me. I really tried to like it but I think the group we watched it with were too logical trying to solve it. It's a good concept though!
It's a tough choice but I think it will have to be Interstellar. Sobbed during the premiere 10 years ago.
Guy Ritchie attempted something more ambiguous and ambitious with the release of Revolver (2005) but ultimately failed, receiving mostly negative reviews.
Fortunately, the movie has since found its niche and has been praised on the internet. It has multi-layered meanings and is a psychological drama with a strong emphasis on the first part.

It's worth watching, but only the European/UK cut. The US version was butchered to the point where the movie made no sense.

The movie explores themes of power, money, social status, and our inner voice.
Shutter Island is such a detailed film, you can watch it all over again almost like a new movie after you know the twist again. I also love Martin Scorsese's After Hours, it is so darkly fun.

MULAAAAAAAAAN. the disney animated one.
i watch it at least three times a year. i'm weird, i know. but i just love it.
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