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Mx Male Femboypalooza~ I play traps and fems~!! || (NSFW Links)

1.8r36 [plots] 07/02/21


Aug 4, 2019

↡ Quick Introduction + Screening ↡

Soo... hate predictability. I like it when things don't go as expected and I'm forced to improvise and think on my feet. I'm a decent writer. maybe I can't write brick walls of text per post... or rather I can but only for not sexual things. I want things to be as open ended as humanly possible. I want you to read my reply, and have five different things you could do in response. If that sort of uncertainty bothers you, then even if you pass all my other requirements, we won't last long. I like spontaneous developments. I don't want to be bored to death with a linear plot line and trust me. I have a 90% approval rate in 6 years. Spontaneous is fun = 3=b]

I also suck at domming.
I mean it. I can't dominate a wet paper bag to save my life. Asking me to dominate you is pointless and stupid. Why would you ask a garbage Dom to itch that craving you have? You'd just be blue balled! Plz don't ask me cause the answer will just be flat out no.

Not because I'm not willing to compromise, cause I'm here to have fun with my partners and not waste their time.

I know I have done random exceptions to this but since it rarely ever comes up I almost never know what they are. One I've noticed occurs (kinda) if my partner is playing a big sister type. But idk if you can call it Dom so much as "needy"?

If this makes you unhappy then sorry but better you know now then we waste your time later. ]

Also... I hate predictability. I like it when things don't go as expected and I'm forced to improvise and think on my feet. I'm a decent writer. maybe I can't write brick walls of text per post... or rather I can but only for not sexual things. I want things to be as open ended as humanly possible. I want you to read my reply, and have five different things you could do in response. If that sort of uncertainty bothers you, then even if you pass all my other requirements, we won't last long. I like spontaneous developments. I don't want to be bored to death with a linear plot line and trust me. I have a 90% approval rate in 6 years. Spontaneous is fun = 3=b]

So~! Let's cut loose!

As the title says, I'm looking EXCLUSIVELY for the 1% of you who are down to get real dirty. How do you know if you're them or not? Simple. I'm going to list 1 specific kink that you MUST absolutely be on board with NO QUESTIONS ASKED and if you even have to THINK about it, You should probably, most definitely, do leave. No playing around here...I wanna be spoiled huehue.

Also include "[M50%]" in the subject of your message just to let me know you've actually read this stuff. It's important. If I don't respond to you after 24hrs, is cause you didn't read my thread and I'm not down to give you the benefit of the doubt. Why? Cause I've done it before and it never worked out well for me.

So I came to realize that...this thread is actually an exception to the rules formerly shared by my sister thread. Why? Well....uuuhh....Idk actually. I just feel like this one I'd rather have be more...grounded? Not saying it has to be if that's actually what you wanted from me but... For those who aren't crazy about the extremes, it's really not needed here.

Soo...there's no real mandatory kink that's required. If you're into the wilder stuff you sure as hell won't see me decline you but yeah. This one is pretty open.

Also, Realism will be loosely observed in our roleplays if not at all. If I want reality...I could look literally anywhere else for it. That and non RL pics only. Preferably anime. I COULD be persuaded to use RL pics...but I refuse to use any you suggest. Only ones that I choose (Or rather offer to use as a choice)

This doesn't mean that like...we gotta go with stupidly impossible. Please no ultra macro and stuff like that. I can't get behind it I tried but it's too silly for me.

What I mean by loose realism is like for example...a Magnum Dong, Cause like...naturally a peen that size is kinda unrealistic right? Especially easily taking something like that.

Also~ The pairings section is a maaaassive insta win for me so please focus there ouo
I also have other things in craving so if you actually want to just give me whatever I'm having for once I will indulge xD

Anyway main reason I don't like RL pics is cause I find most ppl unattractive and have a very very specific taste. That and it can sometimes feel creepy... anyway... Moving on.

I will most likely however be playing from a pool of sublime characters found in here

↡ Kink-List ↡

(This was designed with a female character in mind but still applies well enough)
Biggest Kink: Please oh please I love it when the dom adamantly tells the femboy he isn't a boy no matter what he says~ Slowly ravaging his masculinity until he accepts he's nothing more then a slutty girl~<3

And keep in mind that some of the stuff you may see in that link doesn't apply to this thread. You can ask and if you can manage to convince me then great for you but yeah xD

Oh! Also I adore Latex thigh highs/High heeled boots and elbow gloves~<3 Tho it doesn't have to be latex~ I just love arm and legwear~

