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Fx Male A Sinner's Request


Mar 21, 2018
East Coast best coast
"She's in love with the devil, she's in love with Lucifer."
Hello everyone. After an unfortunate hiatus I am back and ready to get my toes back into role playing, so, without further ado, here is my new and updated request thread! (Well, my MxF thread for now, anyway.) Before we begin, however, I'd like to give a basic introduction. My name is pechadur and I am twenty three years old, biological gender is female and I do use she/her pronouns. I have been writing for over ten years and role playing for about six, so I'm not too green behind the ears at this. I am in college and do work, so please understand that I won't be able to respond frequently and sometimes may not be able to reply for a few days. If that is a deal breaker, then I completely understand and wish you luck in your future endeavours.

1. First things first, my f-list is here and in my signature, look it over before messaging me and DO NOT suggest anything on my "No" list as those are non-negotiable.
2. Be respectful, please.
3. Proper spelling and grammar is a must. I understand slip ups every so often just please don't make it a habit.
4. Do not hound me for a response every day. I have a busy schedule and, as previously stated, will not have a chance to reply too often.
5. Ghosting is okay however a warning or explanation would be nice. I'd like to make sure that everything is okay and that you're doing well.
6. Let me know what your favourite animal is.
7. While smut is nice, I'd like to steer away from that unless it is from a quick prompt listed below.
8. Do NOT pick out my face claim and I will show you the same respect.
9. Not Discord friendly. I only write on-site.

The Ritual
In a world filled with magic, naturally the different covens are lead by powerful households, witches who have the purest bloodlines and the natural inclination to the fae world. There are many different ways these households gain their powers though this story will focus on one household in particular: The Redferne family. Dark rumours surround the matriarch as it is believed that she sold her daughters to the devil by having them perform a dark ritual in exchange for powers beyond one's wildest dreams. These rumours hold no known truth, however, as a family as old and powerful as the Redferne's can easily silence anyone who would threaten their secret.

In truth, their powers come from darker influences through the different daemons that reside in the underworld- not the dark lord himself. This role play would centre around one of the daughters of the Redferne Matriarch, MC, and perhaps one of the more powerful daemons himself, Lucifer (YC). Unaware of her powers, MC enters the summoning ritual on her eighteenth moon with low expectations, knowing she'll only disappoint her mother. So imagine her surprise when she summons the Dark Lord himself, though it's hard to tell who would be more surprised in that scenario. Entering a contract, the two enter a torrid affair in a journey of self-discovery and witch politics.
Bon Appétit
Muse A is in a committed relationship. Muse A loves their significant other dearly, but in the last couple of months, their spark has definitely fizzled out. Uncertain that they will find what they’re looking for if they break things off with their partner, Muse A tries their best to subtly improve the intimacy in their relationship; unfortunately, their partner sees nothing wrong with the conventional way they do things, so nothing changes. One night, Muse A’s significant other makes plans with an old friend from school–a double date for dinner. Muse B knew Muse A’s lover in high school; they were close friends until one of them moved across the country for college. The couples meet at a fancy restaurant and the old friends catch up over drinks and appetizers. The whole while, Muse A can’t help but notice that their lover’s old friend is making eyes at them across the table. Thrilled by the idea that another person finds them desirable, when their own partner hardly seems to anymore, Muse A makes a bold move–sliding their foot against Muse B’s leg beneath the table. The seductive act is received by Muse B with a subtle smirk and a light nod of approval. By the time entrees are served, Muse A and Muse B manage to slip out of the restaurant for a quick encounter. They make their way back to the table and act as normally as possible, adrenaline pumping through their veins over the bad thing they’ve done and can’t wait to do again. Plans are eagerly made for another dinner date while Muse A and Muse B are already thinking of how they can raise the stakes.
Dreams Come True
Muse A is a musician, just on the cusp of breaking into the big time. They have a loyal underground following that they love dearly, but their lifelong dream has always been to be a major headliner and to see their name lit up on the marquis of the biggest venues. Muse B is a well-known talent manager, looking for a new artist to lend their skills and expertise to. After seeing a flyer on the street, Muse B attends one of Muse A’s shows one night and is absolutely blown away by their magnetism and raw talent.

After the show, Muse B introduces themselves to Muse A and makes it known that they are very interested in working with them. Muse A isn’t sure at first. They don’t want to be constantly told what to do or play. To be known as a sellout among their loyal legion of fans would ruin everything. The pair spend time together, share a few stories, their dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Muse B offers their services, but Muse A is hesitant to accept, even though this may be what they really need to make it big. After a bit of cajoling and a few more meetings, Muse A finally agrees. Muse B utilizes every resource they have to propel Muse A into stardom.

Ship Option : Wrapped up in the whirlwind of success, Muse A and Muse B find themselves growing closer and closer. One night they decide to cross the barrier of personal and professional to try and make a relationship work.

Angst option: As Muse A gets closer and closer to achieving A-list status, Muse B steers the artist towards more questionable behaviors (alcohol, drugs, outbursts, etc.) in order to get additional publicity and headlines.
Strictly Business
Muse A is a wealthy CEO who runs their own fortune 500 company in a bustling city. Muse A is in their 30s-40s and has been married to their college sweetheart for 12 years, though the passion between them has long since fizzled out. Muse B is a 20-something, fresh out of college, possessing a business degree and needing to get their foot in the door of the business world. Muse B is lucky enough to be hired by Muse A’s firm and becomes Muse A’s personal assistant/secretary. Muse A and Muse B exchange pleasantries from day to day, but don’t socialize much beyond the details of their business together. One evening, Muse B gets a call from Muse A asking a favor. Muse A must go to a charity gala and their spouse is not able to attend; they want Muse B to attend the event with them. Muse B is flattered and agrees to go for the sake of not letting their boss down.

