Plots and Cravings! Looking for a cheating or anthro/furry roleplay.


Nov 2, 2012
Hi everyone!

This is going to be a thread for my plots ans cravings. My main thread will have my pairings listed. Anyway, here's a few plots I have that I'd like to try. I'll add more as and when I think of them.


So this is where I'm going to put any plots I come up with.

Set in a modern day world, there are two different types of people. There are the humans and there are also elementals. Elementals and humans may look alike, but elementals possess the ability to control and manipulate the elements. The humans were quick to fear the elementals and fear only increased when humans witnessed just what elementals could do.

Some time later, the government decided to act. They created Elemental Hit Squads, or E.H.S for short. They were specially trained to deal with and eliminate elementals, and that's exactly what they did.

This would be where MC and YC would come in. MC and YC are both elementals, and have been best friends for as long as they could remember. They are also neighbours.

One morning, MC is sent to the store to pick up a few things for a party being thrown later the same day. However, when he's gone, an E.H.S passes through his neighborhood, wiping out family after family on his street. MC's family is killed along with the family of YC. However, YC barely manages to escape with her life. When MC returns, he sees the E.H.S disappearing round the corner at the far end of his street. He sees the carnage left behind; every house beginning to burn. Not knowing of YC's escape, MC assumes everyone he knew and loved was now dead. Before his home went ho in flames completely, he retrieves his father's sword and swears to avenge their deaths. From here, he sets out on his quest for vengeance, but what will happen he arrives in a new town and mercilessly slays an elemental hit squad and YC witnesses everything? What will she make of the change in him?

Set in the Kanto region ((with the option of moving onto other regions further into the story)), MC is an elite trainer who is a part of Team Unity. Team Unity are forever doing their best to interfere in Team Rocket's evil plans, and their latest is one of their worst yet. YC ends up becoming a part of Team Rocket's plans when she interferes one time too many. YC ends up being captured, and becomes a part of Team Rocket's experiments when they splice her DNA with that of her partner pokemon, turning her into a pokemorph. Unfortunately, she isn't the only one. There are many others like her caged up in Team Rocket's base.

MC and Team Unity hear about this base, and after careful planning, they perform a raid on the base. They are shocked when they find YC, and the other pokemorphs, but they end up freeing them all. All of the pokemorphs apart from YC disappear as soon as they are free. YC, for some reason decides to stay with MC. The pair would begin traveling and battling together, taking the fight to Team Rocket and freeing every pokemorph under Team Rocket's control. Eventually, feelings could develop between the two.

So this is the basic idea. I was thinking it would be more story based with some smut thrown in there. I would probably say 60/40 or even 70/30 in favour of story. I do also have a starter ready for this, but I should probably say it's a really long intro, but my pokemon intros are always really long for some reason. My average post length is normally 2-4 paragraphs. I play through PM's, threads and also Discord.

((I also have a starter ready for this))

The Jedi's numbers are dwindling in a losing battle against the Sith. It is only a matter of time before the Jedi are wiped out completely. Both MC and YC would be two young warriors who are both deadly with their lightsabers. They could be siblings, best friends or whatever we decide. Both MC and YC have the Force within them and have the potential to become stronger than any Jedi before them. Both the Jedi and the Sith know of the existence of MC and YC and seek them out, knowing MC and YC would have the potential to turn the tide of war in the favour of the side they choose. Both MC and YC manage to stay under the radar of the Jedi and Sith. However, they help the Jedi out from time to time, but refuse to join them, always having stuck together and always disappearing on their ship the moment they are no longer needed. Fearing they could join the Jedi, the Sith would eventually send assassins after MC and YC.

This is just a basic idea. I think this could go many different ways. I also think this could be a lot of fun.

In a world where civilisation has taken to living in cities and islands in the sky, YC would be a princess who has never once left her floating island home due to her rather overprotective and selfish parents.

MC would be a Sky pirate and captain of his crew. There would be good and bad sky pirates, and MC would captain a good crew. He would be similar in age to YC, possibly only being a few years older than her and one of the youngest known pirate captains out there.

YC wants nothing more than to see the world and sees her chance when MC and his crew are passing by YC's home island. MC and his crew could either stop and dock for a few hours, or even overnight? Or they stop on YC's home island to relieve her parents of some treasures they feel her parents don't deserve. Either way, YC sees it see her chance and she either sneaks on board or convinces MC to take her with him. When they realise she's gone, YC's parents could hire some pirate mercenaries to track down MC and his crew to retrieve YC. However, as she travels with MC and his crew, she begins to realise what she has missed out on. Maybe she even ends up joining MC's crew? Feelings could develop between MC and YC and the next time her parents see her, she could be unrecognizable to them, dressed all in pirates attire and working with the crew.
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