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That feel when...


Feb 12, 2018
This is a thread for just putting down those moments where you have a particular mood or feeling that other RPers might be able to relate to. Could be good, could be venting. I shall start.

That feel when you're eagerly waiting for a PM or post from a partner, you see them active, but they've still not replied.
That feel when you had a hard time writing a reply and hope you didn't fail to meet your wonderful partner's expectations.
That feel when you receive such a good post that you just sit back, wide-eyed, and whisper "Fuck".
That feel when the previous 2 posts nails how you've felt multiple times in the past weeks.
You want to post but your motivation took a dip for no reason.
That feel when your PM inbox is such a mess that you write the raunchiest toilet play post in the wrong scene, to the wrong person, and realize it one second before you were going to click "send".
Honestly, its just a thrill getting replies or messages - those little red ones are a real dopamine hit!
I got another one.

That feel when you're really interested in working with someone but their fandoms aren't something you're familiar with, and you're afraid you'll only disappoint them if you attempt it.

That feel when you aren't as happy as you would like to be with your reply but send it anyway because you haven't responded to your partner in a while and know they're waiting.
That feel when you write 18 paragraphs for a reply and love every second of it.
^ A lengthy post to a worthwhile partner is often its own reward!

That feel when you take a chance with someone new, plot for a bit, and discover that she loves everything about the fandom you're diving in and loves all your ideas and isn't afraid to do some lengthy plotting with you. God these partners are so few!
^ Hard yes. It's like a Pavlovian thing now. Heart gets to pumping and everything. Aaaaa~
Potential Partner: So you're looking for Non-con?
Me: Yes
Potential Partner: So you will play a submissive character?
Me: No.
Potential Partner:

Potential Partner: So you will play a dominant character?
Me: Yes
Potential Partner: So she's going to be on top?
Me: No.
Potential Partner:
That feel when your room is so cold you can't focus on your writing. >.>
The feeling when you get a reply from someone interested on your unconventional idea but your potential partner wants to play your role...
That feel when you start plotting with someone, things get off the ground and you're having a great time...only to be told they aren't liking it and won't tell you what exactly went wrong so it can be worked over and never repeated again.
That feeling when you have started more RPs due to dwindling responses from your previous ones only to be hit with a landslide of posts as everyone decides to reply on the same day.
That feel when Blooblanket and Chalarm just came at my entire life in two separate posts lmao.

But seriously, that feel when you grab a new partner that's riding the same wavelength you are; story, kinks, a great listener who brings their share of ideas to the table and doesn't expect you to do everything. These partners are SCARCE.
That feeling when you have over a dozen posts to work on, but your brain is too dumb and squishy to formulate anything of substance, so rather than forcing it and submitting sub-par work you just let the PMs sit in your inbox.
That feel when you look back at a portion of a recent reply and think to yourself, "Damn I could've done that part MUCH better." ;-;
That feel when you go from an RP drought to an RP monsoon in the span of 2 days. :0
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