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Slightly Sub Male looking for fantasy or errotic horror HET

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Feb 14, 2009
Hello all, I'm LordHack, I'm fairly new here, but I've been rping on Gaia, instant messenger and other chat rooms for 7 years now. I'm mostly into fantasy RPs, with a female partner that is more powerful than me in some way. Specifically, I like horror type RPs, where my character gets in over head, usually lured by sex, and has to deal with extreme consequences, from slavery to death to transformation, to any idea a partner might have. I also do realistic RPs some times, usually slave/master, and on rare occasions, I'll play out established characters (IE anime or video games) if the plot is interesting enough. Here is my RH profile, which should give you a good idea about what I like in an RP, and what my limits are, as for pairings I like...

Succubus/Human- This is a favorite, and I have a number of plots for it, ranging from simply a poor human boy being enslaved, to a wizard and a succubus fighting for survival to high school settings, and I'd love to hear any ideas you have for this kind of pairing. The best way to get me to try a kink that's a bit odd is to frame it with this pairing.

Siren/Human- I love mind control, especially relating to beauty or song, and thus, rps involving the Sirens of Greek myth or similar creatures are a ton of fun. Plots are a bit harder to make with this pairing, but if you're interested it shouldn't be too hard to come up with something fun.

Witch/Human- This I'd like to be something of a dark fairy tail, like Hansel and Grettle, with my character wondering into a trap in the woods and being captured, trying to escape, but may or may not be able to.

Fairy/Human- Probably involving the human being shrunk down to the fairies size, again, there are lots of possibilities here.

Haunted House- My character wonders in for some reason, and gets trapped with ghosts, demons, curses or whatever else you want to throw inside.

Incubus/Human girl- One of the few dominant rolls I like to play is an Incubus. Only occasionally feel like this, so please don't feel bad if you inquire and I turn you down.

At the moment, I'm also looking for a slightly odd plot. The details are vague on purpose, as I want to fill them in with a partner who's interested. My character (which could be a number of things, depending) would be invited to a castle/mansion/similar for some reason, perhaps to fix something, as an invitation to a party, or something similar. When he gets to the grounds, he meets a girl, (the other character, again, vague on purpose) who welcomes him, and does something to prevent him from leaving. She then forces him to go through the grounds and the castle, through a number of sexually designed traps. Again, it's vague on purpose, so please shoot me a pm if you're interested.

A note on my Kinks, in addition to what's in my Rabbit Hole, I really loved forced feminization, and with more magical creatures, transformation can be included, forcing my male character into a female body, either as a temporary punishment or something more permanent. I'm a huge fan of mind control, and non-consensual scenes in general.

As for partners, I have no attraction to other guys in real life, and thus, have no interest in playing with them. I have played with guys in the past that play female characters quite well, and if you have an idea that interests me I might be willing to try it out.

Thank you for reading, if you're interested or have any questions, feel free to post or PM me. If you'd rather get a hold of me some other way...

Email: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
AIM: Lordmazaku
MSN: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
YIM: Lordmazaku
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