↡ Character Tuning Template ↡

- If you don't wanna use any the plots below, then would you mind picking five kinks from my favs section you wanna focus on then fill out this template for me~? Even if you do wanna use one of the plots below this will help speed things up~

Sidenote: Not sure if I'm gonna keep this part around as it was designed for female characters but we'll see how useful it is~

Put an x inside any brackets that apply "(x)"
You can select multiples in the DAG and DR sections~

- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A

Desired Hair Length:

- Short/Neck+
- Med/Shoulder+
- Long/Back+
- Very Long/Bum+
- EX Long/Knees+

Preferred Hair Colour:
- Natural (All Natural Hair Colours. You can use this if you don't have a preference but don't want unnatural colours. You can also just ask for a specific colour)
- Unnatural (Pinks/Blues/Greens/Multi coloured. If you happen to like unusual hair colours)
- Any (You can also list up to 5 colours)

Desired Age Gap: (The approximate age gap between MC&YC)

- Close  ()
- Medium ()
- Wide   ()

Desired Relationship: (What your character is to mine)

- Strangers       ()
- Fan of          ()
- Aquaintance of  ()
- Employer of     ()
- Employed by     ()
- Guardian of     ()
- Friends of      ()
- Lover of        ()
- Parent of       ()
- Child of        ()

Characteristics/Personality Traits: (What kind of personality you're looking for in my character)

- Reserved     ()
- Shy          ()
- Timid        ()
- Cute         ()
- Innocent     ()
- Meek         ()
- Humble       ()
- Erotic       ()
- Sexy         ()
- Slutty       ()
- Depraved     ()
- Insatiable   ()
- Mature       ()
- Cold         ()
- Arrogant     ()
- Sadistic     ()
- Crazy        ()

Legend : Roles (Me/You) || Don't want to do || Needs convincing || I want! || Please daddy I need this!! || Click me daddy~

↡ Pairings ↡

Legend: Left(Me) / Right(You)
Subnote: Always assume I'm playing a femboy~
Also, I'll happily play literally any pairing you can think of so don't feel limited to what you see here. In fact it's encouraged to go with whatever ideas you have instead~

2BM - / Resistance Villagers - Adam & Eve - Machines - Xenomorph
Imagine a sexy, busty, 2B...trap? Spank that fine huge bubble butt around and... flat! and... A cock!? Hmmmmm....
An idea would be a Jock(s) hit on this very attractive girl but find out before long that she's actually a he~ So they bully and black mail him for fun and make him join the cheerleader squad...and if he didn't, they'd post a ton of humiliating pics of him all over the net. This ofc means they can make him do whatever he(they) wants~
He knows It's wrong...but this is just too taboo to not indulge...He wants this...and once he shows his son the wonders of womanhood, he will too~
It doesn't help that his wife hasn't been in the picture for several years and has been raising him alone...A man needs company after all!

Who said all predators were male...? The scariest ones are the females x.x And if they have dongs of their own? Oof...That ass is grass so to's getting mowed down...
This one is pretty open and modular.

Magical Boy/Any
Well now~ Magical Girls can be quite the tired genre but just change oooone tiny detail and suddenly what's old becomes very much new and veeery much interesting again...
What happens when there's no Magical Girl to answer the calls for help? To fight for Justice? Why...the days become very dark...And thus...desperate times would naturally call for equally desperate and unprecedented measures! A Magical Boy! Same transformation sequence, same girly attire, same pretty face...all boy under the hood~ No less ravagable however...
The demon god of the underworld has been sealed off for too long and now during this shortage of magical girls, the destined queen and wife of the all powerful (and frankly massive) Demon God was fated to emerge! A Magical Boy with incredible power that if successfully corrupted, will allow the god to rule over the earth and defeat any magical girl that poses a threat to him! Or something~
This one is mainly for Taimanin Asagi fans. I actually know next to nothing about it, only the basic premise. Doesn't really seem like an overly complicated set up...especially if you're into TA~
"I'm Spiderman." Ever imagine getting to say those words only for some guy to give you a blank stare, look at you up and down and say. "And I'm Black Widow."? Yeah well...when you have the body of a hot, albeit flat woman...that sorta thing happens least until you have an erection! Then they're slackjawed! And're really uncomfortable cause fighting crime with an erection is a massive pain...especially if you biiig. Oh well...At least we don't have to worry about any major villains right?
Man... *tugs at collar* Is it me or is size and build difference hot as hell...? I just want a big black cock really messing up the big of a cute boy slut~
Jedi / Sith
Oh no no~ A sissy? A Sissy managed to survive Order 66...? Well...That just won't~ would be a frightful waste to just kill him...turning him is always an option...Sure...hate leads to blah blah and all but...Excessive pleasure is also an easy trip to the dark no? Corrupting this little femtwink would not only be fun...but incredibly hot...

