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Anjeru's hangout~

Congratulations, you just used all your special effects money over the internet. How dumb do you feel?
A valid point, although you wouldn't be able to dodge a shotgun blast in the manner normally associated with a matrix dodge. Considering that a buckshot is multiple pellets to produce a, I dunno why you didn't just..side step it.
Trust me, I'm fully aware of how a shotgun blast really works. I was more imagining it as one of those leaping dodges where I would twist my body all around. Still not really realistic, but damn it looked cool in my head (and that's what really mattered...)
True, but it's a lot harder to dodge buckshot than a slut (assuming we're sticking to the make believe world where someone can actually dodge a bullet...)
This is true, but the internet is like the dream world, pretty much anything can happen.
Thank-you, Thank-you.


I'm good, just waking up. And you?

-glomps Zal-

Hi Zal-chan! <3
Hehe, we's is all tired.


-drags Zal with them and cuddles on the couch with them both. And yawns-

School would make me sleepeh too =_=
-Clings onto Anji's foot to make sure any potential cuddling would not be missed-

Yis... I was considering taking a nap, but that'd mess up my sleep cycle even more so than it usually is. ~_~
-Pets Zal's hair-

Yeah, that's what happened to me and now why I don't sleep until 4-5 in the morning and sleep until 1-3 in the afternoon. XD
My sleeping cycle is so bizarre. No matter how late I sleep, I will always wake up by 8 in the morning. It's so frustrating. >_<

Although it usually works out because at about 1 or 2 in the afternoon I end up falling asleep again. ^^;
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