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Mx Female New Plot, New Craving, Same Filthy Pervert

Glass Eye

Jan 18, 2021
Alright, guys, let's be real--the last version of this thread? Self-indulgent. This version? Equally self-indulgent. Question talking? Of course.

I'm going to put all of that pinkies out shit in a spoiler. If you think you can handle the heat take a look.

05/29: I love a corrupted milf. Make of that what you will.

『-』Aвσυт Mє『-』
『-』 34 year old man in the EST time zone.
『-』 Writes in third person past tense
『-』 Replies anywhere from once a week to multiple times a day. It depends on the stars, okay, if Mercury is in the thing and then the other thing eclipses the whatsit, holy shit, so many replies. But, if the one thing does the other thing with the whatsit it'll be dry. Real dry. And now you know!
『-』 I will write as many or as few words as I feel make sense. The overall logic is that I'll give you something worth your time. I usually don't go with fewer than two paragraphs.
『-』 I play male opposite female roles, like at least for the smutty or romantic stuff. I write as many NPCs of whichever gender as needs be.
『-』 I love to chase pigeons.
『-』 I've been roleplaying since I was a tween, as if that even kind of matters. Maybe I'm shit at it.
『-』 I prefer to RP through PMs. That being said, PMs are better because when the whatsit occludes the whosonfirst and Saturn is snrrting back a line of stardust we may not see each other for a while.
『-』 An f-list.
『-』 Ghost friendly. In all seriousness, I understand that when it doesn't work out or you have a prolonged moment of writer's block or something comes up in life or you just forget or if you're triggered you can feel overwhelmed, or guilty, or be just plain afraid of confrontation. That's okay. I want you to have a good time. I want you to feel comfortable and accepted for the person you are. We all get such little windows into an intimate part of each other's lives pursuing this hobby, I think it's important to extend grace to one another.

🎀Aвσυт Ƴσυ🎀
🎀 Would prefer if you wrote in third person paste tense.
🎀 Show me your kinks! Tell me your limits! Describe your boundaries!
🎀 Doesn't frontload the RP.
🎀 Not married to faceclaims. I don't do them, if you like to in place of a more detailed description then I'm fine with that.
🎀 Enjoys adding ideas to the plot and worldbuilding as we play.
🎀 Take some initiative. It's your story, too.
🎀 Be able to tell me if something isn't working out for you.

Smutty Plots

A note: these are all episodic and scene based ideas tied together by a single conceit. Beneath the title you'll see settings. Most plot ideas are setting agnostic, as setting is an aesthetic that can enforce or dissipate certain themes. Determined to be the Chosen One, for instance, will look pretty different in 1920s New York than it would in a medieval fantasy setting even if the core ideas are otherwise the same. The social pressures in a recently industrialized boomtown society will be different from the social pressures someone experiences in feudalism.

If you see one of these plots and think "I had a similar idea," or "if this weird, horny motherfucker is into one of these ideas he'll be into this other one," then by all means tell me about those ideas of your own. If you see one (or more) of these plots and think "that's cool, but it would be awesome with a twist" absolutely PM me about the twist! I'm as excited to hear your ideas as I am to talk about my own.

Probably more.

I live in my head, not yours.

Or do I?

The Village Wife (new)
setting: medieval fantasy

YC was abandoned as a child. Luckily for her, she was adopted by into an orc village as a foundling. While they typically did not associate with nearby warlike, xenophobic human settlements a particularly compassionate orc could not suffer a child to die by exposure. With that in mind he took in YC and raised her as a traditional orc woman. While that meant she was educated in agriculture, herbalism, theology and history it also meant that she would one day become the village wife.

Unlike humans, which have a close to 50/50 sex ratio, orcs are predominantly male. This has become more pronounced over time with fewer and fewer born in every generation. Orcs have adopted to a system of wife sharing, in which one wife is shared with the entire village on a rotating basis.

Now that YC has become an adult, and been recognized by the tribe's religious leader, she is about to spend a lifetime getting knocked up by pent up orc farmboys and white bearded orc elders. I'm imagining a kind of cozy smut vibe. I could be swayed to other monster races with a similar idea.

setting: medieval fantasy

YC has few options and even fewer choices. She's a woman in a man's world and after her crime that man's world is looking very harsh, indeed. Maybe even noose around the neck harsh. But she does have one option left if she's willing to put everything at risk: she could seek refuge with the orcs.

In this world orcs are green skinned, big dick, and don't take any shit. Where they diverge is that they are part of a complicated empire with designs on YC's homeland. Is she going to see beyond all the hard dick greenskin breeding in time to warn her neighbors, or is she going to join in the conquering with gusto?

