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Fx Male Come Punish a Tease~


The Empress of the Dark and Twisted
Apr 27, 2021
United States
The moon is my sun. The night is my day. Blood is my life. You are my prey.

Why, welcome dear. I am glad you have come to lend me your ear. Yes, I will deign to see you. You have entered my realm of seduction and sensuality and now you are my captive for the night. Lend me your blood and I shall give you my soul.

First, let us read through the contract. I have split this document into four major parts.

  1. My rules/about me.
  2. What I expect from you.
  3. Kinks and anti-kinks.
  4. Plots/Pairings.
Are you ready, dear? Then let us commence this arduous journey. I grow weary and soon hope to find myself with a new companion.

Part 1

About Me

As you may already have guessed I am quite… dramatic. So, for that, I apologize for in advance. Though I do think my dramatics is something of a pleasure, no? Or are they a pain? Well, I enjoy both.

My writing will be just as dramatic, I shall say that now. I am a literate roleplayer, therefore I love making multi-paragraphed detailed posts. And, moreover, while I enjoy sex that is not the only reason I am here. While I love smut-heavy roleplays, they do not sustain me in the long term. I must have a plot that goes along with it. Some roleplays will feature heavier smut than others, but rest assured all of them will have something more than just sex to sustain them.

A Statement About My Characters

I will mention that I shall not play a bimbo or sex-crazed slut. I hate playing low-intelligent characters, or even characters that act low-intelligent. Nor do I enjoy playing a woman whose only purpose is to have sex, and is only fixated on when she will next have sex. My character will not be addicted to your character's dick or cum and constantly be thinking about her next lay. She will be an intelligent young woman that can hold her own. This is not to say she will not have a high libido. And to add to this, she will be very in to having sex, I am just saying no plot will revolve completely around her having sex.

And while I play submissives, they won’t be… too submissive for lack of a better word. I hate playing characters who have no agency and do nothing for themselves. Both in and out of the bedroom. She will have sexuality, she will own her sexuality. At most, she may be a virgin at the beginning, but rest assured as she loses that virginity she will come to her sexuality. My submissives are usually classified as “Brats” for reference. They will tease and poke YC a lot. Don’t expect immediate “Yes, Daddy”s out of them, but rather a lot of “Make me!”s and “What ya gonna do about it?”s.

To give a more concise and straightforward idea of compatibility, here are my rules!

  1. This is a collaborative effort, so I would appreciate it if you did no god-mod or take over the entire RP, but also don’t be super passive! Throw ideas at me and help me come up with new plot threads!
  2. I like writing smut, but not sexting. I would prefer us to keep all sexual endeavors to our characters in the roleplay!
  3. Tell me if you are not having fun, or want to include some aspect in the roleplay.
  4. Please don’t try any of the kinks on my “anti-kink” list, and I would prefer you ask me first if your kink is not listed. There is nothing against the people who have these kinks, it just isn’t what I like.
  5. As mentioned before, I will not be playing bimbos, sex-crazed sluts/nymphomaniacs, or extremely submissive girls with no agency.
  6. Going along with 5, I like to play intelligent, passionate young women. They may vary in how they express their intelligence, skills, and passion, but they are never the type to just lay down and take whatever life hands them. If YC is kidnapping them, he is in for a fight.
  7. I will not roleplay as a minor, nor will I roleplay against a character that is a minor (plus, mama got a daddy kink, so I would prefer your character be much older than mine anyways).
  8. I like violent, dark plots. If you do not enjoy them, this probably is not the place for you.
  9. That being said! I like to put light-hearted moments in the darkness as well! So don’t think this is going to be all doom and gloom.
  10. All BMR rules apply.
  11. HAVE FUN :)

I think it is time I am clear about this. At most I want 40-50% smut in my RPs. I want our characters to talk. I like stories that, while sex might be a big part, it isn't the only part. This is erotica but it doesn't have to read like a stupid porno with lemon-stealing whores and the like. And I don't make porn characters so this is a necessity. My character will never get so addicted to your character's dick that she is unable to think rationally for herself. She might experience Stockholm syndrome and those two might form a relationship but it is never going to be that she is so addicted to sex that she would give up everything just to have that dick. So please keep that in mind when we are planning. I find characters I actually care about the sexiest of all. Not just two people smashing together for contrived reasons. My basic template is looking at the story and events and wondering if it could work without sex. If the story could function without sex, and the smut is just an added bonus then it works. However, if you take the sex out and there is nothing there then it does not work.

