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Open RP vs Freeform Group RP


Apr 11, 2020
Hi! I'm working to start a multi-person RP that will mainly take place within my discord server, but unsure which area is the appropriate place to put it! If you place a thread down in Open RP, does that mean you have to let everyone and anyone in your RP whether or not you like their profile? I'm a bit confused on that point.
Hey there,

So, to answer your primary question : Group games will generally defer to the OP (you, in this case) for who can move beyond the Interest Check stage. As the creator of the group, you are free to Approve whomever you see fit for the story. Though, this isn't a written in stone rule and is open to flexibility depending on the specific dynamics of your group as it takes shape.

However, for Discord based Group Games, we do ask that you contact @Vekseid
to be approved before moving forward with any Interest Checks or other Threads created for the game.

Be sure to reach out if you have any further questions.
So...I sent him a message on Tuesday and never received a response. Is there any other way to get my discord RP approved?
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