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Fx Any [v7WIP r7] [All Links NSFW] Mega Emporium of Smut and Plott~♪ Only creative brainstormers allowed plz! [Looking for a Zombie Apoc RP!]

[Thread Version: 7 revision 7] Under Construction


Perfectly Ultimate Kyuubi
Aug 4, 2019

Change Logs


Search Function
(use S1-S10 to navigate sections if looking for something specific)

S1 - Important Info
S2 - Intro​
S3 - Kinks​
S4 - Cravings​
S5 - Characters​
S6 - Plots​
S7 - Placeholder​
S8 - Doujins/Eroge​
S9 - Fandoms​
S10 - Bonus Cravings​
Under Reconstruction
Under Reconstruction​
Updates Pending​
Under Reconstruction​
→ Entire Thread under Reconstruction. Sections that are Updated are revamped, anything WIP is only partially complete but serviceable.
→ Heavily Updated Naorii's Album
→ Updated Shoko's Album
New Craving! - Zombie Apocalypse [+45% Bonus to Acceptance Rate~]

Section One 〈S1〉​

↡ Important info ↡​

Greetings. This section will tell you everything you need to determine if its worth reading on past this section~

❖ → I'm looking for only creative, literate partners. I'm not saying every post needs to have some arbitrary minimum paragraph requirement. I want you to understand, I'm not here to interview you for a job. I do however, want a fulfilling roleplay with my partner. I want a deep back and forth. I want an organic fiction, Multiple characters where it makes sense. Ideally, I'd like a partner who's comfortable playing as males or females. This ofc is optional, but severely appreciated.

Like I said before, I don't require like 5 - 6 paragraphs. One is good enough depending on what's going on but i want for there to be impact. Big things can come in small packages after all. I want the rp to always move forward. If your reply contributes literally nothing to the flow of the rp, I'll tell you. Do it again, I walk. That's my only limit when it comes to performance. Saying a lot without saying anything is a crazy talent that no one will ever appreciate. Well maybe someone will but I won't. sowwie.

Please keep in mind that anything that isn't in the plots section, is going to require some brainstorming between the two of us if you yourself don't have something in mind you wanna pitch. I won't start an rp if i have nothing but "I wanna do something in x fandom and play a few characters but i wont tell you literally anything else." If i have nothing to work with, you wont get anything from me. Fair?
One last thing: Im bringing back an old Trap of mine. if i dont see [v7.3] in your message subject, ill know you didn't read anything and will block you~ Sorry, but it's so annoying trying so hard to find the right people just for random ppl who couldn't care less about anything at all to come and waste your time and clutter your inbox~ i want 2 or 3 fantastic partners, not a dozen dead fish. once i find two fantastic partners, my thread will be closed indefinitely.

❖ → Thread Version refers to major updates such as thread reconstructions or massive overhauls, in other words, a functional change to the overall function and or look of the thread. Revisions are minor edits such as adding or removing text, adding character art to G drive albums, etc. most revisions will not be accompanied by a bump so unless you pay attention to the revision number, you'll likely miss some spicy pics~

❖ → Some Statistics on my 'Acting Range' based off previous experience
Submissive: ▰▰▰▰▰ | Dominant: ▰▱▱▱▱ | Switch: ▰▰▰▱▱

TECHNICALLY SPEAKING. My dominant stat is actually at 4/5. Problem is, very few people on earth can bring that out of me xD You won't need to ask. You're not one of em and there's a 99% chance you'll never be based off my several years on this site xD

❖ → I don't use IRL face claims and I sure as shit do not roleplay as real people. I use AI art I generate on my own from my own pc to have 100% unique OCs. I find roleplaying as real, living breathing people extremely creepy so please don't bother asking me to. Even using their likeness is weird. Thank you for understanding. If you don't well. *Opens a trap door under you* Byeeee~

❖ → I can't stand High Fantasy. I can do Isekai shit, but you need to know, My love is Modern. Modern and post modern are peak perfection imo. Post modern in this case meaning something like cyberpunk.
I don't know what exactly has caused it but ive developed a coping mechanism where im constantly mocking shit i find annoying or stupid and since i hate HF, im literally unable to stop mocking everything. No matter what character i play, I will be compelled to mock it in some way lmao.

❖ → By Default, All non cravings have a 20% Start up/Acceptance Rating. Included kinks increase that default by 5% for each "▰" beside a specific kink in section 3.
In section 5, Each "▰" under a character's name increases the Start-up rating by 1%.
In Section 8, Each "▰" adds 5% to the total. Any thing that has a "☆" before the name adds a 15% bonus and anything with a ★ before it subtracts 10% from the total.