Basically, I want an actual plot with well-made characters and a well-crafted setting. Not just hot people boinking. I want a sense of realism here that porn would not have. This leads me to a minor stipulation...

I like a good rape plot. But, this is where I may lose some people. I play my rapes realistically. This means my character will be traumatized and distrustful of your character if he full-on rapes her. It will not be a "one rape and now she is addicted to his cock" scenario. I have had several RPs where I know this is not the case my partner was expecting so I think it is best to clarify it now. This is not to say that she will not form a twisted attachment/love for your character. Just that she will not instantaneously be addicted. However, I love these plots as they usually involve a lot of manipulation, mental abuse and the like. These will usually be slowburns, so if you are alright with her taking 100s of posts before she finally fully comes around then these are your plots.

Otherwise, Dub-Con is probably the way to go.

So, I actually like incest as something to explore, but akin to my dislike of plots that are purely sexual, I am a bit picky when it comes to incest plots. Number one, I enjoy playing younger characters, so I will never be doing a Mommy/Aunt x Son/Nephew. I mostly do Daddy x Daughter, but I could do Older Brother x Younger Sister as well. I know a lot of you out there like milfs, but I am on the younger side currently and have no interest in playing a milf (though I do love looking at 'em). Number 2, there has to be a plot. And more than just a porn plot. So no "she needs his cum to survive" or something of the like, if we do an incest plot I want it to have all the dark and twisted implications of real incest. The grooming, the psychological effects, perhaps it even starting as covert incest and then blooming into real incest. Usually,I like it as a smaller part of a bigger plot that just adds to some psychological problems/damage.


So. I have gotten enough requests for harems that I feel the need to put it upfront where I stand on them. I hate love triangles. I hate any drama intrinsically related to something as stupid as being jealous over another girl getting dick. I said I write intelligent characters and intelligent characters don't get into petty catfights over dick or a man that obviously doesn't care about them. So here is where most people wanting harems probably don't want to deal with me: If we do harems or polyamory then the girls will be amiable and perhaps even friends who are happy to share one man between them and might even have fun between themselves. There will be no love triangles, no jealousy, none of that. The same goes for reverse harems, by the by. I find men fighting over one woman just as trite. If my character has a harem I want all the men to be happy in it. Any drama that comes is between the main man/woman and their individual relationship with their harems men/women.

TL;DR: If you want a harem that is based around women fighting over your character then I won't like it. HOWEVER, if you want a harem where the women are friendly with one another and the drama comes from somewhere else then we are game.

Part 2

What I Expect From You

Now, darling, I need to make sure this contract will be fulfilled. You and I both want to know we are each other’s desired. You only need think, as yourself truthfully if this is you, and then come to me and give unto me. If it sounds like we will get along, let us dance in the garden of evil and create our own heaven.

For one, be literate. I enjoy literacy and writing long posts. HOWEVER, I will make exceptions for dialogue-heavy/sex scenes. Dialogue and sex can sometimes be far better when it is rapid-fire rather than addled by a bunch of descriptions. Detailed is a state of mind, not a word count. I only ask that you write detailed in that I hear your character's internal monologue, I know what they look like, what the place they are in looks like, who they are. Nothing more.

Now, I have a preference for males, but I do not want to play with the “macho sex god”. I need them to have a character trait other than dominant and likes sex. They need to have their own plot/story outside of sex. They also should want more than sex. Even if our characters' main plot is that they want to date each other, gdi, I want them to date for more than wanting to bone.

Adding on to the above point! I would prefer most of these pairings end up romances, no matter how fucked up it is. I like emotional connections in my roleplays as much as violence and bloodshed. I would like these two to have a romantic connection with one another, not just a sexual relationship. Often I find romantic connections help add to the sexual aspect as well.

