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Fx Any Female Can We Pair Provocative Plots & Scintillating Smut? (2.0)


Mar 30, 2021
a beautiful gutter

This thread should provide enough information for you to draw your own conclusion with respect to the titular question although you'll find more details about me as an author and partner by clicking here. The focus of this thread is story ideas and plot-hooks. Specifically those where I'm happy to write the female lead. As I generally include introductions for my game ideas this thread only contains a summary of each idea along with links to the relevant content for anyone who wishes to see more and although I like to have well mapped out ideas (for more basic plot-hooks, pairings and perhaps even image prompts scroll down) with intros that may establish certain details about the characters or setting none of this is set in stone. I rarely try to push my games in one direction, story-wise, as unless a partner has explicitly asked for me to DM the game I want my partners contributions to be significant, and I find when a collaboration really takes off it more or less writes itself, and can take all sorts of interesting twists and turns.
The Stepford Syndrome - This idea is rather more involved than the last, and although there are coercive elements involved the approach is somewhat novel and the biggest plot-hook here is suspense, tension and taking the leading lady out of her comfort zone. The story, in brief, focuses on a journalist attempting to uncover a small albeit unusual and somewhat anachronistic town's sinister secret. Like all my ideas it can be modified though if you don't want to spend time establishing character dynamics, building tension and exploring the setting this one may not be for you.

If its Not in Frame... - This plot is more romance-focused than erotic. The leading lady is a model who generally avoids social media, and favours fashion-centric work. She is talented and has a good reputation within the industry, but is getting older and finding it harder to book the sort of jobs she likes. Various agency reps have always encouraged her to take on work with more mainstream appeal, and she feels this may be the only way to boost her profile and preserve her career. Agreeing to take part in a shoot of the sort she had hitherto considered too low-brow to be worth doing. Luckily she has enough contacts within the industry to suggest a photographer (an old friend, or former lover depending on your preference) whom she feels comfortable with, and although he has been out of the fashion world for some time he proves happy to help, and still commands enough respect for his involvement to be welcome.

On Troubled Waters - Another game with a slightly more complex set-up and more room for character and story-driven action. In this plot the two lead characters have never gotten along well although their mutual friends and overlapping interests keep them running into one another all the same. They end up purchasing a boat together, and not long after it has been made seaworthy they have to make a fairly long-distance in order to find a more affordable anchorage. Neither is prepared to let the other make the voyage solo, and neither can find a reliable hand to crew for them at short-notice forcing them to make the trip together. If all goes well (and it won't) they'll only be stuck together, having to rely on one another, in close confines for six days.

Silver Bullets - This game is set in the Warhammer Fantasy world, and is probably not for first-timers or even casual fans. Although the potential exists for romance the focus is a mixture of high-stakes adventure and comedy, and the story focuses on the leading man, a gun-slinging vampire-hunter, becoming a kind of comedic side-kick in his own revenge quest when he unwittingly ends up teaming up with another vampire.

Plot Hooks & Pairings
The Duellists: this idea was originally for the Warhammer Fantasy setting but could just as easily work as historical fantasy, or a more generic low-fantasy tale. The premise sees a rival pair of duellists who have been meeting each other to face off in the square of a large town or city, determined to settle the matter of who is better. However as much as they refuse to accept it they are equally skilled and their bouts have always had a tendency to either be interrupted or end in a stalemate or through minor injuries, and so it goes once more. Word spreads about their marvellous skill and by their second fight the pair are drawing substantial crowds. However before their third match can take place a local magistrate declares duelling within square illegal. This same man is found dead the next morning, and the watch implicate the duellists themselves in the murder, claiming they have irrefutable evidence. The two rivals will have to stop fighting long enough to escape the city, find out why they are being framed, and uncover the truth to clear their names.

Shadow Of The Vampire: an obsessive auteur has somehow found a real vampire to cast in his movie. In the film this idea comes from the creature's price for starring in the production is the female lead, but we need not go down that road. For example the vampire could be male or female and their opposite number could be an actor, or the director. Naturally the cast and crew will be in the dark as to his or her true nature and the director will attempt to explain away any peculiar behaviour by asserting that he or she is a dedicated method actor who will not break character during the production.
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