- Joined
- May 11, 2009

General meta rules for this game
Rule 1 - There is no plot armor. The theme of this game is Hentai Horror Survival. The players will be castaways upon a lost magical island filled with cryptids (monsters). Some of the cryptids will merely try to kill player charactes. Most will try to rape, impreganate, or otherwise use the castaways as part of their breeding cycle. Cryptid encounters will not be adjusted to be a difficult but winnable fight for the players. In many cases the best a character can hope to do is flee and survive, or suffer and endure. Some characters will meet bad ends. Some characters will die. Some will meet bad ends. This what you're signing up to play. That being said, I'm not going to kill everyone as soon as they step food on the beach. It's a horror game. Characters will be picked off one by one building horror and tension. Characters that are raped and impregnated aren't out of the game.
Rule 2 - Be considerate of the other players. You can fight in character, but please not out-of-character. I also know people will likely pair up for smut and/or dialogue. Please don't rapid post and leave another player stranded.
Rule 3 - Please don't ghost. If you decide you're going to drop, tell me. I'll have your character meet a bad end. It's really easy to happen on this island.
Rule 4 - Let's have fun!
Source Material
Island Survival is based upon the two CYOAs. "Island Survival Hentai Edition CYOA" by AwayThrowANotTotally and "Survival Island CYOA" (author unknown). Original source material below:
Hentai Survival Island
Original Island Survival
Note, the game is inspired by the CYOAs. Just because a cryptid, artifact, or event is on the CYOA doesn't mean it's on the island in this game. I'm using the two CYOAs as inspiration. I'll thrown out what I think is stupid. Example, the Island Aurochs from Hentai Island Survival - no. I'm using the Island Aurochs from the original Island Survival. They might trample or gore a human with their horns, but they won't rape. I just can't imagine how a quadruped with no manipulative appendages can force a human female to hold still long enough for them to line their cock up with the slot to rape them.
Fudge RPG System for Hentai Horror Survival Island
The game will be played using the Fudge RPG system which encourages GMs to modify the system to fit their game. Fudge mechanics are intended to modified from game to game, so if you've played a Fudge RPG system game before and this isn't the same, that's because I'm going for a very rules light variation.
Fudge Dice
At the core of the Fudge RPG is the concept of Fudge Dice. These are six-sided dice without the usual spots. Instead they have two faces with plus (+) symbols = success, two faces with minus (-) symbols = fail, and two blank symbols = tie. All throws involve four fudge dice being rolled. Pluses and minuses cancel each other out. So the usual sum is nothing. Getting a single plus or minus is fairly common.
Dice are rolled using the external dice server reccomended by Bluemoon: hamete virtual dice server using the 4dF option. Rolls will be logged. (As soon as I figure out how the logging works).
The Skill Ladder
All Fudge-based games use words to define or compare character traits, actions, and outcomes. The words have a number that goes with them. When we list all the words in order (rank) from best to worst, we have a Ladder:Result | Rank |
+4 | Superb |
+3 | Great |
+2 | Good |
+1 | Fair |
0 | Mediocre |
-1 | Poor |
-2 | Awful |
-3 | Terrible |
-4 | Disaster |
Roles are skill groups. Every character gets two free roles. One at Good level (+2) and one at Fair level (+1).The Role at Good levels that describes who they are. If they are a professional this is likely their job, but even if they don't have a profession, they can have a role. Examples: Captain, Dive Instructor, Bartender, Student, Jock, Party Girl, Mother. The second role is at Fair level and can be a hobby or an interest.
Roles allow you to automatically perform actions that are under your skill level. Challenges above the skill level of your role must be rolled, but you add the level of your role.
What does a particular role do? Fill in the blanks in “The Argument:”
Because I am a __(role)__, I can __(take this action)__.
If the sentence makes sense, you’re good to go. If the sentence doesn't make sense choose a different role or a different action.
Example: Because I am __the captain__, I know how to __steer the boat__.
Remember this is a horror game and the characters in a horror game are frequently stereotypes, so the roles only stretch so far.
Additional Roles at the Good level (+2) can be purchased for one Flaw each. A Role can be raised from Good to Great for one Flaw.
Roles in Combat
Roles are skill groups and as this is a horror game not intended to be directly applicable to combat. One combat oriented role will be allowed. Bodyguard is suggested. Others might stretch to using a certain weapon or combat benefit. At most a +1 can be achieved. Please clarify with the GM what the combat benefit would be.Example: Bodyguard role. It's reasonable that a Bodyguard knows how to use some weapons, but not all weapons. This might be clarified that the bodyguard knows how to use handguns, knives, and fists (some kind of martial art) getting a +1 with those in combat.
There are no attributes or stats. However, each character gets one gift. If you want your character to be strong, then take "Strong" as your gift. Gifts usually add +1 to rolls in certain situations. Some gifts can be used defensively to subtract -1 from an opponents role, particularly in combat.The Fill in the blank argument for gifts is:
Because I have __(gift)__ I should get a +1 to this roll. OR Because I have __(gift)__ my opponent should get a -1 to this roll.
