- Joined
- Feb 21, 2021
- Respect is respect, show it or forgo it, either way you get what you give.
- Outgoing
- Busy but willing to commit.
- 2-4 Paragraphs is the sweet spot but will write more if the juices start to flow.
- Sporadic replies due to military work.
- I will make it a point to inform my partners either through status update or pm that I will be gone for work and the RP is on pause.
- Since I do it I don't think it is out of the ordinary or a hassle to ask that you do the same.
- Threads or Pm. I love OOC on discord and planning there so reach out if you do as well, but not required.
- 1-liners are not okay don't come at me with that bull....
- Ghosting
It happens I get it but just let me know. If it is something with my writing I want to grow so criticism brought in a polite tactful way is desired if that may be the case. No hard feelings ever.
- Real life will and shall always be put first. Point blank period. I will never be upset if this is something you need to take care of or handle. Do your thing boo I got you.
Dominant Kinks | Submissive Kinks |
The kinks listed above are ones I try to incorporate within the mass majority of Roleplays.
I do crave a lot of things randomly so asking would be your best bet to see if I'll dabble in something new.
I do crave a lot of things randomly so asking would be your best bet to see if I'll dabble in something new.
Pairings and Plots:
There are a lot of different genres that I have grown found of over the years and below I will spoiler a plot and pairing for each one as a sample:
A slice of life built around the ease of airdropping to random folks. This is designed to allow for YC/MC to play dom or sub. The foreground is set to send this into directions of blackmail or something else within any scenery. As far as pairings is concerned any pairing can match but humans came to mind when I wrote this.
There are a lot of different genres that I have grown found of over the years and below I will spoiler a plot and pairing for each one as a sample:

Sighs the typical reaction to an overworked and underappreciated person. Another yet mundane day in the life of YC/MC. It hasn't been much time after the dating phase had ended and for some reason the glamour and puppy love phase skipped this relationship and the rut phase came with zero restraint. That is until YC/MC received a random airdrop. The name was masked and unknown and due to the nature of an airdrop the number was hidden. Sure turning airdrop receiving off to everyone would have been the smartest and responsible thing to do but for some reason the media sent just sparked an interest deep in the gut.

"What again! Tonight! Why? We are supposed to hang out.." The words of YC the ultra advanced artificial intelligence designed for the everyday life of the working consumer. Except yours just couldn't get over you and your endeavors. None of them where ever worthy enough pretty enough or smart enough for you. Missed calls and text and events all cancelled by the one and only. As systems and upgrades came out so did hardware changes and soon she could be everywhere. Smart homes and phones all connected to her and she made sure to exploit her powers.
Artificial Intelligence x Human
Android x Human
Human x Human

The hunt is always on in this modern setting city. Deep rooted with old crime, you know, the crime that put arson and murder to shame. The type of sophistication required to wipe out family lines without a bat of an eye. This story revolves around the wicked families of the three major houses of old. Witches the dwindled down race who stood their ground against human sciences against all warnings. Werewolves the hidden species who remain myths, even in this day in age still feared by many species. Lastly the Vampires who have kept the secret of the wolves and maintain the systems needed for the city to run.

The depths of despair lie here and feed upon your carnal desires. An RP focused on the darker side of wants. Slice of life in a modern day. (willing to entertain history setting) YC/MC could play someone innocently entering a lifestyle unknown or they could be accustomed to it and engaging in new desires.
Human x Human

Space aged travel has been made possible thanks to the efforts and discovery of Element Xi. The light durable metal unable to melt allowed the science division of NASA to develop ships capable of light speed. The same scientist led the first ever exploration into the unknown.
Human x Human
Human x Alien
Alien x Alien
Discord: Blue#6717
F-List: F-list - Warning
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