Anjeru's hangout~

Yeah, well.
Tell that to the pathetically and epically useless T-Mobile technical support workers.
I'm starting to.
I added min's to my sidekick.
It says I didn't, even though my balance shows I did.
So the damned thing won't sign me in.

So I can't use it for anything UNTIL it registers the min's.
And the stupid t-mobile representatives, transferred me to auto-mated shit.

I'm so irritated at them.
Yeah, and I hate it. -.-;
I mean if people actually called me, I'd like to be able to pick it up, not always be out of service... >x<
I used to get everything...Messages, texts, pictures....Everything...Not anymore though.
I have T-Mobile as well :(
I find it can often take an hour or two for it to register things.
It takes its sweet ass time to do anything...
Except take money of course
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