In general a gift will provide either +1 in combat, -1 to opponents, or bonuses in some situations. No gift should apply in all situations.
The first Gift is free. A second Gift can be bought with one Flaw. A third Gift costs two Flaws. No character can have more than three Gifts.
Example Gifts
Many gifts are possible. Feel free to make up your own.Example Gifts
Gift | Game impact |
Strong | +1 in hand-to-hand combat, Strength checks |
Agile | +1 in combat |
Nimble | -1 to my opponent |
Keen Senses | +1 to Spot checks |
Tough | +1 to Recovery checks, +1 to Poison checks |
Resilient | +1 to Trauma checks |
Loyal | +1 when fighting in defense of others |
Strong Swimmer | +1 for swim checks, +1 fighting in water |
Sexual Confidence | +1 on Sex magic and rape Trauma checks |
Finally My True Self | +1 to any three rolls each day |
Outdoorsy | +1 to Survival checks |
Absolute Direction; Always keeps his cool; Ambidextrous; Animal Empathy; Beautiful Voice; Danger Sense; Fast; Literate; Lucky; Night Vision; Patron; Perfect Timing; Peripheral Vision; Rank; Rapid Healing; Reputation as Hero; Sense of empathy; Single-minded; Status; Tolerant
Each main character can choose one resource, either an artifact or a companion. Example: companions and artifacts can be found on the Island Survival and Hentai Survival Island CYOAs. I'm open to adding other setting appropriate artifacts not mentioned in the CYOA. Characters do NOT start with the resource. Instead the resource is placed upon the island and can be found at one of the prominent shelter locations.Freebies:
To aid the characters in not getting immediately killed off:
- The character with the Scholar role starts with he cryptid token for free.
- The character with the Bodyguard role starts with a handgun with one clip of bullets for free.
A Fault is the opposite of a Gift. It imposes a penalty that your character must endure in certain situations. Usually that is by causing -1 to your own roles, but it is possible to add +1 to an opponents roles.Each character can have up to two flaws.
The reason to take Fault is to gain more abilities. Each Fault may be traded for:
- 1 Good ranked Role
- 2 Fair based Roles
- 1 Good ranked Role raised to Great
- 1 Gift
- 1 Resource
- 3 Experience Points
The argument rule for Faults is:
Because I am/have __(fault)__ , I must __(endure this setback or risk)__ .
Example Faults
Absent-Minded; Addiction; Ambitious; Amorous heart-breaker; Bloodlust; Blunt and tactless; Bravery indistinguishable from foolhardiness; Can’t resist having the last word; Code of Ethics limits actions; Code of Honor; Compulsive Behavior; Coward; Curious; Finicky; Easily Distracted; Enemy; Fanatic patriot; Full of bluff and bluster and machismo; Garrulous; Getting old; Glutton; Goes Berserk if Wounded; Gossip; Greedy; Gullible; Humanitarian (helps the needy for no pay); Idealist (not grounded in reality); Indecisive; Intolerant; Jealous of Anyone Getting More Attention; Lazy; Manic-Depressive; Melancholy; Multiple Personality; Must obey senior officers; Nosy; Obsession; Outlaw; Overconfident; Owes favors; Phobias; Poor; Practical Joker; Quick-Tempered; Quixotic; Self-defense Pacifist; Socially awkward; Soft-hearted; Stubborn; Quick to take offense; Unlucky; Vain; Violent when enraged; Vow; Worry Wart; Zealous behaviorFaults & Redshirts
In survival movies, the Redshirts are not usually killed off randomly. They usually have undesirable character flaws that lead to their death. Taking two examples from Jurassic, Donald Gennaro is a lawyer (strike one) who only sees how much money they can make and not the danger (strike two). was a lawyer who represented the investors of John Hammond's Jurassic Park. Dennis Nedry was not only betraying the park for money, he compromised the security system. It is recommended that you give Redshirts one or more flaws that will eventually lead to their demise.When a Redshirt takes a Fault, you may apply the benefit to your main character. A Redshirt may take at most 3 Faults.
A Fudge can be used to alter the game in your favor:- Declare a +1 to a roll before the roll is made.
- Reroll one die after a roll is made. So, you can reroll a (-) with a good chance of improving your result.
- Immediately after a fight can reduce one wound level (the damage wasn't as bad as it looked)
- Overcome a Trauma (shake it off)
- 4 Fudge can be exchanged for an experience point
- Some Sex Magic spells require Fudge to activate
Characters can only hold up to 5 Fudge. Any Fudge gained when you are at maximum is lost.
