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Favorite flavor of ice cream?

The kind the person who offered to eat ice cream prefers. I only usually eat it on things like a date, so its handy to get to know someone's tastes in sweets.
Chocolate as well, though I prefer it to be a bit more "special." Be it with some chocolate sprinkles or bits, some nutty stuff like crocant, fudge, caramel... Something :)
Chocolate. I know, I'm basic as hell, but I'm not so much of a sweets person, except for chocolate!
Ooo! Ooo! Bubblegum, there's not really a lot of places that you can find it or just tubs but I love the stuff. I also like those I think there called Rocket pops? The Red white and blue ones, I found a tub awhile ago and haven't been able to find anymore.
Mint Chocolate Chip has always been a favorite and I don't understand the weird looks I get for it.

Although not a favorite, I recently tried RED BEAN flavored ice cream and it wasn't bad.
Mint chocolate chip is great. I don't usually like mint stuff (i.e. chocolates and such), but I think it works.

Cookie dough has always been my true ice cream love. I also like cookies 'n' cream stuff.
Swiss cake! Is basically icecream with cake pieces in it as far as my tastebuds can tell. I also love passion fruit flavor, lime pie flavor, coconut flavor, and good ole' chocolate; BONUS points if it has browny pieces and is made with Dominican Cocoa or South American Cocoa instead of African Cocoa (this one tastes more oily)
Oh there's a lot to choose from. Hard to pick just one XD. If I did have to pick, maybe cookies and cream or its variants (like chocolate cookies and cream or mint cookies and cream).
Mint, but my incredibly hot take is that it would be better if people stopped putting chocolate chips in it.

I also tried some earl grey tea ice cream recently that was actually amazing, but probably more of a novelty than a steady favorite.
Just one flavor? Sorry, I just can't choose one. Chocolate, strawberry, cookies&cream, and cotton candy. There's more, that's just to name a few.
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