Demon Summoning
settings: modern, medieval fantasy, futuristic/sf, Gilded Age
Listen, this classic well is nigh on infinite. Here's my twist: YC summons a demon because reasons (let's be real, because she fucking wants to). She gets a demon out who is unusually honest. It says, upfront, it's going to do all these horrible things to her--ruin her life, make her into a slut, reduce her brain to her clit, etc and so on. Really, though, the demon's like a genie. He'll give her anything she wishes for so long as she follows his directions, but somehow each time YC ends up in a humiliating situation, degraded, full of cum. This is accomplished by the demon mind controlling the men in her life.

Determined to be the Chosen One
settings: Gilded Age, atompunk/raygun gothic, Pacific Adventure, medieval fantasy
YC has one single goal: to be the hero foretold by fate. Unfortunately, it's her brother. YC keeps on going out and fulfilling the challenges laid out by the prophecy and each time Ian gets the credit. Add on top of that the sexy misfortunes YC undergoes as she's pawed at by lascivious innkeepers, hardfucked by lizardmen and forced to suck a bandit leader's balls dry and it's a recipe for anyone to want to get their pesky little brother out of the way.,

After all, if Ian's out of the way, YC is the chosen one.

settings: bland modern comic book superhero setting, Silver Age, Golden Age, 80s/90s antihero era
YC is a hero's sidekick. Small problem: he's a complete asshole. He leaves you to do the hard work and he takes all the credit. This is a vehicle for YC to grow her own capacity and power as a superheroine while getting throatfucked by evil henchmen, getting her asshole stretched by her professor in a bid not to flunk class, and even learning to swallow cum to make her sure her billionaire superhero mentor upgrades her gear once in a while.

Erstwhile Investigator
setting: modern (this just has such an influencer vibe)
YC is a supernatural investigator looking to prove to the world that she's not crazy, what she saw when she was 23 and kinda drunk was real, and that things really do go bump in the night. What she hasn't realized is that the things that go bump in the night think she's hilarious. Most people will forget supernatural events after they occur, and paper over the cracks with a new memory. Her quest is futile. It's also filled with manipulative vampires, horny werewolves, and an unusually chummy satyr.

Orc's Cottage
setting: medieval fantasy, steampunk, futuristic (kinda Shadowrun-y I guess)
So you're an adventurer, and you're hungry, and you're thirsty, and you're tired and you're in the middle of nowhere. So what do you do? When you see what looks like an empty cabin you go in, find it's stocked with supplies and go ham filling your belly.

Then, some savage orc just comes waltzing in through the front door!

Like he owns the place!

Well, you're a civilized person, and you know that cannot be the case.

Unfortunately, for all your sword swinging prowess, he wipes the floor with you. It's pathetic.

When you come to, you're stripped of your armors and weapons and have a weird amulet on. He lets know that 1) he's reasonably pissed off because this is his place and you did try to kill him, and 2) he's a hot shit alchemist and if you agree to try out his new potions he'll eventually let you go and oh by the way? That glowing amulet that's painlessly adhered to your chest? If you go more than a mile from the cabin it's going to blow up your heart like a river rock in a fire.

Dominated by a Horny AI!
settings: modern, near future (ex. cyberpunk), near space
You wake up one day and you realize that there's a small, smooth metal object attached to your pubic mound, just above your womanhood. It has a blinking light on it, but you have absolutely no idea what it is, how it got there, or why it is utterly impossible for you to pry it off. Then... He appears. A cheerful, if formal, butler with a pristine white towel folded over one arm.

"Greetings, Miss [YC's first name]! You may refer to me as VICTOR. I am a computer program contained in that machine on your pubic mound. You may speak with me as though I am human and ask any questions you may have. I am given to understand you may have some. My image and voice is being projected into your mind, so no one else may hear or see me besides you. Refreshing is it not, Miss? I am so thrilled to inform you that you have been selected by the 000000 Corporation for body processing. Very few have this privilege! I'm here to help you transition into your new life. Why don't you go ahead and take off all your clothes. Chop chop, miss!"

This is the startling, confusing, and embarrassing beginning to a long struggle against a huge, anonymous corporation that seems to have endless resources to dedicate to your thorough violation. And Victor will be there every step of the way in faithful service to the corp, ensuring that you are successfully put through the process set out before you, even if you kick and scream the whole way. This RP will focus heavily on sex machines, as the corporation will have installed all manner of rape-y devices in the walls of your home. I'm planning on including body modification, forced lactation, public humiliation, cum play, and dom/sub too. There's lots of other kinks we could include too, if we want, so I'm looking forward to discussing this RP with you and seeing where we can take it!

