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Anjeru's hangout~

Well, thats one problem fixed. Now we just need more people to come on and amuse me.
Our east coast people's should be getting up soon.

-rolls around-

Pistol Kiss said our thread set a record!
I'm so excited about it!

Congrats! Once you get to 500, it'll go up again.

I got to get 1500 to get the next rank, though my name won't change. Lol.
500 should be Lunar Eclipse.

1000 is Milky Way.

1500 is Collapsed Star.

That's as high as anyone's gotten thus far.
He's my favorite Star Wars character. He's the only reason I'm even remotely interested in Star Wars.
Got this from a Star Wars wiki:

"He's too strong. Both physically, and in the dark side. It's like trying to fight a force of nature."
―Valenthyne Farfalla's thoughts
Uggh, don't tell me you dropped off too Anji!

You were my last conversational refuge.
It's okay, really.

It's easy to get bored on here once most of the forum goes to sleep. And a lot of people don't come into General Discussion, unlike us.


We live in here. XD
Apparently. I do pop into PvP from time to time, though. I don't think anyone ever notices me there though. /shrug
I only pop in there if I'm REALLY bored, lol.


Yes!!! I'm officially #2!!


I have the 2nd highest post count!
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