Mx Female Seeking a Pokemon RP (threads/PM's preferred... maybe Discord?)


Hey, Lois! I'm a shiny!
Jan 24, 2009
(I'm a bit rusty as RPing, but here goes nothing!)
Interracial (I'm white, but I love black women, this isn't a necessity for the plot, but is highly preferred)
BDSM (to an extent, it will start out tame at the beginning if you're into it. I prefer to be dom, regardless)
Romance (our two characters need to have a romantic bond)

Toilet stuff
Carnage (as a kink this a a no-go, but the plot can have *some* blood)
Bestiality (our Pokemon should NOT get in on our fun)
any characters under 18 involved in sex (explains itself)
incest (NO! JUST NO!)
Vore (ewww)
foot fetish (I don't understand why but I just dislike it)
unrealistic body parts (please be reasonable)

About MC:
A trainer in his twenties, seeking to bring down Team Rocket to avenge the death of a loved one.

How will they meet up?
A. She helps him fend off a horde of Rocket Grunts.
B: He rescues her from a Rocket hideout where they planned to to unsavory things to her.
C. They coincidentally decide to independently attack the same Rocket outpost, but are initially unaware of each other
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