Star wars is kind of a contentious topic these days...but let's just push canon aside and enjoy a little non-canon fun right? I mean one way or another it's non-canon huehue~
Twin Fems/Any
Twice them fem...twice the boi...twice
I just really wanna play as a cute femboi Kamui~ I don't care the time period, era fantasy, modern, whatever~ xD Let me play Kamui and I'll...I mean he'll call you Onii-chan~
Eh? Who's Kamui? He's a cutie

Here, here...and here!

Fem Android - Fem Saiyan - Fem human / Cell - Super Buu
Have you seen cell hentai? Crazy hot stuff @_@
Fallout 4
It can be New Vegas as well I just have much more experience in fo4 and well it had the best character models and I know the map very well. Plus FO4 has Nuka world which is my all time fav dlc. So much potential here for a good time~<3 Especially with a hottie like him on the table~

↡ Plots/Settings/Ideas ↡

There's a famous Japanese inn that had been run by a single family in the sticks for generations... Only the last generation failed to produce a suitable heir! This meant the mantle fell to the eldest son whom was made for embrace womanhood in order to continue the inn's legacy and tradition and serve 'her' clients to the best of her abilities~

In this alternate timeline of...saay 200 BC Egypt, every single Pharaoh has been female... But this time, no child of sacred blood had been born female! Did this mean the gods decided it was time for a male Pharaoh?
Only... For thousands of years every single child born in the sacred family had always been female! So the cold was raised as a female~ The first god-king femboy~ Horus the god-king reincarnated, had maaaany a cute girly largely naked chocoboy was a delicacy almost never seen before~ both inside and outside the Royal palace~

I want = 3=b
So CP2077 had a trash story due to its many many problems...aaand it was full of bugs...but uh...hey! Look at that~ RPs can account for that right~?
So one thing everyone can agree on...probably. Night City looks hella good. And we DO in fact know what should be possible in NIght City right? Sooo time to collab! This is most likely gonna be a more slice of life style and can have a ton of kinks! Can be fun to explore riiight~? lots of things we can do ouo Lez do it! Plz = 3=b
I mean cumooooon~ You reaaaally gonna tell me you don't wanna be his friend? He's probably the finest piece of male ass since...ever!

We can do all kinds of things with this! Sucking Mercs, big brother little brother, partners, strangers V on V would be pretty hot no? Alternatively maybe a raid gone wrong~ and my Boy gonna himself getting trousers around from cock to cock nyahaha~ maybe he even slowly becomes addicted~ maybe he gets captured by done malestrom who device to try their hand at gender reassignment to make him a big boobed preggerable girl~

Possible Roles: Princess(Male)/Prince, King, Conqueror
Trap, Non-con, Dub-con, con, incest, Yaoi, High Fantasy, Fantasy

Special Note: If you prefer a space sci-fi or modern version then I have adapted versions of this idea too~ I definitely think you'd love the Space-Fi version hehee~
It was absolutely mandatory for a female to be born. They didn't know it at first, but the fact that Emmeryn, Queen of Anille gave birth to a Prince instead of a princess would cause great problems for the Anillian Kingdom in about 20 years time.

The Ahndorian Empire invaded. It was quite the blow out considering how titanic their armies were... however... there were two terms offered to the now single king. Surrender your Finest princess to become my wife and keep what remains of your lands or surrender everything to my empire." If neither term was met, Anilla would be burned to the ground.

The Queen died during the war... and he didn't have any daughters to offer... though... his son did have a strikingly feminine frame and was very easy on the eyes... no! that was stupid! that would never fly!

but that's when his own son approached him with the same plan. He'd offer himself, dress as a woman and do whatever he could to protect his home land.

The idea was to simply assassinate the conqueror prince before he found the truth but...Ahndor's prince wasn't stupid. he knew the heir of dragon blood was actually a prince... and a fetching looking one at that. This was the plan the whole time... and he planned on making a willing wife out of the prince no matter how much training it took ~

Modified versions of my Female Request Thread ideas ↡​

Roles: Ambiguous
Dominant Kinks: Tentacles, Parasites, Mind Control, Undead, Gangbang, Pregnancy/Mpreg

Possible Kinks: Corruption
The city has been infected with a crazy virus that mentally corrodes and turns men into zombies that list after two things: Sex and food respectively. Brought down to two basic instincts, they infect and eat men and ravage and infect women.

