Will you dare playing with me ? (NSFW)


Dec 6, 2020
Bonjour !

How to start….Well, what to say except I am a RP addict, with a long experience of roleplays.

At the other side of this screen, I m a happy man, full of responsabilities, who has a passionating, but stressfull work. This is probably why RP is still so important to me.

Playing roles and imagining stories open gates, many gates, and helps to forget anything else than the story itself. I love well built plots, I m a sucker for good scenes and interesting backgrounds.

I need descriptives RP, full of details, and I love taking my time.

I m here in hope to meet new partners, and to make great RPs. I have pleasure to play almost every kind of stories, but I m here for adult plots, preferably darks.

I can play both males and females characters . I adore playing as a DM when my partner wants to.

My favourite way of playing is on Googledocs, but playing by posts, mails, Discord, is fine to me too.

It’s always hard to talk about my kinks, because it’s depend of the plot, and my mood. But among the things I like to include in a adult RP there is, usually , blackmail, fear, drug, humiliation…

My favourite settings are realistics, but I am never against a good superheroine story. Concerning Canons characters, I ll be always up to play with Lara croft, Wonderwoman, Chun li, Mary Marvel , She-Ra, or the Huntress.

Since I m new here, I will complete this post soon, with some scenarios ideas.

Oh, and this is my F-list, if you want to know more about me : F-list - Warning
My Discord ; RoanRu#6269

That's all for now, don't hesitate to Pm me , I won't bite.

Merci !


This is a collection of fantasies I am always interested to play. Some are very classics, but some ideas are really specific and I can understand it’s not everybody’s taste.

IDEA 1 : What Homère never told….


In Homer's Odyssey, Penelope is the faithful wife of Odysseus, who keeps her suitors at bay in his long absence… And she is eventually reunited with him, after 10 years of patience.
Her name is traditionally associated with marital faithfulness. But the beautiful queen had to wait long time, ten longs years…Seducing her was seen like an exciting challenge for many men. In the story we could play together, a stranger arrives in Itaqua.

He is a kind of bard, follower of Bachus, who says he has news of the king…Some news he can deliver only to Penelope in person …
This man is just a liar, ( who was, maybe, paid by some enemy for seduce and fuck the queen.) He will use all his tricks for humiliate and ruin the reputation of the queen of Itaqua : seduction , liar, manipulation, alcohol, drugs, and why not hypnotism. Maybe his secret goal is to be the new king of Itaqua…Maybe it’s only to ruin her reputation…

You got the idea, this story has no happy end planned for Penelope. I m looking for a partner interested to play the legendary queen of Ithaqua. Proud and untamed, she is not stupid, but her dispair and lonelyness will be used against her. I don’t see her like a a easy prey, though. But the priest of Bacchus is a manipulation expert, able to use drug, slight hypnotism, and blackmail against her.



Scenario 2 : Mister Dax wants you.

This plot is classic. Mister Remington Dax, the boss of Dax-Corp , a successful international company, meets one day the wife of one of his employees; Before this party, organized to celebrate a new project, He never imagined this loser could have a wife so attractive….And so loving. The old bastard , mesmerized by her beauty, immediately takes the decision to get her. He tries to talk with her, but the wife notices how the old man looks at her…And, uncomfortable, she manages to avoid him for the rest of the evening.

Since many years now, Mister Dax is used to get everything he wants . That’s why the next week, he chose to offer a promotion to her husband…And send him for a long business trip in Asia.

When the story starts, Dax will come personally at his employee’s home, to meet his wife. What come then has to be discussed together : Maybe Mister Dax will try to seduce the housewife… But his plan can be also more cruel . He could have built fake evidences her husband stole a lot of money from his company…And tells to the poor wife he has to report him to the police…Unless…Unless they find a bargain during his absence.

The attraction Remington feels for this woman is probably just caused by the pleasure he would take to possess , to humiliate her. He is probably just a kinky pervert who adore using his power. But a romantic relation can, in certain case, be developed between the old man and her.


Scenario 3 : The fake photographer


Your character, a young and probably too naïve teen, dreams to be a model. Her father is often absent with his work, and she meets a mysterious man, online, who pretends to be a famous photographer. This is the chance of her life ! After few weeks of chats, this man became her confident, and she accepts to join him for a photoshoot…
But maybe this shoot won't end as the teenager expects !

Long or short term possible for this story .