Other than what was outlined in my rules, this is what I expect from you, darling. Simply be literate and make multi-dimensional characters. If these needs are met, I believe we can have quite a good time.

Part 3

Kinks and Anti-Kinks


As unladylike as this has become, I cannot avoid the subject any longer. One of the final deterrents which we shall cross, oh my dear, I do hope you will have fun in my palace of passion. Let us see…


  • Orgasm Denial/Control. Take my character, keep her on the edge of an orgasm, we can use magic or made up gadgets if we want to take it to the extreme, break her until she can no longer be a defiant little brat and begs you to let her cum.
  • Overstimulation. Can be added on to control, but after she cums well… ya ain’t done there. Have her cumming until she is begging you to stop. Until it is painful and her poor little pussy can’t take it anymore. And then keep going until you’re satisfied ;). Bonus points if this comes right after some orgasm denial.
  • Forced Orgasms. Goes hand in hand with orgasm control (see a pattern here? lol) But specifically this is when my character does not want to orgasm (possibly in non/dub-con situations) or YC, as a dom, forbid her from3 cumming, but want an excuse to punish this naughty little maid (bonus points if the punishment is overstimulation i.e. “everytime you cum without my permission, I make you cum three times.”)
  • Bondage. I prefer light - medium bondage over the really extreme stuff, but I do enjoy my character being all tied up.
  • Toys! Vibrators are my favorite if we are doing a modern day plot. Special love for the remote control kind for some public fun ;) Dildos, nipple clamps, gags, butt plugs, love most of em! Just ask me about a toy and if I don’t know it, I will look it up and see about incorporating it!
  • Clit Play. Quickest way to a girls orgasm after all. Lick it, rub it, vibe it oh mai.
  • Oral Sex. Giving and receiving. I love having my girls choking on dick, or being forced to completely melt as a talented tongue takes them into a new state of bliss. Bonus points if YC sucks their clit for overstimmy ;)
  • Nipple Play. My girls like having their nipples played with. And they are always VERY sensitive. Lick ‘em, bite ‘em, clamp ‘em, vibe ‘em. And then watch the girls writhe underneath.
  • Neck Play. My girls tend to have sensitive necks. Kiss them, lick them, bite them, and especially mark them.
  • Dub-Con/Non-Con. Good ol’ “I don’t want it” but secretly they are cumming non-stop. Whether it be through blackmail or straight up rape, I do love this and it fits right in with my love for dark plots.
  • Age Gap. I like my characters to be relatively young (18 - 24) against older partners (40-50). Much older with a lot of experience.
  • Beards. I like a man with a nice beard. I blame Jason Momoa for this kink.
  • Forced Clothes Wearing/Sexy Slutty Clothing. If you got power over her, don’t you want her to look to your liking? Historical babes, but her in those tight lowcut corsets. Modern? She doesn’t get to wear panties and has to walk around in a nice short pin-skirt.
  • Whore, but a Valued Whore. So. This is a particular kink. I like my character to feel valued. I don't want her to feel easily discarded or something of little worth. Even if she is objectified I like him treating her like she is one of his most prized possessions. She is pampered, dressed in finery and given wonderful living conditions even if she is in captivity.
Not Favorite, but I Still Love Them
  • Breast Play. Like Nipple Play, but with the breasts as a whole. Rub them, squeeze them. Hold them. I mean who doesn’t like playing with tiddies?
  • Cervical Penetration. Got a massive cock that needs to go somewhere? Squeeze it right on in there and watch her writhe in bliss as she is completely filled with it.
  • Leash/Collar. I especially like covert collars. Even if others don’t know what that choker means, she does.
  • Master/Slave. This may be a dynamic in the RP, in itself but love the dynamic, especially since my characters tend to be feisty andn will not go along with everything yours says.
  • Piercings. Nonsexual and sexual. My girls will often where earrings, but the kinkier ones might have clit and nipple piercings as well. And I have to admit a man with a Prince Albert is alluring.
  • Incest. Yes, that ol’ taboo.To be honest, I find it alluring but I need a really good plot for it, or else I won’t like it as much. But when done well, I find it quite delicious.
  • Daddy. Oh yes, the Daddy Kink. Not much to it other than MC might call yours “Daddy” if he so pleases.
  • Double Penetration. Threesome? Two dicks at the same time? Count my girls in! They love to suck someone off while being fucked from behind!
  • Gang Bang. Whether consensual or not, a group of participants ready to mingle and fuck. A lovely group of merry men.
