As they left Butch did look back over her shoulder and shot Tug Boat a smile and gave a little wave with her free hand. Sure they'd gotten off to a rough start but she knew they would get along just splendidly on their own now that Ms Herd was taken out of the equation. It was not that she was interested in him sexually, nothing was further from her mind, but she liked him for being who he was, loud, rough and brazen, and not making apologies for it. She was also sure he was exactly the kind of soldier who would have her back should she need it covered and who wouldn't dream of leaving anyone behind.
As Eris stopped them and indicated a store room that seemed to be only half filled she nodded. It was indeed good enough for a friendly discussion, and more. Butch wasn't too picky about getting intimate in odd places that might not provide as much comfort as a bed and other than herself she doubted any of the other two had the privacy of their own quarters. The reason she did not suggest going back to her place was mainly that she did not want the android in there snooping around and possibly dropping surveillance equipment, the other was that it was far too close to Jaxx's quarters.
"Looks good enough," she said and smiled as Eries looked at her licking her lips.
They were gorgeous lips and Butch would be lying if she tried to deny imagining them on her own lower lips.