Muse A sends a private car for Muse B along with an expensive outfit for them to wear. When Muse B arrives at the gala, they are blown away by the elegant venue. Champagne is flowing freely and Muse A looks attractive as ever in formal wear. Throughout the evening, Muse A reveals a playful, charming side to Muse B that they don’t get to see in the office. Muse A is flirtatious even, lightly touching the small of Muse B’s back, sliding their arm around Muse B’s shoulder, complimenting Muse B in front of business associates. Muse B knows that they shouldn’t read to heavily into Muse A’s flirtation, because Muse A is married and they work together, but it’s difficult not to get swept up.

When the gala is over, Muse A insists that they retire to the hotel room they’ve reserved upstairs until they’ve sobered up some. Muse B agrees to stay and the pair takes the elevator up to a penthouse suite, the likes of which Muse B has only seen on luxury blogs and in travel magazines. Fueled by a mutual attraction and champagne, Muse A makes a bold move on Muse B, crossing professional and marital lines. Muse B feels guilty the next morning, knowing that Muse A is married, but the attraction between boss and employee can no longer be ignored. Over the course of the following weeks, Muse A and Muse B embark on a secret affair; sharing intimate moments between business meetings, going away on overnight “business trips” together, indulging in private shopping sprees with Muse B’s platinum card.

Optional: When Muse C (Muse A’s spouse) finds questionable charges on Muse A’s credit card statement/gets a call from the credit card company about suspicious activity, they become concerned that their spouse is cheating. Muse C confronts Muse A, who denies an affair, but it doesn’t take long for Muse C to fixate on Muse B as the source of their spouse’s deception.
Joy Ride
Muse A has been sheltered for most of their upbringing, coddled by loving but overprotective parents well into their teenage years. They’ve yet to experience most of the milestones that their same-age peers take for granted, like attending a school dance or getting their driver’s license. The only time that Muse A isn’t under the watchful eye of their parents is when they’re at school and even then, they’re under strict orders to come straight home once that dismissal bell rings. Muse B hasn’t resided with a parent/guardian since they were legally able to live on their own. They didn’t come from a nurturing environment, not even close, but they’re not looking for a pity party about it. Muse B fends for themselves in this world and they’ve earned a bit of a reputation for snubbing their nose at authority at every opportunity.

Muse A encounters Muse B one afternoon as they’re making their way to the bus. Muse A can’t help but stare with envy as Muse B mounts their motorcycle—able to ride off whenever and wherever they please. Muse B catches Muse A staring and they offer Muse A a ride. Muse A accepts, hastily snatching up their first little taste of freedom.

Short Prompts
I know I said I'm not looking for smut, however, if the right idea comes along I'd be more than willing to write some scenes out.
The Neighbour's Hot Tub
Muse A and Muse B sneak over to the neighbor’s (Muse C’s) yard and use their hot tub while they’re away on vacation. Young and in love, the adventurous couple fools around under the cover of the bubbling water. Caught up in their lust, neither of them realize that the neighbor has security cameras installed on the premises, and that everything they did while in the hot tub has been caught on tape.

What will become of the unintentional sex tape?

Will the tape be used for blackmail and/or will it open the door for an affair between two of the neighbors?
Muse A and Muse B share a one bedroom apartment as it’s all they can afford in the neighborhood they live in. Despite their cramped quarters, they’re happy with their living arrangements and more importantly they love living together. They’ve been together (roommates/lovers/dating/married) for a little over a year now and they have a healthy intimate life behind closed doors. Both Muse A and Muse B are adventurous spirits, typically willing to try anything at least once. When Muse B comes home with a brand new video camera, the couple is quick to put it to use by making their own sex tape. The frisky pair have a blast performing for each other and for the camera and enjoy the end result when they play it back. Curious and turned on by the steamy footage, the couple decide to post their video online and see what others think of it. When the feedback is overwhelmingly positive, the pair can’t wait to get started on their next video. Eventually, the couple ventures into the adult industry by starting a live webcam show together.
Extra Credit
Muse A and Muse B are college students that attend a same class together. Muse A and Muse B have never gotten along. Muse A thinks Muse B is a cheating slacker and Muse B thinks Muse A is a stuck-up teacher’s pet. Muse A and Muse B are paired together for a class project that is due in a month. Muse A ends up doing most of the work since Muse B never shows up to help. Fed up with their lazy partner, Muse A tells Muse B that if they don’t help them finish it, Muse A is going to tell their teacher Muse B didn’t help. Muse B finally and reluctantly shows up at Muse A’s dorm room to work on the project. Muse A and Muse B end up fighting over every little thing. Their anger quickly brews into heated passion and Muse A and Muse B soon find themselves ripping off their clothes, taking out their frustrations by means of pleasure.
Two frisky students sneak into an empty classroom after school or into the restricted section of the school library to hook up. (Could lead to a teacher catching them and approaching the female student.)
Monster Brother
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