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Anjeru's hangout~

*climbs up a wall and sits on the rafters*
Not a hyper kitty, is you?
You should see my ferret and cat in real life here
Oh blessed be Fate!

OH! Nii-Chan, I got a ferret now!!!
SQWEE >,.,<
*pops a sugar cube in his mouth and appears next to the ferret* Mew!

Yeah, I named him Fang....oddly enough, our cat was named Paw for short.
Paw-D-Couch was her full name...
Given to her by my 8 year old brother when he was about five or six, rofl!
I think he was trying to saw Claw the Couch though...

*bolts back down the wall and starts to zoom this way and that around the furniture*
Time to use my changing breed aspects!!
*leaps under a couch and comes out from behind a different chair on the other side of the room*
*Looks at his typing*'s Selo, with an 'S'
And thanks! I worked at it, lol
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