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Fx Any Zazutobi's Request thread (New Isekai Idea added)


Mar 22, 2021
Hello my fellow degenerates. Thank you for visiting my thread and seeing a list a bit of my brain on display. Been roleplaying for a fair number of years so I have some experience but always open to learning new things and implementing new ideas into my own style. That being said I do usually prefer a third person perspective when it comes to rp's, English is my first language so feel free to rag on me if I make mistakes. All characters will be at minimum 18 but preferably in their twenties. I can play dominant or submissive or switches for rps. I dont really care what the gender is behind the screen as long as you can portray the gender you want to play in the rp. Now onto the meat and potatoes of the thread.

(All links are NSFW to some degree.)

BOLD is most interested ideas.

Isekai Fantasy Fun:Basic premise is pretty standard for Isekai themed stories. YC is summoned/reincarnated into a fantasy world. But instead of the stable well structured human centric worlds this world is pretty wild, chaotic, the tribes/clans/kingdoms of fantasy races are constantly on the edge of war with trade, travel, and information being the only things really uniting this disparate realms. YC's first interaction is with a small tribe of Goblins, goblin gals/futas that live in tents and are small and weak unable to hunt properly or even argue with their neighbors. And they see YC as the promised guardian they would one day receive. How YC wants to go about raising this tribe of goblins into a proper power, with guile, lust, military might, economic authority is up to you. Conquering rivals, seeing their queens/generals driven to their knees to serve YC's growing Empire. But like I said, wanting you to play multiple characters against multiple characters as well. A domme goblin who is given command of a Elven general much to her shame. A Minotaur blacksmith with her new halfling apprentice, Orc against Orc. Plenty of options for fun pairings and relationships. Bonus points and preferences to those preferring FxF/Futa pairings for the most part and willingness to play a wide variety of characters against a wide variety of characters.

Rogue Trader's Diary:Looking for a co-DM to play out the life, times, and adventures of a Rogue Trader and their retinue. From shenanigans in space to serious political dramas played out planetside. Looking for someone for a long term story and smut driven rp willing to play multiple characters against multiple characters. Bonus points for playing non-human characters like Tau or Eldar both Drukhari and Craftworld flavors. Primarily looking for a FxF or FxFuta but can be convinced for some MxF thrown in here and there.

The Unwilling Queen: Princess Haleteia was the second princess, third in line to the throne of her homeland and thus extremely unlikely to inherit the throne. So she lived her life as a hedonist, focusing on her own pleasure, traveling the water ways, finding lovers from all sorts of places, studying what she pleased and enjoying the life of a royal without responsibilities. All that changed when her second brother tried to kill her first brother the crown prince. Her second brother was arrested and within the day, the hedonist princess was suddenly the crown princess and with her father the King on his deathbed. The princess was soon to be thrust into the position of queen she was not really prepared for.
Looking for a Co-DM for the story and someone willing to play anthro characters both male and female against the princess and her retinue. Want to play out a story of a hedonist princess having to suddenly take on responsibilities she was not prepared for. But finding her hedonistic lifestyle seems to open far more doors than she originally thought.

Five Nights of Fun:Had a recent glut of fun and naughty FNAF inspired games and now I got a great craving for the setting and characters. Looking for someone to play either the animatronics as a new lady security guard, or the Animatronics against my new lady security guard. Second one preferred but can discuss the first one. Simple set up, MC/YC is the new security guard at the Pizzaplex when the performers get new chassis for a more adult rebrand attempt of the place. After that, we can discuss ideas and options. Are the animatronics on the fritz and need some repairs lest they molest the security guard into exhaustion. Or are they working fine but with the new chassis they have to deal with alot of new problems and maintenance needs. Open to adding more than just the Glamrock crew to the setting so just ask.





Hazbin Hotel: Open to pretty much any story with Vaggie x Charlie Morningstar, really wanna do some fun and kinky scenes with the lesbian lovers. From Cuckqueen scenes to dom and sub, switching, exhibitionism and more.

Heaven is a Threesome:What happens when Charlie, Vaggie, and Emily get into a threesome relationship where they have to balance their lust for each other, their positions and reputations, and keeping all three of them satisfied? Hopefully a smutty and fun rom-com slice of life relationship with ups, downs, experimentation, and drama here and there.

RWBY Rumble:With the announcement of the the end of Rooster Teeth I wanna do a RWBY rp iv wanted to do for a long time but never got off the ground. The set up being pretty simple, a secret huntress society that the gals of RWBY are invited to in a sort of naughty AU where Summer, Pyrrha, and Penny are still alive to take part. This secret huntress society exists to help huntresses train in matches and competitions against each other both as individuals and groups. With the competitors putting up a bet on their matches. From going without panties for a day, to getting strap on railed at a time and place of the winner's choosing. I want to have alot of different pairings and dynamics. Yang and Weiss getting to duke it out and establish dominance, Pyrrha and Penny getting a rematch with a lusty ending.

Fang's Out: Looking to play as a submissive Vampire Girl for a Domme. The set up is MC is a very old Vampire lady that's seen it all and done it all. Stuck in another boring century, this very wealth Vampire lady slums it at a local club killing time while looking for something interesting when up comes a lady that starts taking charge. Being aggressive and even demeaning to the Vampire lady. It was interesting, something she hadnt experienced before and rolled with it. Becoming the wealthy and powerful sub of a regular human woman.

And a new section for characters I would like to play as or against but without specific ideas so feel free to pitch your own!

Some NSFW images to inspire some rps:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Character Cravings:

League of Legends:Tristana,Shyvanna

Voltron: Princess Allura

Star Wars:Ahsoka Tano

One Piece: Yamato, Nico Robin, Nami

Star Wars
Star Trek
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Mass Effect
Brand New Animal
Final Fantasy

Kinks id like to see (But not required):
Sex Toys
Semi-Public sex
Object Insertion

Kinks I refuse:
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