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Fx Male Cass's Dark Cravings- One Shot Ideas-UPDATED 9/15/24

Oct 17, 2012


About the Writer:

Hi All,

I am Cassandraks, but you can call me Cass. I have been writing for well over 15 years. Recently I had taken a break from doing any writing, just couldn't focus on it but recently I have come back ready to write.

A few things about me, I am really easy going on most stuff. As long as you are generally a nice person, I am a nice person. But if you are an asshole, well I doubt we will be discussing anything. I am also not easily offended, so again to offend me you really have to be an asshole to me. And if you are, we probably won't get far enough in writing for you to offend me.

I will also admit, I don't write as well as I used to. I still seem to be a good writer, but I am not going to be writing and describing grand things in my stories all the time. I know there are some writers out there that can write paragraphs of what a room looks like, that isn't me except for some reason if the mood hits me. I don't mind writing with people like that, I am just letting you not to expect it from me. As for how much I can write, I can usually match what my partner does. As long as I have things to reply to, I have no issues with doing a longer post. But of course if there isn't much to respond to, then don't expect more then what you wrote.

PLEASE NO ONE LINERS I can't take it, and will give up quickly on you. Give me something of substance.

Also I don't get really picky on grammar and spelling, just as long as I can read what you are writing and what is going on I can work with it. Besides I am not perfect on this stuff either, so I hope you will give me a break also if something come up like that. Though I do ask that you try your best at least, as I try my best also.

I also like plot in my stories, even if it is more smut then plot I like there to be a reason to be doing what we are doing. So it really comes down to the stories I am doing, whether it will be more plot then smut, or more smut then plot. Usually if I put an idea out there, I will give you an idea of which. Or sometimes it is open to anything.

What I like writing depends on my mood at the time, right now I seem to be seeing darker stories maybe even more smutty ones. But I like romance also. So it all really depends on what my mood is at, at the time. But am always willing to hear out someone and their ideas.

Just please, please don't randomly PM me with one offs of what kind of kinks you want. That is just...ew.

I also DO NOT write on IM or DISCORD. I DO write in PM or THREADS, or a possible GOOGLE DRIVE.

That is all I can think about me for right now, if there is something missing here ask. I also ask not to be judged as a writing partner due to what is on here, talking to me and discussing things will get you a whole lot more info on if we are compatible.

Some things I guess I need to add in:

I am female and only write female characters

Dom/Submissive depends on my characters

I mainly write MxF stories, no FxF only stories

Might be ok with a FxF scene in a story, but not a story based solely on FxF.


  • I really hate this, I am open to a lot of things depending on the story and my character. So really to many to list and me to think of off the top of my head.

MAYBE'S: Again all depends on Character and Story, others not listed that I might not thinking of right now.

  • Non-Con
  • Incest
  • Blood Play
  • Humiliation

OFF'S: If most people hate it, I probably will to. But you can ask

  • Anything bathroom, puking, or disgusting things
  • Beastiality
  • Anything younger then 18
  • Anything to do with death
  • Any of the other really weird kinks out there
  • Oral (Receiving)
  • Cutesy or Flowery Language during a sex scene. Big turn off, literally feels like nails across a chalk board. We are adults it good to use adult words
  • No Never Ending Sex Scene, please people doing this just makes me bored. And I mean this as the character gets hard quickly many times so they can fuck all night. I like to keep my characters realistic, they get tired so lets move on. The multiple position thing is fine, just not a hundred ejaculations a night.

Please See Long Term Ideas Here


Idea: You are a busy man, and you travel a lot which isn’t bad because the money is great. That is why whenever you come to this great city, you pay extra for this Extravagant Luxury Hotel. Because of course you need a little papering at times. This place has anything you could ever want, and more.

This includes girls that you can get with one quick phone call. You have stayed there many times, and they know what you like. All they need to see is your room number come up, and they will tell you that someone will be sent right away. Anymore it only takes minutes to hear a knock on your door, as they always have the right girl waiting for you.

This night when you call, they advise that they have a new girl picked especially for you. They also tell you that this will be her first time, in more ways than one. And they hope you will put her through the test to see if this girl will be able to stick it out here willing to continue to do her job.

PM me with ideas!!


Idea: She had been the girl next door, the girl who got good grades, she was also known as a quiet one. Shy wasn’t even the word to explain how quiet she could be. And in life she was very naive.

So when that one teacher took her under his wing, and everyone said he was “Mentoring” her. No one would have guessed what was really happening being closed doors.

Looking for a Male Teacher to Mentor MC, going to keep this at 18 for her. Teacher can be late 20 to much older that is up to my writing partner. Looking for someone to manipulate, and teach MC the ways of the world.

Please PM with Ideas!!


Idea: It had started so easy, looking on one of those sugar baby sites. She didn’t even have to meet these guys, and they would send her money. So she would have to show a little skin sometimes, send photos and messages to them. Promise them things, though they all knew none of it was going to ever happen. Right?

