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=Zalvek= [Sister's Boyfriend] =Duragon=

Since her hands were free, Potur made it one way easier for Vincent and undid the strap on her back holding the bra together. It fell gracefully to Vincent's pant leg as she continued to suck aggressively on his member. As precum slowly began to seep out, she lifted her lips until they were only on the head of his cock, and sucked viciously to get out what she could.
Her breast fell conveniently into his hand, the light skinned male pressing his fingers firmly against the skin of her tits. The suction to the most delicate area of the penis was also driving him crazy.
Since this was a quickie, Potur had skipped most of her more sensual techniques. Instead she did her best to get him off as quickly as possible. Despite the fact that Nebila took long showers, there was still that chance she'd move faster when her boyfriend was waiting downstairs... With her lips still at the head, her left hand moved to stroke the rest of his length firmly.
Vince closed his eyes, breathing heavily as she watched him, his lower body twitching as he moaned quietly, a healthy dose of cum splurting from his tip. The fluid hopped out of him into her warm mouth, in several jets, each a bit weaker than the last.
Despite Potur's best efforts to lick up all of the seed spilling out of his member, there was simply too much coming out. By the time he had finished with his orgasm, a small line of sperm was dripping down the side of her cheek. She moaned hungrily and pulled away finally when he began to grow limp, a string of cum still connecting her to his length. She smiled wickedly and nuzzled herself up against his chest. "Mmm... Good to see you're still eager even in the mornings."
Vincent collected his breath while smiling, satisfied yet again. "Of course... I've never felt that way about someone... but I wasn't expecting you to do this with me again." He was quickly becoming more and more mesmerized by Potur, she was so willing and eager about their situation, and seemed rather careless about it on the outside. It made her the perfect person to have a secret affair with. But Vincent wasn't sure if that's what he wanted. "That was so fast I'm a little ashamed..." He said between his panting and nervous laughing.
As she sat up and put her bra back on, she put a finger to the string of cum and licked it up happily. His taste also seemed to be more unique than other guys. More and more she was enjoying this new toy she found. Potur chuckled softly at Vincent's comment and patted him softly on the shoulder. "Now don't worry about that... I was going down as hard as I could on you. Most guys don't even last more than a minute like that."
"You were going to go down as hard as you could? Well, I'll have to make sure to last longer next time, because that sounds like one quick shot I'd love to take. I have to talk to you about something pretty important though. And since you know the next few days will be pretty nice days, I'm thinking we can go out and get some air while we discuss the issue." He watched her lick up the cum and found it amusing. She was so unmasked about her desires and sexuality, it made her the most attractive woman ever. Vincent reached down at his defeated cock and tucked it away, pulling Potur's lower lip slightly with his fingers then pecking her lips quickly.
Potur smiled playfully up at Vincent as he kissed her ever so softly. "Hm... That does sound nice. But do you think you can break away from my sister? I'm sure she'd much rather take advantage of the weather to get away from the house with you. Heavens know she doesn't want to spend any time with me more than she needs to." She laughed softly and curled up in her blanket again in case Nebila came downstairs, so that nothing seemed too abnormal.
"Don't worry about that... I will figure something out." He said, watching her behind her blanket. "You aren't wearing anything under there are you...?" He smirked and slowly stood up, almost stalking her as if he was going to pounce on her until Nebila stood at the door in her towel.

"Vince, what are you doing?"

Vincent looked over and smiled. "I was explaining to your sister how there is supposed to be a movie coming out soon about some crazy killer who murders his wife and family. It's supposed to be really scary and I thought Potur would like those kinds of things. I guess not though."

Nebila stared at him, then Potur, then turned around and disappeared again.
Potur would give Vincent a lot of credit though, for being a rich boy he certainly was quick on his feet when it came to making things up. All the more convenient for her, she supposed. She stuck her tongue out jokingly before replying, "Ick, I can't stand horror movies... They're just so corny." That was a bit of a lie, she was quite a bit fan of them actually. As Nebila headed up stairs once more, Potur stood up as well. "I suppose I should put on some clothes as well..." With a playful wink, she left the blanket by the couch and headed to her room with a bit of a sway to her hips a she walked.
Vince sighed after Nebila took off, he suspected that she suspected something going on with him and Potur, which would be right on the money. He scratched his head and smiled, "Aw, you and clothes? What a bad mix." He joked, his eyes descending to her feet as she removed her blanket, his eyes watching her most private of curves, uncensored and available to his touch, although now would be a very bad time. He smirked and shut his eyes as if it hurt. "That's just so mean and tasty." He laughed and sat on the couch where she was watching television, his fingertips running from his forehead, down to his lips. "What am I going to do..."
Potur smiled to herself as she walked up the stairs. She could still hear his words, and they certainly were pleasing. If there was one thing she was good at besides sex, it was making herself seem appealing. It was very common for a guy's jaw to drop if she just flaunted off her chest or ass even the slightest. It truly was an amazing gift. She put on a simply soccer shirt before heatind down stairs. The plastic-like fibers stuck onto her skin firmly, and gripped onto her breasts well.
Vincent seemed to be in a pensive state. He seemed focused despite just having received the single most intense oral performance of his life. He no longer felt it for Nebila. Whether Potur just wanted to use him, or actually be with him didn't make much of a difference either. He just had to lose Nebila, but he didn't want to hurt her. For a moment he just thought of telling her that he fucked Potur already, but that wouldn't make things better.