Story Ideas

Unlike the smutty plots above--which are episodic--these are meant to be long form narratives with reoccurring characters who matter. Mostly YC is very staked out, and I would play the rest of the world with emphasis on antagonists and allies. That's my vibe, I guess. But really what these should be called are not story ideas, but villain ideas. Sometimes the villain to your protagonist is the absent father, academic rival, the bargain for power, or even YC's own desperate decisions asking for interest she was never going to be able to afford.

They're open ended because each of them calls for a protagonist: your character. These settings and ideas are not set in stone, and are open to interpretation and wiggling, if much less than the decidedly more fluid smutty ideas.

Cyberpunk had a bit of a moment recently. Dudes with chromed out arms, cyber ninjas, girls with cables coming out their necks, larpers with enough metal in their faces to feel like akshual revolutionaries, LOW REZ C Y B E R S P A C E.

It combines the best and worst excesses of the 80s, 90s, and now!

Your character grew up in the crawlspaces and walled off compartments of a megabuilding. By the time she was 8 her parents fucked off. Maybe they ODed, maybe they were gang victims, maybe they entered the penal system and never came out the other side. It was an open question because you were busy dodging janitorial live fire exercises and police anti squatter raids.

When you were 10 a new, foreign NGO cropped up in your area to help revitalize these poor Americans who fell on hard times. One of the privileged few in this child sponsorship scheme, you were given group housing, shoes, one meal a day, and basic literacy and hygiene education.

When you were 12 you and the rest of your cohort were shuttled off to a big tent three megablocks over and turned over to some nice men and women who didn't look you in the eyes. After a battery of tests you were separated from the rest of the herd and, with a dozen other children, offered a Scholarship.

A Scholarship was a one way ticket to a middle class life with the corpos. Not that it was anything more than a nicety, since the NGO sold you to the corpos for ongoing donations. You entered a world of 16 hour days focused on physical, psychosocial, and technical education where the cost of failure was your life.

After completing a bachelor's degree in your early twenties, you were given an internship in corporate counter intelligence with Morrison-Ibrahim Lunar Dynamics (MILD) Tech. Now you share a corporate apartment with three other interns. On the plus side, one of them is a boy you grew up with. On the downside, one of them is actively trying to sabotage you.

The only steadfast rule in your world is up or out, and you have one year to move up or get booted out with a bullet in the back of the head to enforce your brainpan shattering non-disclosure agreement.

°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· ~ ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°°​

Your character has never been free. She's still not free, but now she has choices.

Does she find out why her father and mother abandoned her? Do you lash out at your rival? Do you protect the boy you grew up with?

Are you willing you to dangle a snitch out to dry when you run an op on rival corp? Can you successfully kidnap an engineer looking to defect from their corp?

Like all of my other plots this is intentionally open ended. We have multiple conflicts in play.

Shoot me a PM.

Out of time, out of options and out of luck.

Last you knew, it was 2007.

Now it's fifteen years later, you're the same age you were then, and it's like you never existed at all. None of your friends or family recognized you if you could find them, and sometimes when you see your reflection in water you don't look quite human.

It gets worse when you break a promise. Then it's your reflection in windows, and if you do it enough the illusion is shattered and you're confronted with your own perfectly beautiful inhumanity.

Conversely, when you fulfill your promises you grow stronger, your senses become sharper, and you can even create illusions.

Unfortunately, that becomes difficult. Sometimes you see people and you know them by their reflections: twisted monsters with branches growing out of their sleeves and bloody wounds where their eyes should be. When you see them you instinctively know that it's fight to the death or run to live another day, and they will stop at nothing to get you.

You have only the fuzziest memories of your time away: a great masquerade ball where dancers wore real faces over fake ones, a heart pounding gamble with a terrible price, a duel that was one part lust to one part fear, and a great sense of urgency around something that has always evaded you.

Now you work for an unscrupulous crime boss who knows more than he's letting on, and you're accidentally indebted to the little boy who lives down the street. Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold--can you handle it? Can you figure your way out from beneath the thumb of your boss, protect that lonely boy, and figure out what happened to you 15 years ago and if you were ever even human?

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Noir thriller meets fairy tale. YC is going to be put front and center as her literal being is tested between warring obligations while she's also being hunted by fairy monsters, and even the law. The extent to which others know about her weakness will be for us to figure out. I have some ideas about specific conflicts, and I'm very excited to hear your ideas and suggestions.