It was so easy to scam these guys, she didn’t even need to use separate photos or videos for each guy. She would just do one, and send to them all. She even made sure her pet names for the guys were all the same too. It was so freakin easy, as she was rolling in dough and things now.

It al started with her going after the small ones first, the guys who barely had money but spend it on her anyways. And she slowly made it up to the richer ones, who would send gifts, expensive gifts. Some she would keep, some she would sell for the money. It was all working so perfect until it wasn’t.

So have two ideas for this:
  1. First she is making out on this thing she is doing, and sitting comfortable until one of her richer sugar daddies wants to meet. He even makes it worth her while, so she found herself more into it until she enters the expensive hotel room. When she sees this man standing there, a man she knew too well. A man that she thought she had gotten out of her life forever. Her con man father had found her, and things were going to get interesting.
  2. Or could go with the someone figures out what she is doing, and decides to get revenge on her.

Please PM me with your Ideas!!


Idea:Her and Her new husband had just gotten back from their honeymoon, they were still in that perfectly happy state when everything was shiny and new. They had one more day before he has to go back to work, so when she awoke after a night of love making she knew just how to make this a perfect morning.

Upon not feeling him next to her, she assumed he ran out quickly for something. And the note he left for her, had accidentally slipped off the bed so she hadn’t seen it.

In the kitchen she works on making a big breakfast feast for them, and she sets it up on the island in the kitchen as a kind of picnic for the two of them. Once she is done she gets ready, coming back to the kitchen hopping up on the island with the food and proceeds to strike a sexy pose when she hears keys in the door.

Of course she forgets that her husband's father has a set of keys to come in, and he forgot that they would be back last night. So expecting no one to be home, he enters the house to see quite a delicious site to be seen.

You see her husband did leave her a note that she didn’t get to see, letting her know that his job pulled him back into work a day early. So this left this very awkward moment to happen, where her father-in-law walks into something only meant for the husband.

What happens next? Does he leave in embarrassment? Or does he decide to manipulate the situation, so he gets to experience the girl he has heard so much about from his son. And welcome her to the family?


Beth was a badass one would say, maybe not the teachers who come and find her and a bunch of others smoking when they should be in class. So she is given detention because she is the ringleader of the idiots. So what does Beth do? She skips detention and goes to smoke something harder in the same area, she just gives a smirk to the teacher as she tosses it to the ground her boot moving to put it out. She then turns and walks away.

They don’t know what to do with Beth, the school wishes she would just be a drop out at this point she is getting too old for this anyways. On the other hand if they could find some way to get her to graduation, their numbers wouldn’t go down for having a drop out.

The thing is she isn’t stupid, and she is mostly doing this to be a pain in the ass to the principle. She is getting bored anyways, so she was finally considering dropping out or at least getting her diploma. She just wanted to see what the administration would do first.

Them thinking she is stupid and cannot get through the classes, they decide to get her a tutor or one of the teachers to help her get ahead of the game and get her graduated this year.

I am looking for a strong character to be the Tutor/teacher, not looking for nerdy wimpy characters. Sorry.

Please PM me with your Ideas!!


Idea: Every year the weekend before Halloween there is always a big party on Campus, it practically takes over the whole place and everyone is dressed up. Annabelle a Sophomore in College especially loves this time of year. She loves to dress up in costumes and loves the spookiness of it all, that is why she decided to go to College in Salam Massachusetts the Witch City. Hell even the rest of the city gets involved in the celebrations. There are very little places you can go, without something fun or interesting happening.

Dressed up in her best or at least sexiest Witch costume, she leaves her dorm to check out the things going on tonight. She checks into some parties, hangs with her friends a bit then eventually moves on as she seems extra energized tonight. She moves around town seeing what is happening there, her feet surprisingly not killing her in the spiked black heels she was wearing.

Eventually feeling like she had seen everything she had wanted to see, her feet start to take her somewhere she had never been before. She ends up down a dark road at the end of town, which seemed to be deserted. Then she notices some fire light coming from the woods next to the road, thinking it strange she is still drawn to it as she finds herself moving into the woods.

She goes deeper, and deeper into the forest, surprised that she hadn't come close to the fire. It seemed to be moving as she moved, almost drawing her deeper into the dark woods. She started to get suspicious when she saw the fire suddenly split into multiple lights, and then a much bigger fire in the middle. As she seemed to reach it finally, she hid herself behind a tree as she approached a clearing.

There were several different figures there in black robes, and what looked to be an altar. And though she knew a bit about Wicca, this looked a bit darker than that.

What is going to happen to Poor Annabelle?

Please PM with Ideas


Idea: Not sure where to fully go with this yet, thinking she comes in contact with an old Classmates father or a Teacher and they decide to get together for one night. Maybe they decide to work out a deal, he buys her things she fucks him. Or even could go along the lines of she tries being an escort and some of the clients are men she is oh to familiar with.

Might be willing to go Incest with this, but you will need to bring me a great idea.

