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How do you pronounce apricot?

It does seem to be very regional. The NE parts of the US are the ones that pronounce it more like 'app' whereas other people have never heard it said that way.
App-prih-cot and ay-prih-cot.

It depends on absolutely zero factors, but I say it both ways. 🤷‍♀️

PNW resident, here.
Huh, I thought the standard one (which is also what I use) is more along the lines of "Ay-pre-cot" (similar to "Ape-ree-cot", but the emphasis falls on "pre")

Apes have nothing to do with it.
When I saw the thread title I was confused "There's more than one way to say apricot?" Apparently there are quiet a few. o_O
I say: ah-prih-cot
Super-Southern here, "that thing that is yellow but not a peach."

People who actually know, "ape-rik-kot."

Me, "too much anxiety to know how to say the thing not PEAR."

"Ap-ri-kot," from my family without the anxiety.

Because it's how it's meant to be pronounced. Fight me.
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