Section One 〈S2〉​

↡ Intro ↡​

Whalecum ladies and gents to my reopened Mega RP request thread~♪ I'm constantly updating things here like character albums and what not so be sure to watch out for the change log and the version number of the thread to make sure you don't miss a thing~ I won't always bump my thread after updates, sometimes I'll just update a dozen times without bumping my thread so it may behoove you to follow this thread if you wanna catch something spicy you may have never caught normally~ (I'm hella good with AI art x3)

^O^ Name is Shoko~ I'm a super OOC Fan.
Life is tough and life sucks, sure sure, true. Sometimes, you just don't have it in you to reply to any or to all of your rps. Totally fair. However, unless you somehow have exactly 0% internet access at all times for whatever reason, you're in a coma or going through some kinda traumatic event, You can at least send me an OOC message telling me something along the lines of
"Hey. Life is kinda insane rn...I'll probably be MIA for a while" It's like...a basic common ask. Hell, you can literally just say "I need a break from roleplaying for a while." and you'll be amazed at how understanding I can be. I won't even message or both you if you can provide that very basic common courtesy. Juts like, occasionally drop me a line to like...idk let me know that I'm not being ghosted or that you're enjoying your time with me. Otherwise you're telling me that im not even worth your time or breath u.u (or key strokes ig)

In fact, recently I also had a severely impactful change in my life that basically halted all my rps and rendered me unable to reply much at all. However, I was always replying to my ooc since it only takes a few moments and didn't require much in the way of effort. If you think I might be ghosting you, either check my profile in case there's an update on my situation which there tends to be. If nothing is there, message me, i most likely have forgotten to reply/push send but have read your reply.

If you still can't do that then well. I mean don't get surprised if i don't wanna continue the rp and or not wanna waste an rp idea on a guy who's liable to flake and say nothing for weeks/months on end. I've heard a lot of excuses and whatever but its like i said. If you can't give me even a single thought at a reasonable time frame to say " is wild...please be patient with me" Theeen...why should I be considerate towards you...? Again, if you literally have no net then okay sure obviously what can you do. If you're in a hurricane zone, yeah okay duh xD but...otherwise. You get it.

If you find that I myself am not replying, check my profile, It's extremely likely I've addressed everyone at once about whatever situation I'm currently in.
Otherwise, changes are I'm just stuck and I either read your reply when I was in public and couldn't respond and cause it's no longer unread, i probably forgot to reply, or I'm just incapacitated. I generally reply to rps within 24hrs and I will reply to OOC almost instantly or within a few hrs tops so you'll never have to worry about me being uninterested in something. if im not, honestly You'll probably be able to tell from the moment we start talking plot. Otherwise, I'll try it if you insist then probably will just tell you it's not for me. But i mean if you've gotten this far already...i don't think interest will be an issue xDD

Ive also had many situations where my partner's post wasn't even bad but was just far too difficult for me to figure out what to do with it but im still trying xD Again, not your fault or i'd say something about it. sometimes life just has me worn out and my brain power is minimal.

That being said~ on to the next one~

Section Three 〈S3〉​

↡ Kinks ↡​

F-List - Here is a general (And severely outdated) List of kinks I've accrued up till say...2020? I have much more now but i never got around to updating it. maybe someday soon. But those additional kinks are honestly for the really freaky indivs who can do stuff like toilet play and be totally unfazed. So if that's not you, you don't really need to ask xD

Here I will go into depth on the specifics of some kinks, what i like about em, what im looking for involving them and so on. This is only something you need to care about if you're interested in doing something with that kink in particular. basically caveats.

This list will be a featured kink of sort. things i'm more wanting to focus on. Kinks will have an HP bar beside em, giving you an idea on a scale of 1 to 5 on how much i wanna see it. all these are optional ofc its just ppl ask me lots what i wanna see in rps so lol...this xD

▰▰▰▰▱ Blackmail / NTRReally love situations where MC is blackmailed into cheating on their BF/HubbyplaceholderN/A
▰▰▰▱▱ DubconI absolutely adore it when my character is just made to absolutely love something she was originally against x3placeholderN/A
▰▰▰▰▱ GangbangSpeaks for itself don't it~placeholderN/A
▰▰▰▰▱ TentaclesI love being restrained and overpowered by slimy prehensile things with limitless potential~placeholderN/A
Older Men
Love playing against men whom are much older than my characterplaceholderN/A
Ugly/Fat Men
Love playing against men that are generally underappreciated in the social climate~placeholderN/A
Size Difference
Love playing against any male character that anatomically dwarfs my character/having to be on her toes and/or look up at him to see it face when up close~placeholderN/A