Be a sexy badass.

Shoot me a PM.

View attachment 12320
Explore new places, they said.

Meet new people, they said.

Getting outside helps with depression, they said.

That’s how you ended up depressed in Egypt near one of the lesser pyramids. In an unusual twist—or, on a bad day, just another one of those gut punches life likes to hand out—you became possessed by a dark power.

On the plus side, this devil cannot control you. It usually only speaks to you when you start the conversation. And it seems very invested in your success. So much so that it’s bestowed certain incredible powers on you.

Unfortunately, as in all things in life, there are certain strings attached.

First, the demon controls when the powers go on and off. Every time it activates the powers, it makes an ask. You might have to steal something: your social worker’s favorite pen, a stranger’s notebook, a book from the library. You might have to whisper something into someone’s ear. Even if it makes little sense to you, it seems to make sense to them. You may even have to put the fear into someone.

But the big asks? Those are saved for life and death.

Second, the demon is painfully consistent, uniquely knowledgeable, and totally saccharine. Its memory is like a steel trap and you know, for a fact, that it sees through your eyes and hears through your ears. For better and usually worse you haven’t had a moment of privacy since the incident at the dig site.


And thirdly.

You’re a superhero! Yay, good job! Your origin story? An iconic superhero came with the thunderbolt speed and the missile precision, chasing down some speedster with a decidedly Soviet theme. In the brief struggle Javelin—aka the Steel Man, the American Dream, Justice for All—killed a third of the people in your dig site. When your fingers curled around an old talisman you instinctively picked up off the table, the entity poured itself into you and you transformed.

Something with enough power to make the armor clad hero stumble and take off rather than fight you one on one. But now you’re marked, and with all the debt you went into from all the psychiatric holds when you were explaining that, yes, a demon possessed you, you need to make some money. No one’s going to hire you with all these work history gaps in the first place.

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The premise here is that YC is a heroine with a demon possessing her. She has to figure out how to get rid of the demon, or get successful enough to get out of the hole with the demon, and maybe even repair strained relationships with friends and family. She has to maintain a job and keep her social convinced that she's like totally, 100% sane. She also has to manage the relationship with the demon inside of her.

Oh, and to top it off, the demon’s beginning to take a lewd turn.

One media touchstone might be Moon Knight.

This plot is open-ended. I’m interested in whatever ideas you bring to the table as well and am flexible with this story idea.

What do you think would be fun? What do you think would be interesting?

Shoot me a PM.

You hear someone scream, huddled beneath a study carrel while something half summoned and half precipitated and entirely focused on eating young flesh hovers above them. The old book shelves shudder, shake, and double stacked books drop to reveal an old wand with a flowing tag trailing Urdu from the handle. The library only gives when it takes: can you handle the backlash if you use the wand to save your classmate, or do you take the wand and use it for your next exam?

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Doctora Netzhualcoyotl had looked down her long nose and haughtily promised that a child would be able to pass this exam. On reflection, that was likely because a slim child would have been able to dart out of the box before it began shrinking. Instead, you have to solve a Henderson's Hypercube written in flowing Quecha--and here you decided to skimp on the Andean language to focus on Nahuatl summoning incantations. Oh, and suddenly you're not sure if you got around to finishing the packet for next period's alchemy lab.

°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· ~ ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°°​

They said don't open the doors that beg to remain shut. As you turned the lion headed nob it took a chunk out of your thumb, but you need extra credit in Profesor Reichenbach's Odylic Dialegesthai, and fortune favors the bold. The stairs are slick and sloped down the middle, giving the lie to the crazy rumor that the doors had never been opened. As you descend you feel the walls hum with slick energy, and can't help the uneasy thought that you are walking into some being's lung. But if you're lucky you'll be able to bring back something that will impress even the old madman.

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Unfriendly Rivals: YC is an intense, high strung straight Gemmel student (like an A+, but magical academy) with a star studded future ahead of her. She has 99 problems, and 98 of them are in her head. The one that isn't is MC, an intense, high strung straight Gemmel student with a star studded future ahead of him.

The problem: only one of them can be valedictorian.

In a string of high stakes exams, contests, and gauntlets our characters will face off in a display of amoral brinksmanship, contriving baroque plans to topple the other.

Also inevitable hatefucking. And dark academia aesthetic.

Send me a message.

This plot is certainly open ended. The goal would be to use this as a jumping off point and construct something specific to you and I. Those snippets above were just that, opportunities to cause frission along your neurons, to send neurotransmitter gushing into synapses and recall or reinvent something from your imagination
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