Anjeru's hangout~

*Gets up and drags the couch to her spot, puts Zal on the other side opposite of Kaz, then cuddles between them*

Hi guys <3
o.o; *lays there as the couch is moved*

Umm... that works. XD

*cuddles with Anj*

Eh. Today's turning out to be not so hot, but kinda personal stuff.
I see, that's no good.

*hugs Kaz with one arm, Zal with the other, and gives them nuzzles*

I know the feeling though.
Also, I had a very odd dream, but really want to draw out the house/property it took place on.

And you Zal?
How are you?
*snuggles close to Anj* What happened in your dream, if it's not too forward of me to ask?
Meh, headaches are the worst!

And I'm not even sure, lol.
I was a vampire, of sorts.
And the property belonged to my best friend and her sister.

Let's see if I can describe it...

It was a dark blue, 2 story, 6 bedroom house. The backyard was about an acre and there was a clifflike seperation in the middle, a marble bridge crossing it. The land across the bridge seemed to slope to the left which gave way to a small, 2 bedroom cottage that matched the main house. Then steps gave way to a spa like area that flowed around under the bridge and under the land, into a cave, that after a bit gave way to the ocean/beach. It's like a tropical setting too. Lots of tree's, flowers, and beautiful waters.
I wanna draw it!
*walks back in from chem class, stuffing a stopped beaker of aphrodesiac into my kimono*
Hey everyone.
I just wish I could draw it.
I'm gonna try when I have time.
*snugles with them*

Hey Raz! Welcome!
me too.
Much better than this crappy 2 bedroom, tiny ass apartment.

You're not hiding that too well there, Raz.
Kaziel said:
Good going there, champ. No one asked about it...
I have no idea what you are talking about... *goes to the fire and sits, pulling out a different flask and slowly stirring the contents*
It's like watching one of those old cartoons or shows where someone's so nervous about something that they are hiding or trying to lie about something so hard they just blurt it out.

Girl: How's it going?
Guy friend: No! I didn't see you changing earlier!
Girl: Wha?

*turns and opens the vial, puts a bit on my finger and flicks it at the ground about 6 feet away, it explodes on contact*

*grins evilly*
*laughs and nods*
Yeah, I totally know what you're talking about.

Don't blow my room up xD
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