Section Four 〈S4〉

↡ Cravings ↡

I'm absolutely craving a zombie apocalypse RP. See "DEATH-X-CITY" and "DeadsEXcity" in the plots section for more details. I have countless ideas for this sort of thing so feel free to come to me~ This is the one exception to my limited RP rule~ I can have as many partners for this one as I can handle since I have so many different ideas and characters I wanna play~

Section Five (S5)

↡ Pre-Made Characters ↡​

IMPORTANT! - If you wish to show me a specific image from google drive, make sure you embed it into text first! Like So (On PC Highlight a word with your mouse then press CTRL+K. On Touch Interface: Click the Chainlink Button at the top of the message box. [Looks like this] Otherwise the image will be massive and take up ridiculous amounts of space on the screen.)

Other characters will be added over time~​

Legend: Asian Character names read [Last Name -> First Name] - Non JP Character Names read [First Name -> Last Name]
Redone = all of the previous set of images have been phased out into a folder, marking them as obsolete and a superior set has replaced them
Colored Name = The character's Hair color matches the color of their name
▰x10 = Desire to play as this character is 100%
▱x10 = Desire to play as this character is 0%
★ = Female
☆ = Male
f = Futanari Available
☆(2.5) = 2.5D Character. Realistic but not Real Life Realistic
❖ = Notes Available Below
❖❖ = Crucial Notes Below
++ = Additional Images added to Album
[###] = Minimum number of confirmed Images of character in album

Header: Age Range

▰▰▰ = has a full range of legal playable ages
▱▰▰ = Has a middle and higher range but not lower
▰▱▰ = Can be the lowest Legal Age Range or a MILF but does not have a middle range at the moment

Character Names are merely Defaults/Placeholder/Identifiers
Currently overhauling Google Drive Library of characters. Available characters are up to date. more will be added over time.
If you like one of the girls below then feel free to name drop her~​

They can and will be changed if needed
Age Range ▰▰▰​
Age Range ▱▰▰Age Range ▱▱▰Age Range: ▰▰▱Age Range: ▰▱▱Age Range: ▱▰▱
Fushina, Miyuki
Kiryuu, Manami
Llenn/ Yui
Akagi Shina
Aomine Taiga
Cinderella Ace
❖❖★ Asakura Naorii [356+]
★☆Asakura Yuuna/ko
❖❖★ Asakura Kanna
★☆f - Yuhi, Asahina
Akihise, Nanahi

❖ Naorii and Kanna Are the same person.
Naorii is canonically flat chested and growth stunted. Kanna is a what if scenario of what she'd currently look like were she not stunted. Naorii also has big breasted variants​
Asakura Yuna/Yuno can be either male/female or both at once. She's canonically not human and the slime covering her body is a seperate lifeform that originates from within her body.

Section Six (S6)

↡ Plots ↡

Hiiii~ So~ I'm absolutely in love with this anime~ It's my absolute fav. Its got all my fav things~ Okay not...REALLY but its got a ton of things I love. So I really love the characters. A shit ton~ Allll off them. Except...for male Natsuru x3 I find him...really bad uwu. Ono~. So I do more or less wanna just do a remix of the original plot however I wanna use a smaaal modification~ I wanna replace Natsuru with someone not even remotely as terrible x3 Specifically Taiga. A much more handsome protag~ Female natsu is perfectly fine however i do have more erotic options if you'd like something a bit more...voluptuous x3 This is naturally a primarily Yuri RP~

This next one is not available. It's severely undercooked and will remain so until a certain update to PIF is released.​

This is more of your standard affair for pokemon.
★Alternate Universe Kanto
★ 8 Custom Gym Leaders
★ 4 Custom E4 Members
★ 1 Custom E4 Champion
★ New NPCs played by me

A new law was passed, prohibiting minors from questing as it has been deemed far too dangerous for children to travel on their own with 0 survival skills
at the age of 16, all students take a mandatory survival education so that when they apply for their League Challenge License, they are fully prepared to go on a journey on their own.
The Fusion Dex is a valuable asset for finding specific pokemon fusion sprites attainable in PIF as is the Fusion Calculator.
Veridian City:​
Pewter City:
Tawara, Koda
▰▰▰▱▱ Rock
▰▰▰▰▱ Steel
Cerulean City:
Mori, Amine
▰▰▰▰▰ Water​
Vermillion City:
Amamiya, Yuika
▰▰▰▰▰ Electric​
Celadon City:
▰▰▰▰▰ Poison​
Saffron City​
Fuschia City​
Cinnabar Island​
Elite 4 Member: Gloria​
Elite 4 Member: Amamiya, Yukuri
Elite 4 Member: Bianca Brehniviir
Elite 4 Member: Celestia

Recommended Character: Naorii

You wake up one morning to find yourself on a sandy beach. You're alone and quite frankly naked. It takes a little while for you to get your bearings but once you do and your vision could swear you just saw a pterodactyl!?

