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Well that's still okay!
Cause if It does become an MMO then you can use that..'Weird' Knowledge!
And totally kick other peoples asses on the game!

I don't even know how to play the card games. Haha.

I feel like such a nerd for not knowing how to be a nerd at the games! lol

Which there is Nothing bad about being a nerd. I like nerds. x]
I never learned how to play it properly.

I also find it sad that three or so years ago when I was in high school I was in a freshman Geometry class in my Senior year...[/emo]

That sounds like me. lol I SUCKED at math.
So I know how you feel. =[

Though in my school Thank god I was a sophomore when I was. Because we only needed two years of math.
And then when the new freshman came in. They changed it to where you NEED four years for the new kids.

So I got off easy. Haha, but I still suck! Majorly!
I was so good in science that my biology teacher and my mom I think still insisted like a few years later or something that I got A's, when I am sure I got C's.
Ah, yeah.
I wish I was good at Science. OR well I was okay with biology. Just not Chemistry.
Once again.. Equations. x]

I was good at art! Does that count as something? lol

But no, at least you were good at Science!
I coulda been better at science and english, if I did the homework and didn't fuck up when writing papers, like...putting capitalizations in random spots.
Oooh, Yeah.

I could have helped you with the English part. I passed that easily.
Oh yeah, and doing homework does help sometimes... Sometimes.. Haha.

I hated doing homework, gah.
Homework will bring potential A's and B's at the ends of things to C's and D's.

That was my problem I just never did more homework than I did, the tests and shit were pretty easy.
You sound like one of those who never did home work.
And didn't do too well in classes...

YET.. when taking a test you passed it with flying colors.

I SUCKED! haha.
That was me pretty much. though I did do decent in classes at times.

Those were days where I had a like 900 or so page book to occupy like every class with. D:
Yeah. x]

Well.. the career I'm trying to get into. Is going to send me back to school.
Though Elementary school.

First Grade Teacher.
Why not teach high school? the earlier stages are much harder, since the children are so...impressionable than high schoolers.
Well time for me to be on my way to work *Skitters off* Good bye. (Went from Tattoo's, to pokemon, to school, Haha)
Nah, not harder. They actually WANT to learn. Haha. And they are so fun. I was an assistant teacher in the Elementary school here.

But alright. Bye! (Haha, I know. x] )
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