Mx Female Originals/Fandoms | Dark | Fantasy | Longterm

The Corrupt Jedi

Apr 27, 2013

Looking for some roleplays, I've got 10+ years of writing experience. After a hiatus.... a long hiatus... I'm back and looking for some inspiration. A Few bullet points about me as a roleplayer and person to satisfy your interests and plant expectations, then a brief list of my roleplaying interests and a plot or two I've been cooking for a bit. I'll keep it sweet and simple, hopefully.. Harhar
-Is male, interested in hetero pairings/romances
-loves to double, triple, play multiple characters
-A sucker for Elves. Seriously, Elf fetish is on another level
-Also likes Orc chicks. And aliens
-Demi-humans and monster girls are my jam, basically
-Warcraft junkie
-loves to OOC chat. Srsly. My best roleplay partners and most enduring games are with people I connect with on some level OOCly.
-Typical Dom, likes to play manly mens, likes to choke... Well. I don't have an f-list, but if you want to know more about that stuff just ask.

What I'm looking for

Hearts = more inclined, no hearts = less inclined, but willing to listen to a good pitch. Multiple hearts obviously indicate I may lower my standards just to get an RP going harhar

-Fantasy :heart::heart: I love high fantasy, DnD, LotR style sword-and sorcery. It's not hard to get me going on something in this genre, especially if you bring Elves into the mix!
-Scifi: Less inclined, but open minded. This includes future, space exploration and post-apocolyptic settings ala Star Wars and Fallout
-Modern: Not my favorite setting. If with a twist of fantasy, may be more inclined.
-Slife of Life: Not something I've done much of, but again. Always looking to expand my writing styles!
-Dark :heart: I like exploring themes and the more evil spectrum of alignments, within reason of course. I enjoy playing an antagonist, villain type character.. and i'm always curious about how people respond to them. Heroes too often get the spot light.


-Warcraft :heart::heart::heart: Pretty much always looking for one of these RPs. Ocx Oc preferred, come armed with knowledge of lore or at least enough of an understanding of it!
-Elder Scrolls: :heart: :heart: :heart: So many places we could go with this.
-Dragon Age: :heart: Have played one and two, working my way through inquisitions. Prefer OCs for this one.
-Star Wars: ALways been a fan, been a long time since I've RP'd it though. Come armed with ideas.
-Star Trek: :heart: Always kinda wanted to try one of these...
-Will add more as I think of them. Brain farts are real
-Stardew Valley :Heart: This with a touch of DnDesque, fantasy elemts is a bit of a crave right now.

-Rise of the Shield Hero

-Fantasy Farm; Think StarDew Valley in a high fantasy setting. In this scenario, our characters may already be married and settling into life after being adventurers, trying to live a quiet and peaceful life. However, things aren't always that simple, especially in a fantasy realm. Old school mythology and randomness will play big into this idea, when what should have been a quiet life becomes difficult by the complexity of trying to tame a magical patch of land.

-Crisis of Faith; in this setting, another Fantasy one, a holy knight is on an inquisition masked as a crusade to silence heathenism against a somewhat tyrannical central church. In this scenario, MC is the knight and YC is one of the apostates he's sent after. Does he have a change of heart, or does he become corrupt? Help decide!

-Dungeon!; (Elderscrolls/DnD/Warcraft/ High Fantasy theme) For whatever reason, YC has ended up in prison! Wether it was deserved or not, now you have to deal with life on the inside... MC will be the Warden/Jailer. We can iron out the details of how we want this to go down.

Your plots. Love to hear them! Writing search threads burns me out..

Contact me
PMs will work, willing to RP either through there or on Discord. Initial contact through PMs please.[/size]
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