Looking around, you see what look like prehistoric chickens cooing but that's when you see this massive wooden structure! The front of it looks like a humble shack with a chicken pen built into the second floor and leading away from the back of it is a wooden hall way leading to a Titanic wooden structure. Easily tall enough for a broncosaurus to fit well inside! However it extended over the into the ocean...

Obviously... someone built all of this...but who...?
The Shack was simple enough to understand, a rudimentary cooking spit with a pot hanging over it, a simple bed, torches littered along the walls and various other things like a mortar and pestle. Getting inside that was easy. There was a door in the back that lead to that vertical slanting hall way. What you see at the end can only be described as a laboratory. While the structure was wood, the machinery was industrial and heavy duty. In one of the rooms was a massive storage facility. It was about 70% the size of the first floor of the Shack but the walls were covered to the brim in metallic containers with a strange green honeycombed substance, all labeled with their contents. Wood, metals, powders and things you couldn't even understand. Beyond it was a greenhouse full of snails. Beside it a more industrial looking kitchen with more containers along the wall but for meats and organics. There was a huge steel platform in the middle of the massive space between the snail farm and the lab. You find a switch and pull it. You go down and see that massive expanse below. It was just a huge open space with two massive archways on either side, and at the end, a massive metallic gate like structure with a strange greenish blue liquid filling the gate. Just before it was a ramp leading into the ocean...just what the hell was going on?
I have countless ideas about how to play out a zombie apocalypse and while this is technically a 50/50 ratio by default, the ratio can actually be absolutely anything although I am looking for a long term roleplay out of this.
I intend to play a huge roster of characters, mostly female and or femboys but I will also play males as needed. This can start in countless places and situations and thus allows for many different partners to be taken on at once for this.

Ideally: I'll be looking for someone who's willing to play a variety of characters over time to help keep things fresh and interesting, as will I. I'm very much looking to brainstorm with you!
I'll even be adding unique characters to this roleplay that aren't in the premades~
Album Code is "DEATH-X" characters with this folder name in their albums have attire ready made for this particular plot~

The city has been infected with a crazy virus that mentally corrodes and turns men into zombies that lust after two things: Sex and food respectively. Brought down to two basic instincts, they infect and eat men and ravage and infect women.
little while to turn women and the infection can be prevented with living sperm. This means a woman's survival rates are naturally higher. Infected women once at the final stages grow unnaturally huge cocks they can use to infect other women. Something else can happen while a woman is being ravaged. she can become pregnant~ with a creature that will dominate her life and have her seek out nutrition constantly~
The thing about all that is...the dead can't really tell the difference between a woman and a femboy~. If it looks like a woman...and smells like a woman...It's getting pregnant. The parasites reaaaally don't care which hole their knocking up either~

The goal? survive ~ fuck and escape quarantine before the bombs drop~
If you're a Resident Evil fan... then this basically becomes Resident Evil~

