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Question Rulrs

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Jun 28, 2019
Why ate they in the announcements folder and not as their own link or folder on the front page? If the admin want us to be aware of the rules, why do we need to dig for it in the announcements?
I don't know who handled your intro but they are given to you by the WC that handles you, plus they are pinned at the top of announcements. I can give you links if you like.
That part I knew, but I was wondering.i could use some links actually because I keep getting into trouble for stupid crap and people ate kind of rude about it, but we worked things out well enough.
A link to announcements might be better honestly, it has site rules, chat rules and status guidelines. Is there any rule in particular you're interested in?


No, I just promised to look over then. I mean, I kept getting rule 10 violations because I thought updates and bumps were two different things.
You mean the bumping one? That one is easy enough I think, just don't bump your thread more than once in 24 hours for any reason as far as I know. When I am bumping my thread I have an alarm but I also triple check the time on the last post just in case. It can go bad if you have the wrong timezone set too as the time displayed is that of your chosen timezone and not where you might be physically located but I think it might autoset it when you first join, it did for me.
It is also defined in Rule #10 itself. As quoted from the rules,
A bump is defined as any post, whether you are just posting β€˜bump’ or posting new ideas.

If you have any questions on the Site Rules, you are always welcome to message a member of staff and ask. Considering all the rules threads are stickied at the top of the Announcements forum, which along with the Welcome Center subforum does have "Site Rules and Guidelines inside, as well as various announcements from staff." as a description, it should be labeled as clearly as possible on the forums.
I didn't read the rules or simply forgot, but when looking around the threads for years, I saw people saying "bump" or "update", so I assumed they had two different sets of rules. My mistake
I didn't read the rules or simply forgot, but when looking around the threads for years, I saw people saying "bump" or "update", so I assumed they had two different sets of rules. My mistake
Well, every user is responsible for making sure they are familiar with the rules of the site they use. That is in the signup terms when a member creates an account, and we also make the rules very visible by having them be in the forum that is always at the top of every user's screen when going through the forums.

It is defined in Rule #10, but if you or another member has a question about the rules, it's always an option to PM staff - we are here to explain to the best of our ability so all users do understand the rules as they're presented. :)
I think the issue may have cropped up because when most use a new post on the thread to update, I think they wait the full 24 hours. I've considered doing it myself, feels like a pain to wait so long but the rule is there for a good reason I think.
I just thought bumps and updates were two different things...or was that how it worked on another site? I can't remember...
Well, every user is responsible for making sure they are familiar with the rules of the site they use. That is in the signup terms when a member creates an account, and we also make the rules very visible by having them be in the forum that is always at the top of every user's screen when going through the forums.

It is defined in Rule #10, but if you or another member has a question about the rules, it's always an option to PM staff - we are here to explain to the best of our ability so all users do understand the rules as they're presented. :)

You're a lot nicer than the guys I talked too earlier lol
You're a lot nicer than the guys I talked too earlier lol
Staff actions are discussed as a whole, so it's likely I had a hand or at least an input in what was said.

I'm going to go ahead and lock this now - if you have any further questions on staff action or anything similar, please feel free to PM me or another member of staff.
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