- Joined
- Dec 5, 2020

“Z,” Vanesa explained, as her golden eyes settled on the orphaned mutt that had yet to prove herself as a Crimson Blade. The Crimson Blades didn’t have a uniform, every Blade dressed how they saw feet, yet Vanesa willingly chose to wear a pristine white military uniform, that made her look more like a general then the deadly mercenary she was. “You shall wait for the rest of your team here captain, only then will you enter,” Vanesa instructed, as she turned from Z to join the rest of the council.
Captain, the word rung in Z’s head and once she was alone it brought a smile to her face. Every apprentice of the Crimson Blade had to pass a test to get where Z was, she had passed the test just the day prior, but that simple test was nothing compared to what the council would have her do next. Trying her best to calm her nerves and hide her smile at being appointed captain, Z passed back and forth in front of the council chamber door and waiting for her team of to arrive. Z had no idea which apprentices would be joining her, there were not a ton of students, but there were enough that Z did not know all of them. Hoping the others would not make her wait much longer Z tried her best to distract herself from thinking about what was on the opposite side of the door waiting for her.