As Potur descended their stairs, she overheard a very quiet chunk of a conversation Nabila was having on her cell phone. "Yeah... I think so too... I think... he's cheating... he seems so different. I think my sister..." Sadly the conversation was broken up as the young teen girl stomped back and forth in her room. "He is closer to her age... and I have to face the fact that she has more experience. But... shouldn't he have..."
For a few moments, Potur simply listened at the side of Nebila's door. She could easily hear the sounds of worry, along with a few words as well. From what she could understand, the girl was smart enough to at least realize her current situation. At least she wasn't entirely dim-witted. She smirked before going back downstairs where Vincent still was. It amazed her how long that girl took to get ready at times. She smiled at Vincent before asking, "Have you two eaten breakfast yet? I can make something for the two of you if you haven't yet."
Vince shrugged and smiled, "No, we're all right. I made her something to eat a while back... she shouldn't really be extremely hungry or anything." He looked at the stairs to make sure Nebila wasn't on her way. "Listen to me... I want to be done with your sister... I'm totally into you. We haven't spoken much, but even you can't deny that we have chemistry. A lot of it. I need you to bring about a hard, clear reason for us to stop dating. Get her to cheat on me or something... I need to get her off..."

"VINNY!" Yelled Nebila, quickly coming down the steps, wearing denim... and lots of it. Denim vest which showed her flat and curved stomach, tight denim jeans which wrapped around her cute butt and hips, a denim hairband, wristbands. Just a lot of denim.

Vince shut his mouth quickly and turned towards her. "What is it, babe?"

"You, Potur, and I... we have to seriously talk... I know what's going on..."

Vincent's hand twitched when she spoke, but remained calm.
He wanted her to break them up? How cruel of him, and cowardly in ways. Still, she would go along with it for now. Potur softly nodded her head before stretching and going to the kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee. At least she was until that shrill battle cry escaped from her sister. She listened intently, since their voices became much more hushed. That always meant something was going on, and she had a horrible urge to find out. An eye brow arched as Nebila admitted to knowing about them. This actually did surprise her, that her sister would already act on an assumption. She remained silent for now an listened to what the two of them had to say.
"Vince... we haven't been going out an extremely long time, but it doesn't take a genius to know when something's going on. I know you are Potur's age... and you probably have a lot of girls that like you... but I know you're cheating. You've been acting strange lately... and you're talking about my sister a lot. Which only leads me to one conclusion. I am not giving you something you want, I am missing something, and you are cheating. Instead of talking to me about these problems, you go to my sister, who is around your age, and knows me better than anyone else, hoping to fix your problems."

Then there was silence.

Vincent's face was the of disbelief...
Potur couldn't help but smile slightly. She found herself almost proud of her sister. The girl was usually so dimwitted and slow. Yet today she had finally caught on to what she was doing. Still, she didn't say anything. The older sister simply watched from the kitchen, eager to see just how Vincent would react when this situation didn't go as he had hoped.
"What are you saying? How have I been acting strange? How can I cheat when I am with you all the time?" Vince tried to reason with her, but Nebila was not buying his explanations. "Who are you sleeping with? Is it Amanda? Or Lucille? It's Lucille isn't it! I'll ask Potur" she paused. "Unless it is Potur!" Vincent's eyes widened. "Is it Potur?! Don't fuck with me Vin!"
Alright, perhaps Potur had given her too much credit. After all she was still just a child, and she wasn't the brightest one to begin with. Maybe that was simply her being hopeful for her sister. Still, considering what she and Vincent were talking about earlier, he would be able to come up with something quickly to fool her once more.
Vincen't eyes glanced over to where Potur was and squinted. "Your sister? Do you even hear yourself honey? This is ruining you? What the hell's your damn problem? I'm going to leave, you're in a complaining mood, blaming me for the most ridiculous things? Have you even seen Potur? She shows no freakin interest in me... and I'm just not handsome enough to even gain her liking. I really don't like this at all. I'm..." He paused and rubbed his eyes. "This isn't right..."

Nebila's eyes suddenly softened. "Vin... it's... obvious..."

Vincent started to sob quietly. "I'm leaving..."
To be frank, the sobbing card was probably the last thing that she would have expected him to pull. To think that he could cry on command with such ease like that, well it was kind of frightening frankly. She sighed softly and set her mug down before putting a hand on Nebila's shoulder. With a bit of a frown she shook her head. "You really should learn to trust him... Look how upset he is now."
Nebila would have usually pushed Potur off her, but instead she tried to console him while Potur was there. "I just don't want to be cheated on baby.."

"It's okay Nebila. I'm going to go for now, we will talk tomorrow." He said, sniffing and quickly leaving the room before things escaladed.
Potur sighed softly to herself, and moved her hand off of Nebila's shoulder. As she heard the door shut, she bit her lip and shook her head. "We do need to really work on your speaking habits in front of men..."
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