PM Me with Ideas, can maybe do longer term with the right idea.

Name: Rebecca Clancy

Age: 19

Description: Long red hair, dark brown eyes, stands 5'2" and is thin with plenty of curves. Wears a lot of revealing clothing

Personality: Outside: Determined, can seem uncaring about others, forward, and loves to party, independent. Inside: Scared, lonely,

History: Not much to say, home sucked, her parents sucked. Well mom sucked many guys, and dad wasn't even around. And now life after High School Sucks. She didn't have much of a home life, and she spent a lot of time at friends houses at least until she burned those bridges and were thrown out. Usually for flirting a little too much with Dad, or being a bad influence on her friends who were a hell of a lot more innocent than her.

She now works at the grocery story, as she didn't do well enough in school to even go to Community College. She lives in this shitty barley one bedroom apartment, which is infested with whatever you can think of and is just barely getting by.

She needs to find a way to get out of this and do better, perhaps flirting with the male customers and showing a bit more skin will get her somewhere.


Idea: She came to the beach nearly every day, and since she had been coming she always noticed one lifeguard always staring at her. He wasn't someone she would ever consider going out with, but that never stopped her from teasing him relentlessly.

It first started with a smile and a wink, then gradually she moved her blanket closer to his post so he could see her sunbathing. And during that time, her bikinis would get smaller and smaller, until she was showing the most skin she could on the public beach.

It wasn't hard to see how distracting she was to him, as he had been yelled at many times by people and even his bosses for missing things he should have been watching for. It wasn't until she "forgot" to tie her bikini top back on before she flipped over, so he was giving a few minutes of staring at her bare breasts before a commotion started where someone almost drowned. Thankfully someone else noticed, and rescued the person, but that was the last straw for the lifeguard, as he was quickly fired that day.

She was a bit sad to see him gone, as she enjoyed playing with him even though he had no chance with her what so ever. Unfortunately she didn't realize that once he lost his job, he had nothing much else to live for and started to stalk her. Just waiting, and planning for the night he would finally get his revenge.
Please PM with Ideas!!!


RANDOM IDEAS: Protecting the bosses daughter at all costs, may cost you your job or life for getting to close to her


RANDOM IDEAS; She can't take the abuse anymore, runs away thinking the sea is the only place for her now. Someone finds her and stops her, will he rescue her or hurt her like the others?


RANDOM IDEAS; Her hormones are out of control, and she can't help but to spy on her overly amorous parents the nights where things were going bump in the night. It used to scare her, but now upon hearing the strange moans she couldn't help but be turned on. So sometimes she goes to take a look, her parents door always seems to be cracked open. And when this happens, often she finds her hand slipping down into her panties. One night daddy sees her, and one night rather then satisfying mom he decides to check in on his little girl instead.


Name: Emmy Connors

Age: 19

Description: Beautiful long red hair, piercing blue eyes, thin with curves especially in the breast area. Stands about 5’2”.

Personality: Can be very sweet at first look, can do the whole shy girl aspect also. But when it comes to guys, she knows how to use her powers for evil...uh...flirting? It doesn’t tend to take long before they are wrapped around her finger.


Taking a small trip with your uncle/friend of your parents. You stop the nice house you will be staying at, when time for bed you only find there is one bed. Begin to wonder if he planned it this way.


Have two ideas for this one:

  1. A knock on the professors door can be heard, it was the end of his office hours as he was just about to leave. He calls for the person to come in. She opens the door closing it behind her, letting her skirt slip down to the floor with a devilish smile. “I need to discuss a grade with you, Professor.”
  2. She is home alone or so she thought, getting dressed to head out she hears a noise coming from down stairs. Without thinking she leaves her room only half dressed. Who does she find? Thief or Daddy?
PM With Ideas!!


Oh darn, her car broke down. What is little old her to do? You see this poor woman clearly upset on the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere her car unable to start. The strong man you are stops, and offers to help her out.

Little do you know, she has done this many times before. Yet the police were never called, in fact most men would be willing to be robbed by her again.

PM with Ideas!


She was having an argument with her boyfriend as he drove, it was about some small silly thing but she tended to be a bitch when she didn’t get her own way. At one point she started to kick and hit him as drove, he had enough of her shit so he pulled over and threw her out of the car.

Now without a ride, and being in heels and she was still several miles away from home. She didn’t know what to do, so she thought about it and remembered people used to hitchhike to get to places. And with her body she knew it wouldn’t be difficult to catch a ride.

So as cars started coming down the road again, she would fix her dress to make herself look great and put her thumb out to try and catch a ride. Does she catch a ride? If so by who and what do they want from her?

Looking for something that she isn't going to be happy about, like a ugly smelly trucker or someone who has more ideas then just driving her home.

Please PM with ideas.



She thought she was going in for a Modeling Job, being told this place would be a great start for her. Never did she dream of what the job actually was, and what she would have to do to get it.

PM with Ideas!
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