Anjeru's hangout~

Aww, my hugs are known to cure depression and ED at the same time! But, I don't think you have the second problem?
Night night!

I think I'm following suit everyone. Great chatting.
Feel better Anjeru! We love you! (And I barely know you ^_^)
Anjeru said:
I am feeling depressed tonight.

'Tis why the ice-cream is good.
-passes ou onto your chest- awww, that sucks. I'm feeling tired... if that makes you feel better? (whaa?)
Lyra said:
*pokes Mirran*

Hey, move over. I wants cuddles too.
too bad, I was here first... the fact my muscles are so sore they can't support my weight anymore is beside the fact...
*Just keeps watching it all, pulls out a small can of gasoline* Hmm...this is unhealthy, me thinking that you all could be easily a huge bonfire.
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