They turn men through biting them and women by cumming excessively in them. It takes a little while to turn women and the infection can be prevented with living sperm. This means a woman's survival rates are naturally higher. Infected women once at the final stages grow unnaturally cocks they can use to infect other women. Something else can happen while a woman is being ravaged. she can become pregnant~ with a creature that will dominate her life ~
The thing about all that is...the dead can't really tell the difference between a woman and a tomgirl. If it looks like a woman...and smells like a woman...It's getting pregnant. The parasites reaaaally don't care which hole their knocking up either~

The goal? survive ~ fuck and escape quarantine before the bombs drop~
If you're a Resident Evil fan... then you already know what of creatures we'll find in the wild~

Possible Roles: Mechfemboy/Human Officer - Monsters - Mechfuta
Dominant Kinks: Tentacles, Parasites, Mind Control, Monsters, Corruption, Mpreg, Hyper Scat, Hyper Cocks

Possible kinks: Mechanical Dismemberment, Soft Snuff, Soft Vore
We abandoned Earth hundreds of years ago. we now live in space. Humanity was almost wiped out but it just barely survived. over hundreds of years humanity's numbers began to grow again, from a measly 25 to 500. only problem was, The original surviving women didn't survive without major losses. they had to be genetically modified and augmented with mechanical limbs in order to live normally. some had escaped unharmed but must haven't. as a result, future females needed similar enhancements to survive. This also made the Auged girls the prime choice for missions. Highly effective mechs were designed to function only with these augmented women. Self sustaining mechs that generated energy to recharge the pilot's weapons and gear by ravaging the pilot.

They were sent to planets to scout for resources or an optimal place to settle. This particular planet they found was absolutely loaded with resources. A ray of hope for brass as their reserves were running low... but there was a reason it was unharvested... and that reason had a taste for females.

This sort of treatment wasn't exactly exclusive to females though...although a rarity, There were a few feminine looking Femboys too whom were augmented due to their high compatibility at a time where soldiers were desperately needed. Instead of being decommissioned however due to their inferiority to the Mechgirls or Ironmaidens, They were mostly kept around for other tasks such as...well...Service?

Occasionally they were sent on missions but they mostly spend their days making their masters happy in...various ways~

Possible Roles: Son/Parent(s) - Monsters - Anything and everything you can think of and want
Dominant Kinks: Tentacles, pregnancy, incest, monster sex, parasites, Bestiality
Not many people get to say their parents are scientists... even fewer get to say their patents are mad scientists... messing with the natural order of things... playing at God... doing things man shouldn't be doing... or creating...much less using their children to field test some of their experiments.

Before I became of age, I had no idea what really went on in that basement. I was never allowed in. it was a dark stairwell downwards which lead to a huge, heavy, vaulted door. it had keypads, card readers, biometric scanners... crazy stuff... straight out of since crazy sci-fi. Turns out... the lab is crazy huge... we live in a mansion after all... so it spanned the entire perimeter of the house Or was like one of those high tech prison labs you see in films where things inevitably go horribly wrong.

When my 18th birthday came along... I finally got to see what was behind door number 1.

The lab was huge. white... mostly sterile other then a few sells with a thin layer of bullet proof glass that has thick slime obscuring the inside. When I was younger, I found my mother suddenly had a giant... man's thing... but... I could have sworn she didn't have one at first... now I understand... this place is where the magic happens. A lab entirely devoted to depraved sex related experiments. It was more my duty to participate. My duty to extract semen from every single cock and tentacle in this lab... including that of my parents. And that...was only the beginning. It didn't matter I was a boy...they told me it would make no difference in the end...Now I look at myself in the mirror...naked...My hair is so much longer...I can't even recognize body, hell even my chest is different...There's not a trace of the old me left...and this...was only the beginning.

Possible Roles: Nun - Combat Nun/Whatever you want
Honestly I don't have much for this. there are people who love corrupting pure, stoic women and turning them into depraved sluts yes? Well what better target then a nun? Especially what with how sexy some of those nun attires can be. But even more so! A Femboy nun!? Why not right~?

Whatever fandoms I do I'll never play canon. Generally I don't like adopting the characters of other people since generally, I never know them well enough to do any justice. There are a severely limited number of exceptions but don't count on them working in your favour. I don't mind however playing in that world in a similar role to the canonical character so feel free to ask if I know the fandom well enough~
2B is an exception since she's more of an Archetype rather then her own unique person.

↡ Doujins for inspiration~ ↡​

(Note: All characters engaged in sexual themes are assumed to be at least 18)

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