  • Non-Human. I am not into Anthro, mind you, but demons, vampires, and other humanoid monsters? YES. My only stipulation is that they have to BASICALLY be human, but with maybe horns and a tail at most. No fur, no maws, or anything furry/anthro. Though I would be willing for them to have freakishly long tongues…
  • Doggy Style/From Behind. Just love the position, tbh. That’s it.
  • Choking/Breathplay. Yes. Please.
Maybe. Not Really My Thing, But Possibly Willing.
  • Anal. Not a huge anal fan, to be honest. Analingus and anal penetration have never been a really big kink of mine, but I don’t hate it so I am willing to do it if you are really into it and I won’t be unhappy as long as 99% of the sexual encounters doesn’t revolve around it.
  • Blood Play. This one… Really only if the RP involves Vampires. Because they drink blood and stuff. Other than that… Don’t really like bleeding.
  • Pregnancy. I usually don’t include that in the RP, and really not as a kink. If pregnancy comes up as a plot point, I am actually very fine with it, but not really into pregnancy as a kink.
  • Caging. Not a fan of being put in cages.But… well… I don’t hate it so it is fine.
  • Menses. Eh… Not someone who wants to hyperfixate on period blood/sex.
No. Anti-Kink. I Will Not RP.
  • Mutilation. I like my characters intact. While maybe for the plot they will get injured, DEFINITELY not for sexual reasons, and nothing extremely egregious like an arm or hand being lost.
  • Snuff. Everyone pls stay alive.
  • Scat/Waterworks/Any toilet play. I just… cannot. It makes me want to puke. I really don’t like looking at it or thinking about it.
  • Bimbofication. I do not play bimbos, as I mentioned earlier, and I do not play characters getting turned into them.
  • Wound Fucking. I simply cannot.
  • Race Fetishization. I don't want to hear about your Asian fetish, or interracial play with a BBC in a tiny white woman. I am sorry but those just... make me cringe, to be honest. Let me be clear, I actually love interracial couples. So, if you want to play characters other than white, cool! I don't mind what race you play. I like men of every race. But if you are going to request I play a specific race for you for this reason... yeah not down.
And Nonsexual things that I like!
  • Power Dynamic. A CEO and his secretary? Yes, of course. A man and his recently conquered slave? Mmm. A pirate that has recently kidnapped this fair maid? Double Mm. A King and his new concubine? All of it yes!
  • Abuse. I like them harsh and mean. I like them to mellow out and get nicer as they come to love her, but yes make them a complete bad boy asshole.
  • Violence. Sometimes my character is a warrior, sometimes she isn’t. I always like violence in my RPs. Even if she is just getting beat up or watching others beat each other up.
  • Possessive Lovers. Make ‘em real possessive. She is theirs and only theirs. No one else’s. And if she tries to get away? Make her regret it.
  • Kidnapping. I love a good kidnapping plot… Especially paired with…
  • STOCKHOLM SYNDROME. Let’s make her get it bad and stick herself in an abusive relationship. Will she snap out of it and escape? Or will she continue with this dangerous man? Who knows!
  • Eventual Romance. I like these plots to have some romance, no matter how dark and twisted. She falls for her own rapist, her own kidnapper, her own tormentor.
  • Obsession. I will admit… A guilty pleasure of mine is for YC to have an obsession with MC. Want to possess her in every way. Perhaps meeting her before, falling, and then feeling it fester when she rejected him, or left. Something along those lines.
Nonsexual things that I don't like.
  • Ultra Macho Men. As mentioned earlier, I really hate when a man's only personality trait seems to be... being dominant. My mans has no hobbies? Hopes and dreams? Goals outside of his next fuck? Please, I get bored with characters who are too one note and lose interest in the RP.
  • Too Unrealistic. Let's be real, for the most part we are not playing out any... realistic stories. We are both suspending our belief. But, see, I like there to be at least a level of realism. My character will be apprehensive of strangers, slow to trust, etc. etc. If she is raped, she won't just fold and immediately throw herself at your man. Just as I expect your male would be... smart enough to not act with his dick 24/7, especially if he is known to be successful.
  • Love Triangles. Hate 'em. Both MMF and MFF. I mean legitimately cannot stand. I find them childish and the most contrite type of drama to ever add to story. I am actually fine with poly, but if you want my character to fight another for yours or vise versa, I am sorry my friend but no. This goes for harems and reverse harems as well.
  • Unintelligent Characters. As mentioned before, I refuse to play Bimbos as it is possibly one of the most unsexy things in my opinion.

