Anjeru's hangout~

@Nurse: <3 hiya!

I'm alright, just kinda tired today.

And Alyx is wonderful! I found out she loves baths, I kinda nick named her as my little tadpole.
Hehe, yep!

I figured out why I love roleplaying.
It's my writer's blood!
Lol because to me it's like writing a story with another person.
And I love writing.
-Nod- -Nod- I know what you mean. I haven't done just plain role playing in a very long time.
Speaking of which, I really should finish up writing the first part of my story... God I'm bad about that. -_____-;
That reminds me.
*glomps on and nuzzles*
It's still your turn to post on our RP.

Speaking of stories, I need to type up the 1st chapter of mine; prologue got posted already but I typed that up originally on the computer so it was easier to post.
I've been writing the 1st chapter, and on, in my notebook.
It always seems to take so much longer to type something up when re-typing it from a hand-written document.
D'wuh?! O____o;
-Goes to check-
I'm sorry, I didn't even realize you posted! >____<
I ended up not going to bed until 1, lol.
Caught 1,000 ways to die on tv and got distracted.


*sits and ponders*
*pokes head in for a moment*
Just a quick few words.

Anjeru, I have a story that I was writing that i forgot completely of until a moment ago, I should pick that back up tomorrow.

Haven't been on all day because of a friend's birthday, then i got home with a massive headache.

I hope i get better soon. *disappears*
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