Scenario 4 : Two days with my uncle Brad

This morning , your character has a big surprise !
Her dad tells her uncle Bran is back, after five long years of absence. Well, be “ absence”, her father means “prison”. Bran always had been the black sheep of the family, and the bad boy were arrested , years ago , for drug traffic and violence.
Bran is the young brother of her dead mother, and her father promised to his wife he would help him to readapt to society and become a good citizen.
It’s not like he really like it, but he made a promess.
That’s why Bran will come living at home with them, at least the time he needs for finding a job.
But finding a job is not the main priority of the criminal.
Drinking… Having fun with his friends and hitting women, that’s everything the ex-prisoner has in mind.
Hell, he didn’t touch any girl in five long years !
And Bran immediately noticed his charming niece is not a kid anymore…
Then , like destiny is often ironic, something unexpected happens the first day Bran arrives home.
Kimberly’s dad is called for an important convention for his work, ( bad timing, right?) and has to leave them for two days.
Kimberly and her uncle will have to stay together : it’s a perfect occasion to know each other better, after all ...
But … the good uncle Bran could be more dangerous than her dad thinks…Is it a good idea to let him alone with his lovely daughter?

Scenario 5 : Once upon a time ..
Everybody knows the tales of the Brothers Grimm. In the fairy tale, after the huntsman leaves her behind alive, convinced that the girl would be eaten by some wild animal the young princess is lost in deep woods....
After wandering through the forest for days, Snow White discovers a tiny cottage belonging to a group of seven dwarfs.


What if the beautiful virgin found another kind of cottage? With some cruel, pervert man who live alone?

Or a monster?

Everybody think the princess is dead, so nobody will come to find her…
In this story, the innocent Disney princess could have to face the dark seduction of an evil man, corruption , blackmail, or simply be beaten by a brute and raped ( My favourites kinks for this story would be Fear, corruption of Innocence, violence, rape, forced nudity, risk of pregnancy…Nothing is mandatory though, I m also open to suggestions)

Scenario 6 : The Curse .. ( taken to my friend Gift )

This idea is a little bit special, and needs a little preparation : Thomas is a young man who loves playing with girls.

But something terrible happens to him : maybe it’s a spell, a curse, or he accepted to join an experimental program for make some money. The fact is he will wake up with the body of a stunning teenager girl.

Thomas can’t prove his real identity, and he has now to face the fact to live like a girl…With all the dangers a pretty girl can face in a big city, without money !


Scenario 7 : The end of the Queen of Swords


I have this idea of RP in mind since a moment, and I never found an opportunity to play it yet. Like my idea with Penelope, it’s quite specific , but if I find a partner interested to play it, I ll be happy.

I m looking for somebody to play the Queen of Swords.

This idea is inspired by the TV series Tessa, Queen of Swords. You don’t need to know the show for playing it, don’t worry. All you need to know is the fact the main character, Tessa Alvarado, is a sort of feminine version of Zorro . Tessa is a Spanish noble, who came in California to avenge her dad. The action takes place in 1817, the governor of the city is a real villain, same with his soldiers, of course. In the series, the Queen outsmart them all the time, even if she is almost captured and unmasked some critic times. In this RP, I would like to explore a darker story, for Tessa. She could be finally captured by the soldiers, blackmailed by the owner of a brothel, seduced by the colonel, prisoner of some bandidos, etc…

I am open to your own ideas, think “ superheroine scenario” for this masked vigilant’s RP.

It’s also possible to take for inspiration some episodes, or some scenes, and imagine a different end, like this or this.

Possible kinks for this scenario : unmasking, blackmail, fear, fighting, humiliation, drug, seduction, romance, rape

Scenario 8 : A whole new world

J and J : A Jasmine and Jafar story !

I recently got a thing about this old pair.
In the blue corner, we have an ambitious vizir who want to become the next sultan, and on the right corner, Jasmine, the beautiful heiress.
In the movies, or the cartoons, Jafar never get lucky enough to see his dreams becoming true : but the good point about roleplaying is the fact we can entirely rewrite the story, and the arrogant princess can have a big surprise. I have no precise idea concerning this RP, and I am open to suggestions. But I see a great potential in the J and J tandem.
God, they hate each other so much : What else does we need to write something great? : )

Hypnotism, blackmail, use of drugs and humiliation, could be a nice addition in this revisited Aladin's story. PM me if interested !

Scenario 9 : All about Daisy Duke !

A Dukes of Hazzard story !

Recently, I got a real crush for the famous Daisy Duke, portrayed by Catherine Bach. I would be interested to imagine a story involving her, with darker contents than the usual stuffs of the " Duke of Hazzard".

Maybe Boss Hogg, or one of his nephews have enough to see the south belle teasing them with her mini shorts? Maybe a stranger arrived in Hazzard County, and gets an interest about Daisy. He could be a porn director on holiday, a mob from Dallas, or just some young pervert guy from a big city, who could target the young beauty. Daisy can easily falls for the wrong guy anyways.

No need to know a lot about this old tv series, or about Daisy, I am not an expert myself. She is a genuine sex-bomb who lives with her uncle Jesse, and her two cousins, Bo and Luke. She works as a waitress in the Boar nest, a local tavern.

The themes preferred for this story would be Blackmail, humiliation, and drug...

I am curious to see if somebody will be interested by this old character ! :)

( More ideas soon !)
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New scenarios soon, feel free to contact me, here, or on Discord
( RoanRu#6269)
! (^.^)
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