Well… Now, darling, thank you for sticking with me. On to the moment we have all been waiting for…

Part 4:

Plots, Ideas, and Pairings

Before I get too far into it, my dear, let me say that I am perfectly aware you may have ideas of your own. I am a good and proper lady and shall allow you time to speak in the PM you send me. Combine my own plots with your own, with one another, pitch a new one to me if you so please. Always come with ideas, I love a beautiful mind. Now… enough of me stalling… ON WITH THE SHOW!

This is an idea I had, but if you would like to play in the HetOmegaverse (heterosexual omegaverse) I am interested in it. Essentially you would play an "Alpha" character who likes to dominate an "Omega" character and claim them as his own. It could be added to any setting/plot we want to do but I will likely include a specific plot for it.

General Pairings:
Outlaw x Priestess
Pirate x Kidnapped Noble
King x Concubine
King x Queen
King x Princess
Knight x Female Knight
King x Female Knight
Demon x Mortal
Vampire x Mortal
Vampire x Vampire Huntress
Boss x Secretary
Gang Member x Opposing Gang Member
Werewolf x Werewolf (alpha x omega)
Werewolf x Human

In the Heart of the Panther

There was a time when the curtain that separated men from Gods was thinner. When heroes walked the Earth and brought with them a renowned ability to pull Kingdoms from the depths of despair and create something better. But as the world moved on that curtain thickened and heroes began to fall into obscurity. It became a world that bordered on godless, when men walked with a belief that they were greater - better, their own Gods as empires began to rise from the ashes of the past and they watched in great greed to see the wars of their own machinations begin to shape the world, ignorant of the forces at play from within.

A young woman ventures into this world, delving into the heart of war on a soil journey, her mind is honed and she comes from a race long thought forgotten wielding power and grace in her hand. To possess her means wealth, strength, and riches, favored of the Gods. But she is a wanderer and warrior. Dark skinned and bright eyed, she takes to the jungles where war and rebellion shout from the treetops and threaten the very center of the world they stand on.

The Blood Queen
The golden desert sands rise like a haze when the sun dips just over the horizon. Some see only death but within the sands there is sewn a thing of beauty. An ancient Kingdom had arisen from the dunes and it had prospered long with a magic that travelled through that was pit alongside the always giving mines. Their location acted as a near natural deterrent - most armies did not last long enough, crashing through those harsh sands, to reach them. So when her father died and the princess stepped to Queen she never once imagined she would turn to War General and be at the tip of a sword from a conqueror. But here she stood, looking up at her new King that took her kingdom and now took her as well, for he needed their magic and riches for something far bigger that lingered on the horizon.

The Hero of Kryos
The path to greatness is often forged in blood, and heroes rarely are given the chance to die in peace. So it would be for the prophesied Hero of Kryos who would lead Kryos to a victory against their enemies who had lambasted their borders for centuries. It was said they would be the best of men, best of women, stronger than any King and mightier than any warrior with a deep rage that drove them hard through any combat. But their story was written around only one - their light. The Oracle who all gave praise for what they saw but never knew how they guided the heart of the Hero. Their vision is a curse as much as it brings so many sights of the Hero's death. But it helps them save the Hero more times than the Hero knows - one day, The Oracle takes a poisoned arrow tip meant for the Hero. This poison, however, does not bring death but an all consuming madness that would slowly eat at The Oracle's mind. And now it is a race against time to uncover the conspiracy at the center of the Hero's would be assassins and find a cure for their beloved before they lose them entirely.
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