Anjeru's hangout~

Nurse_K said:
Haha, were you under the influence, Zalvek?

Try: what is Molly?
Pure MDMA in powder form, the active ingredient in ecstasy without the cut, which can be any number of other drugs and chemicals.
You should read "Heaven and Hell" and "The Doors of Perception" by Aldous Huxley. It chronicles his experiments with the effects of drugs on the mind.
Alright, take a slice of bacon, no salt or anything added to it.
Now stack five more slices of bacon on top so that it's one giant piece of super-bacon and slab it onto a grill.
That my good sir, is Korean Bacon.
Nurse_K said:
You should read "Heaven and Hell" and "The Doors of Perception" by Aldous Huxley. It chronicles his experiments with the effects of drugs on the mind.
I will once I want to do some more pointed exploration. I'm still learning how to handle myself in some more powerful states.
Super bacon?

This demands looking into.

Sounds delicious.

However I am suspsicious of this....

It has the posibility of being fantastic. But something about liquid bacon makes me suspicious.
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