Anjeru's hangout~

*throws a frag grenade right under the sleeping men and walks away whistling, reloading his P90.*
*shoves a active White Phosphorus grenade into Ronyo's mouth and walks away as he's set on fire Pulls out a walkie talkie and talks into it.*

Mission Accomplished.
*rolls on the floor* Ahh! HOT HOT HOT!!! *fire goes out* Grr..... *pulls out a small com-unit* Echo-34 to Mother, launch the missle...
*bullet-time dodges the bullet, pulling out a deagle* Too slow! *aims and shoots at Raz's torso in mid-dodge*
*drops the gun as he shadow forms, then reappears*

What the hell!?!? avoiding a 50 caliber bullet!? I'm not talking a wussy .50 caliber. I'm talking a handgun bullet the size of a 12 gauge shell!
*Frowns* Jeez... It's called bullet-time for a reason... *scratches head, then gets a plasma rifle and aims* Fine, I'll use this if you like big flashy guns *Shoots*
*jumps over the blast and throws a Molotov cocktail, watching the whole area around him go up in flames*
*rolls back, putting out a small fire on his tail before shooting at Raz as he flew through the air*
*lands down on the ground hard before duel wielding P90s, firing a good 600 ammunition wall at Ronyo.*
*grabs chunks of Ronyo and puts it on a platter, goes around the room*

anyone want swiss ronyo?
*ninja vanishes, laughs and speaks from the shadows*

Me and Anjeru-chan are good friends!

... i'll fix this up for her by the time she gets back... >.>
*quickly fixes up the room before comforting Anjeru*

see what you guys did to her!? you should be ashamed!
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