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What should you choose updated on 12-26-11

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Jan 17, 2009
Hello everyone I'm lightJason and you may know me from DRP. I'm and very open to many kinks and high chances I will say yes.

I will do het and yuri, but yaoi is a maybe.

mythical creaturexhuman**
tentacles monster***
Monster girls****

If there anything you may like to do that not up here just ask
may add more later.
Re: What should you choice

The plots

Forbidden games
This will be a brother and sister or babysitter and younge girl. For the brother and sister will be something that the two have played these games for a long time and play these game when there parents are gone they kids start to play with each other. Nw for the second I want the girl to be atless 13 at the younges. Her parents hired the baby sitter to watch over her. Now this can two ways one the babysitter trick her into playing these games or the girl will ask him to play with her.

Hinata secret reaveled
Yes this is a Naruto plot and which can go two ways. One will be that she watching Naruto training in which she get horny and start to play with herself. Once she reached her orgasm in which she cries out when she does that when Naruto pop out from behind the tree to see who was making all the noise. After the long talk of Hinata telling Naruto why she play with herself (try not to pass out) which leads to the fun part. The second one will be the same, but Hinata family of the main branch are cursed (Only the female) of having a large cock. Samething happens, but Naruto will talk about how hard it is to be different once finding out about Hinata secret, then the good part.

Jaraiya's family jutsu
Now let say there was a bigger perv then Jaraiya. Who is this pervy god? Why Jaraiya's father (What a shock) doing unspeekable thing to Jaraiya's mother. Well one day she turn the table on him making a new jutsu that let women grow a dick which released after it has intermingled with another person's chakra. The pairing can be well femalexwhoever, but if it going a JaraiyaxTsunade (This will be rare) then Tsunade will have to be the dom one seeing that Jaraiya is only half the perv of his dad and knowing him he would try to leave.

more to come
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