Combat is done in a series of exchanges. All combatants roll an attack role against their targets defense. It's possible for both parties to hit each other during an exchange. The result of the roll determines the result.Combat Ladder
Roll | Rank | Result | Examples | Description |
+4 | Superb | Death | ||
+3 | Great | Dying | Severed artery. Concussion. | Will die in a few minutes without treatment. |
+2 | Good | Crippled | Broken bones. Rapid bleeding. | Dangerous if not treated. |
+1 | Fair | Injured | Sprain, bleeding cut. | Wound will worsen until treated |
0 | Mediocre | Hurt | Scratch or bruise. | That hurt. |
-1 | Poor | Missed | ||
-2 | Awful | Missed | ||
-3 | Terrible | Missed | ||
-4 | Disaster | Vulnerable | Fell on your ass. Dropped weapon |
Wound Chart
Less than lethal injuries are marked on the Wound Chart. If a bubble for that level of injury does not exist, move up to the next category.Wounds | Rank | Combat Impact |
( ) ( ) ( ) | Hurts | No effect |
( ) ( ) | Injury | -1 |
( ) | Crippling Injury | -2 |
( ) | Deadly Injury | -3 |
Dead |
Hentai Cryptids
Hentai Cryptids fight with the goal of raping the human, not killing. Deadly injuries are reduced to merely Overpowered. At that point the victim can no longer effectively fight and is raped by the cryptid(s). Characters who are raped do not mark a Crippling Injury.Healing
The magic of the island promotes accelerated healing in humans.Immediately After Combat:
- Hurts bubbles clear as soon as combat is over. Your character will still have minor scratches and bruises for a few hours, but by the next day they will be gone.
- Deadly injuries must be treated or the character will die. This requires a great medical/first aid check. If there is an open Serious Injury bubble, the wound is reduced to a serious injury. Otherwise the wound remains deadly, but the character is stable.
- A Fudge may be spent to reduce a wound level provided an empty bubble exists at the lower level
Example WeaponsWeapon | Combat Modifier |
Unarmed | -1 |
Improvised Weapons (Oar, Stick, Rock) | 0 |
Knife, Spear, Quarterstaff, Club, Hatchet | +1 |
Torch | -1 to most cryptid opponents |
Note that cryptids often have natural weapons that give them bonuses as well, such as teeth, claws, tough hide, size, etc.
Characters suffer Trauma when they undergo a traumatic event such as:- Being transformed from a man to woman
- Being raped or gangraped
- Watching someone die in front of them
- Almost dying themselves
- Denial
- Anger and Rage
- Hysteria
- Shutting down
- Irritability
- Violence
- Phobias
- Fleeing
- Listlessness
Sex Magic
Magic exists on the island, most of it is sex magic. Sex magic is not available to starting characters. It must be acquired after the start of the game. Players wanting to go this path may want to bank experience points to acquire this ability.- Only female characters can become a sex witch. Transformed males who have not embraced their feminization cannot learn sex magic.
- A Min's Crystal arcane artifact is required to perform sex magic.
- Spells can only be learned from the Book of Magic arcane artifact OR from someone who knows sex magic such as the Witch Companion or another player who has learned a spell.
- Each spell has to be bought separately with experience points
- Feed Sexual Energy to embryo/parasite - Shortens pregnancy duration (parasite infestation time)
- Release sexual energy in a burst attracting cryptids
- Orgasmic healing - caster places crystal on target and must bring target to orgasm, the stronger the orgasm, the more the healing
- Drain partner - wearer of the crystal can suck the sex/life energy out of a partner by having sex. (could be used to kill a cryptid attempting rape)
- Lust potion - Sexual fluids (male or female) can be concentrated into a lust potion. If consumed target will be driven wild with lust. Can be thrown to create a pheromone cloud that would distract cryptids, but make them even more aggressive
- Alertness - Sexual energy can be channeled to remove need for food/rest, but makes the target lusty
- Detect lust - Works like the Cryptid Token to detect cryptids
- Tracking - Caster can track down someone they have a sexual connection with. The more times they have had intercourse together, the stronger the link
Other sex magic spells are possible. The sex witch must learn at least four common spells, describe the desired effect, and do spell research.
Experience Points can be used to buy or improve Roles, buy Spells, possibly buy Gifts, and possibly buy off Faults ranked traits, and maybe change Gifts and Faults. To improve a ranked trait, spend Experience Points as indicated by the table.Purchase | Exp Cost |
Buy a new Role at Mediocre | 1 |
Increase a Role from Mediocre to Fair | 2 |
Increase a Role from Fair to Good | 4 |
Increase a Role from Good to Great | 8 |
Increase a Role from Great to Superb | 8 |
Learn a Spell | 2 |
Buy a Gift | 8 |
Buy off a Fault | 8 |
Players choice - Customize the island
Players may choose to define what cryptids and nemeses are more likely to be found on the island. In return they can place shelters and companions. This is to help match players up with what they want to experience in this game.
For each cryptid you place on the island you may pick one companion or shelter to exist on the island.
For each special cryptid or nemesis you pick, two companions or shelters, or one beneficial phenomenon exists on the island.
Your characters are much more likely to encounter the cryptids, nemeses, shelters, and companions you place upon the island during random encounters.
Send your choices by PM to the GM (Thymoit).
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