Section Eight (S8)​

↡ Doujins and Hentai Episodes ↡

The following are ideas we can play from or pull ideas from~

❖ = See notes below☆ = No RP using this idea★ = currently roleplaying this▱▱▱▱▱ = no interest▰▰▰▰▰ = Max Interest
Netorare/NetoraseInterspeciesRandomTentacles/ParasitesMindcontrol/breakCuckholdingProstitutionMisuryuukei Land ❖
Gyaru Who Cosplays for money~
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰​
Magical Lyrica / Part 2
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰
Melody Absorbs a Bimbo
☆ ▰▰▰▰▱ ❖
I'll Lay The Eggs You Desire (VRMMO)
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰
Making her my Perfect Girl
☆ ▰▰▰▱▱ ❖
Mom does an AV in place of her daughter
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰
"NTR Mom"
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰ ❖
The 1st Day
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰
Married Woman's Hidden Affairs
★ ▰▰▰▰▰
Generic Interspecies (Gangbang)
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰
Possession Mindcon/break 01
☆ ▰▰▰▰▱ ❖
Tentacle's Seedbed
★ ▰▰▰▰▰ ❖
HTSK9 (F/GO) (Futanari)
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰ ❖
Generic Doujin
☆ ▰▰▰▰▱
placeholderThe Second Day
Spa Resort Like no Other~
☆ ▰▰▰▰▱ ❖
Personality Extraction
☆ ▰▰▰▰▱
Tentacles' Seedbed 2
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰ ❖
Lord Princess Bitchification Project
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰ ❖
How I Became a Femboy Slave
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
The Third Day + 3.5
☆ ▰▰▰▱▱ ❖
Mindbreaking a Kitsune Mommy
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰
Breaking an Evil Shinobi
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰
XX of the Dead (Video)
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰ ❖
Akane wa Tsumare Somerareru
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰ ❖
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
The Fourth Day
A new Skin for Astolfo-chan~ (Femboy)
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰
Mindbreaking a Kitsune Princess
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
Eden's ritter
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
The Fifth Day
Anthro x Female (Fantasy Setting) / Another one
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
The Sixth Day (6.5)
Another Astolfo Doujin (Femboy)
☆ ▰▰▰▰▰ ❖
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
The 7th Day
Netorase 1
☆ ▰▰▰▰▱ ❖
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱
☆ ▱▱▱▱▱

❖ Akane wa Tsumare Somerareru link points to an NSFW hentai site and is a Short NTR hentai episode, not a doujin

❖ I feel like "NTR Mom" Doujin is improperly titled. I don't believe there's a shred of actual NTR in here. If anything it's just straight up Prostitution.
For this i prepose that we do one of two things instead:
→ A: we have a group of problematic HS seniors whom bully a mother's child (naturally making fun of him for being poor while they are rich) and eventually find out where he lives, go to his place, surround his mother and offer her ridiculous sums of money she can't refuse if she spreads her legs for them. Otherwise they just ravage her without her consent and if she tries anything, their fathers are in the political sector anyway. Ideally this would include gangbang~

❖ I'll be playing two characters for Spa Resort one. Shoko and Taiga

❖ Gangbang required for guest after

❖ Making her my Perfect Girl just feels like it would be challenging to set up. That's the only reason the score is so low

❖ HTSK9 is a Fate/Grand Order Doujin about Artoria Alter. It involves her master breaking down her indominable spirit and masculine sense of self through excessive humiliation with intent to make her into his slutty feminine wife. Be warned. Remember that binary code way back? It contains that.

❖ Lord Princess BP is similar to HTSK9

❖ For the second Astolfo doujin, I placed it in NTR because I had another idea for it that involves...well...NTR.

❖ For Netorase 1: It would be a light hearted sorta soft NTRS/Cuckholding. They aren't in a relationship but finds herself being molested and ravaged often, usually with him around and she teases him about it. Lots of Hijinks to be had here xD

❖ Tentacles' Seedbed has awful Translation

❖ Seedbed 2 is a more fantasy setting that can have a fair amount of plot. I have a few ideas for this one

❖ Some of the Misuryuukei Land volumes are avoided just to be on the safe side. You're more than welcome to look up "Oideyo mizuryuu kei land" to see if i missed anything lol
Also only day one has an interest gauge cause well. I mean its all basically the same thing. It's the concept that i want overall

❖ I wanna do something involving Melody Absorbs a Bimbo cause im kinda interested in the possibilities of like...gaining attributes of girls mc absorbs but im not super sure how to implement it in a roleplay. I kinda have some ideas but would need lots of brainstorming

❖ Possession Mindcon/Break one is just extremely hot to me. I have no idea how that can translate to an rp i just wanted to share uwu

❖ XX of the Dead is a Hentai Video.

Section Nine (S9)​

↡ Fandoms ↡​

For this section, im looking to play OCs in an identical setting of the following fandoms. you can play Canonical characters if you want but that's optional.
Same as before, the more white bars, the more im interested in playing (and probably have ideas for.)
Three bars generally means i'm interested in the IP but don't really have any ideas on how to play it
Rosario x Vampire
Kengan Ashura
Vampire Knight
Naruto (Original)
▰▰▰▱▱ ❖
Darker Than Black
Attack on Titan

Section Ten (S10)

↡ Bonus Craving ↡​

❖ [+60%] Surviving The Ark (Section 6)

❖ [+50%] XX of the Dead/DEATH-X-CITY/DeadsEXcity (See Section 6 and/or Tentacles in Section 8)

❖ [+25%] wanna do something based of this (First Doujin in Tentacles category in Section 8)
Iirc it's a pretty wild doujin so maybe avoid it if you don't consider yourself depraved~

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